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Everything posted by XpressJeff

  1. Great video Glenn, please keep'm coming!
  2. Would you want someone working for you that was deceptive right from the start? In today's competitive business market decisions have to be based on realistic expectations. Express the c efforts you would put forth but do not embellish unrealistically! You'll do fine!
  3. I lack creativity but fish an Xpress.
  4. He knows I'm thinking about him!
  5. Be careful, she'll remind you of the steaks you "overgrilled" while checking the status of the battery charger! Don't ask me how I know!
  6. Not nearly as well educated as most here I would say the identifier is the hinge of the jaw when closed would rest behind the eye.l.p. Thanks RoLo, more appropriate verbiage!
  7. They're not crappy line! It's all about technique and experience! It is absolutely amazing what time on the water will do for your ability. And I say this a a rookie compared to MANY on this forum!!!!!
  8. What Illinois having fiscal issues? Never would've thought that! Good job Rhino- Thank you for stepping up sir! ?????
  9. +1 Mucks are Great. Co m e in several heights!
  10. Go ahead and laugh as I'm sure some will find this very humorous, I caught my first fish on a Senko! I have learned a whole lot, laughed a lot, and have explored MANY facets of Bass fishing since I became a member of this forum and I thank you all!
  11. Let me fill you in on a small piece of wisdom well known to most anyone who has spent any time in the military, " It is much easier to ask forgiveness than permission" If you are not going against any posted requirements go for it!
  12. . My teachers lied... ...they were POSITIVE the entire world would be metric by 1970 Oh well
  13. Beautiful work, I appreciate the topic!
  14. As others have said, Congrats! Truth be told, I have no idea how I ever found time to work! Lots of naps too. God Bless you, enjoy life!
  15. We all must use the same pair of scissors too! Just for the record, they cut braid pretty well too when you lose your mind.
  16. Are you tieing the hook with a Palomar and then going back through so the weight actually holds the gap of the hook upward?
  17. Welcome! What is the dominant species in Lake X?
  18. Go ahead, be a man! You can get that out! If it were mine it would be Power Pro!
  19. I have one very similar I got through Amazon a little cheaper. Worth it's weight in gold if ya fall out. It's small and out of the way. I have it tied to a cleat in the back where it hangs near the waterline. Easy to deploy and reach from outside the boat if I have gone overboard. The power trim switch on my outboard is within reach to help and old fat man get back in.
  20. Welcome, you will learn a lot about fishing here. Your creative writing skills may require a class at your local community college. Enjoy!
  21. I'm really believing I need to get a neck brace. My head gets awful heavy hangin around this forum. Thanks ya'll
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