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  1. I just think hes just repeating randys nonsense. after all he did say "I listen to randy blauket and I agree with him" and randy came out with a video a couple weeks ago saying that ffs is responsible for mom and pop tackle shops closing down because they dont sell enough lures anymore. the hypocrisy in that is that in every video he encourages his followers to shop at tackle warehouse and use his link and thanks them for doing so.
  2. To be honest with you, I would wait. for one, the best thing you can do is get seat time in different kayaks to see what you like. many dealers and kayak clubs have demo days where you can go and paddle different kayaks you are interested in. if you spend some time trying out different models you can see which features and characteristics you like and are important to you. if you are wanting an ascend, try to paddle one first and just see how you like it. im not trying to speak bad about the ascend because i know there are people that like them but I do know quite a few people just went the cheaper route and bought an ascend and it turned out to not be the right kayak for them and one of 2 things happened. either they got rid of it (at a loss) and upgraded to a kayak they like better, basically costing more for what they want, or the whole experience left a with a negative feeling and they gave up on pursuing kayak fishing all together. second, by waiting a little longer you would hopefully be able to save a little more money and expand your budget. sure you can find a deal or a good buy, but $850 for everything typically wont go very far and you would mostly be left feeling underwhelmed. you would be surprised how much farther $1,000 would go even though its only $150 more. another good thing about waiting is that now is summer and deals from dealers are fewer and far between right now because this is just the sales season. typically in the fall a lot of dealers have great deals trying to move out stock and demos before the end of the year to make room for the next years boats. many dealers would have boats for 15-25% off which is exceptional for a brand new kayak which usually come with some sort of warranty. I know how hard it is to be patient when you get excited about something but in my opinion, you would be happier with your purchase by waiting, demoing, and making the most out of your purchase. you can keep looking by all means, but try before you buy. I would hate to see another person eager to get into the sport get turned off from not having what they wanted.
  3. it does state that in the ad, which honestly probably does disolve them of any legal responsibility in the ad. howerver, there is no disclaimer on the in store sale sign.
  4. there are actually national laws about bait and switch ads, which I believe this to be. I will will work a little more on trying to get it settled but im not gonna kill myself trying to make this happen. they are the ones who messed up. if it does not get settled and they stay as resistant as they have been, I will have no problem contacting the better business bureau and the FTC to report them.
  5. yes. however, before they took a firm stance on not honoring the ad some managers honored it because they did not know if the mistake was the whole item description or simply the small sku number. that thought never even crossed my mind. when I see something on sale I never type in a sku number just to check. the second customer service agent i talked to gave me a $20 gift card. I explained that it costs me more than that in gas and 5 hours of my time round trip just to drive there since im 100 miles away just to not get what I was told I could get for the price I could get it for and that I didnt think it was enough. They said "you have gotten all you are gonna get from us"
  6. NOT! I bet some of you were excited. yeah, I was too when I saw that. Im curious if anyone else here besides me was scammed by bass pro shops with their latest ad. I recommend that anyone upset by this false advertisement post on Bass Pro Shops facebook page. I did and it some attention, although still nowhere as far as getting the unit for the sale price. I am going to continue to pursue this because this is flat out wrong. At least in my case, I believe this is textbook bait and switch advertising which is illegal. I called to confirm the unit, price, and that is was in stock with the marine electronics department lead before driving over 2 hours to the store to get it. once in the store, the display unit had a sale sign again confirming this sale. at the register, they would not give me the sale price and said it was a misprint and that I could have the discontinued G2 unit that was supposed to be on sale for the sale price. meanwhile, this sale was still being advertised in the flyer, online, and on the display unit. according to them, they will not honor this ad, period. below is a picture of the ad, and the sale sign in the store. This happened to me monday (3-4) in the early afternoon. As of 9:00 pm on 3-7, this advertisement is still active online. They have not edited the ad or posted a disclaimer on their website. Does anyone know how I can contact Johnny Morris?
  7. I am going to build a ISWB945, and I think I am going to spiral wrap it with a BMNAG stripper and rest single foot. Im thinking about using BLAG (5 or 6) or BKBAG (5 or 6). Does anyone have any thoughts on those ideas?
  8. thanks for your feedback. I figure the range would probably be around 4-6 mostly with a little varying outside of that. probably throwing huddlestons and some glide baits.
  9. Hello. Im looking at building a swimbait rod and was curious if anyone had any feedback on the Rainshadow ISWB 945 or 946 and the MHX SWB967 blend for throwing medium to large swimbaits. Thanks.
  10. Its the NOCP thread. I thought about using the regular with color preserver as I suspect that it would ultimately have a better look. I wanted to keep it simple and I didnt think it would look that much better to justify the extra cost, time, and margin for error on my first build. Maybe on my next one I will try with some CP. Is there really that much of a difference using NOCP vs. regular with color preserver?
  11. Happy new year everyone. here is an update. Its pretty slow going so far. I went with forecast split winn grips for the handle and the fuji ACS seat. I ordered the ACS and ECS to feel how they both felt in my hand as I read there was a lot of people liking one but not the other and I just wanted to feel for myself. After feeling both I went with the ACS. I went with the CLNAG 8 stripper and will use either one or two CLAG 6 for transition guides and then CLAG 5 runners the rest of the way. I think I will wrap them with fuiji royal blue thread with metallic royal blue trim bands unless I just dont like the way that looks. right now the grips and reel seat are setting up. Im still waiting for the rest of my components to come in from mudhole to finish. They are supposed to get here thursday or friday. they seem to take forever to ship.
  12. haha, How have you been tommy. havent chatted with you in quite a long time. Havent caught a drum in quite some time either. have you been on the beach lately? Thanks everyone for the feedback. It is helping a lot. Its been almost 10 years since I tried building any rods and there is quite a bit of new and different stuff now. Last time I tried to start building I had to immediately stop due to life circumstances and just never got it started again until now.
  13. thanks for your feedback. I think my first rod will be pretty bare bones. not only just to get experience with basics, but also to make a lighter, more sensetive rod. I originally wanted to build a MHX kit from mudhole Then saw the reduced prices on the immortals and just couldnt pass it up, especially after reading the reviews about them. My blanks should get here today. I will have a few days before I order components to get a feel for the blanks and take measurements. I hope to order components on tuesday. I am going back and forth between split cork, split winn, or split carbon fiber handle. I think I am leaning towards the carbon fiber, but it is pretty expensive, as are the winn grips. I am also debating about going with fuji alconite or ALPS mxn and pmk For the reel seat, the ALPS MVT and TEXTOUCH look really nice, but are quite expensive compared to just a traditional trigger seat (exposed blank or not). Has anyone here used those ALPS seats and have any feedback on them? Thanks in advance.
  14. Hello. I wanted to introduce myself. I am a new member to this forum and this is my first post. I am also a new rod builder. I have wanted to do it for quite a few years but am just now getting around to building. My first project will be a rainshadow immortal 7'2" casting fast action medium power 1/4-3/4 oz. This will be an all purpose rod. I was thinking about spiral wrapping it. Has anyone here spiral wrapped one of these blanks? What components does everyone here recommend as far as guides and real seats? I have always had fuji components on my rods before but some of batsons stuff is catching my eye. Thanks in advance and I hope everyone has a great christmas.
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