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Got Bass?

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Everything posted by Got Bass?

  1. How would you go about asking permission to fish a farm pond? What kind of things should you say? I have several great looking farm ponds that I want to get permission to fish, but I just don't know how to go about it? Anything will help. Thanks.
  2. The idol on my 40 hp johnson is screwed up BAD. We started it for the first time and it idoled at freakin full throttle. we tried to tighten and loosen the idol screw but it didn't help. can anyone help me.
  3. Is it possible to change a transom mount into a bow mount trolling motor? can you turn the head? Thanks
  4. Sunday we went to the Delaware River around Valley Falls, KS and were white bass fishing. We got there and decided to use white road-runners. The river wasn't even 15 ft. across but held plenty of good size, 1-1 1/2 lbers. We ended up catching around 120 white bass. we had 3 stringers FULL. We found a long limb, tied the fish to the middle and me and my stepdad carried it like a bunch of natives. We were like a mile and a half from the truck. It was awesome.
  5. Thanks Mercury89. Thanks for your opinion.
  6. I am stuck. I have two cheap options for my first boat. Can you help me choose?? First, There is a 16 ft. aluminum v-bottom boat. It has a sterring wheel, 30 hp johnson and a trolling motor (both old). This one is $300. Then ther is a 16 ft. fiberglass v-hull boat. It has a 25 hp johnson, an aerator, a bilge pump, and a livewell, thats it. Plus some of the stuff might not work. This one is $500. The aluminum boat would be for versitility, but the fiberglass one would be for stability. VERSITILITY VS. STABILITY We would use the boat mainly for fishing around cover. would it be easy to poke a hole in the fiberglass boat? How hard would it be for a hole in a fiberglass boat to fix? Any suggestions would be appriciated. Thank you.
  7. Is it possible to change a transom mount into a bow mount. Some way to turn the handle around. Thanks.
  8. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to protect yourself when noodling? Anything would be great. Thanks.
  9. We caught em' by draggin firetail worms on the bottom with 3/4 to 1 oz bullet weights in 15-20 feet of water.
  10. Today Me and the guys went to a nearby pond to do some bass fishin. the water was freezing, there was actually ice on most of it in the morning. We fishing for a while, but caught nothing. Later in the day, My buddy Sean caught a 5 lb. 15 oz. largemouth. The crazy thing is that he caught it on a zebco 33. It was the funniest thing seeing him try to battle this fish with such a week rod. We finally got it in and weighed it. It was the biggest largemouth that I have ever put my hands on. It was awesome. Oh, by the way, I caught one fish that weighed about 1 1/2 lbs. and a couple crappie. The other guys caught tons of crappie and small bass. It was a tough day of bass fishing but the crappie bite was definitly on. Peace and hair grease!!
  11. I am looking for plans to build a deck on my 16 ft. v bottom johnny. I want to put rod compartments, other random compartments and a livewell in it. what do i use for the framing? Wood? Are there any tips of how far back the deck should go? Anything at all you have to say about building a deck on a jon boat, SAY IT!!!! Thanks
  12. you should get promission from someone and produce them.
  13. Would you buy a book with some of the articles off of bassresource.com? Maybe somebody should produce these.
  14. You should make a "book" of some of the articles on bassresource.com. I bet you'd make a killin'. Thanks
  15. what color of power pro do you use? I am looking to buy some, but don't know what color to buy.
  16. What line do you use for each technique? Why? Thanks!
  17. What length and type (graphite or fiberglass) of rod is good for: -Flipping and Pitching -Topwater -Finesse -cranking -etc.
  18. Has anyone tried the furbit the frog lures and/or the scum frog bigfoot? Are they any good? Thanks!
  19. This is a picture of George Perry and a little boy holding "THE" fish...............SWEET!!!!!! <a href="http://img167.imageshack.us/my.php?image=perrybassphoto2be2.jpg" target="_blank">
  20. Does anyone have any suggestions for a first time noodler..........?
  21. You almost have to use a belly-weighted hook to keep it from rolling over.
  22. nice jigs jigfisherman!!! do you sell? How much do they go for?
  23. I also live in lawrence. to answer your question Keithscatch, the southern lake is Clinton Lake (know for its crappie and Big Flatheads) and the northern lake is Perry Lake (known for its crappie). We also have a few small lakes around here, like Lonestar, that have decent size bass, around 5-6lbs.
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