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Everything posted by NCbassraider

  1. They basically match the lens to the waters you fish for optimum clarity. Some of the lenses are for specific types of light that you fish in but those are for pros who switch out glasses for the time of day. If you stick with the type of water you fish, that's good enough for most. Like I posted before, I wear the green mirror for inshore fishing and the blue mirror on the ocean. The difference is amazing.
  2. There is definitely a difference when you go with a brand like Costa. You have to match the lens to the waters you fish and that is what makes them better than just a polarized lens. I have the green mirror for inshore bass fishing and the blue mirror for the ocean. If you're going to spend the money make sure you buy the correct lenses.
  3. I talked to someone that has one. They are pretty stable but standing on them isn't a great idea, despite what you see in the video. The battery and motor sit together in what I guess you call the "back" of the circle making it easy to flip if you get near that edge. You have to land fish on the opposite side of the craft. They are easy to roll, so one person can easily launch one but you have to remove the motor and battery to roll it. They don't come with a seat, just the pedestal but seats don't cost much. Like someone else stated, there are plenty of plastic hull boats in the price range and much less that seem more practical.
  4. After trying several ways to transport my Pelican from storage down to the water with out pushing or carrying I found Dynamic Boat Dollies online and decided to spend a little for convenience and man am I glad I did. They custom build it for your exact model boat but since it's modular it ships within 48 hrs. I had mine 4 days after ordering. Now the one pictured is a bit big for the Pelican that is on it but I had it made for the Sun Dolphin Pro 120 with casting decks which is a little bigger and I am ordering soon. It is all aluminum so it is strong, very light (65 lbs) and is made to be submerged in the water. Very simple to assemble. I wish I had done this years ago. This particular dolly will hold up to 350 lbs. I can easily load it myself and move with ease even up hill and the boat pictured weighs about 225 lbs with battery, trolling and gear. Highly recommended.
  5. I've never seen a pond that shallow turn over but either way finding a way to aerate and skimming some of that algae is still necessary. In a pond that small, a fish kill can be devastating and i'd say it's already underway. Once those mats on the surface die, and it appears some are already, they will sink and begin to decompose which sucks the remaining oxygen out of the water and releases nitrates an ammonia which, in turn, feed and grow new algae. So it's a vicious cycle once it gets going. Removing as much off the surface is the best way to save the pond.
  6. I have noticed that with one O ring, the wacky rig seems to be more weedless. So there's that
  7. There are some things you can do to save the fish if you are interested. The easiest is, if you have a power source near by, to buy a cheap fountain pond at Lowes or Hope Depot or a cheap pond aerator. It doesn't have to be big. The fish will find the oxygen rich area and crowd around it. I have seen some fountains that run off a 12v marine battery and attach via alligator clips. Any size is better than nothing. You can rent a trash pump that runs on gas that will pull water out of the pond with one hose and spray it back in with another thus aerating on return. A regular water pump would clog in that pond but a trash pump won't. If you have access to a canoe or small boat, simply rowing around and splashing will help. Bring a friend and a pool skimmer and remove as much of those surface mats as possible. That will make a huge difference.
  8. The pond needs aeration. A real heavy rain would help otherwise you will be looking at a fish kill. How deep is it and how many acres?
  9. Cute kid. Nice fat crappie there.
  10. It has been such a warm winter in NC we are seeing bottom and surface algae that we typically don't see until early summer which is disturbing. I have been out on the boat every day this week and can see it spreading daily. It was close to 80 again today. It's going to be a messy summer on the water here. The real problem with the mats you have in those pics is they will continue to grow as temps warm but if you get a cold spell they will die and sink, and as they decompose, they suck the oxygen from the water and you have a high probability of a fish kill. You may already be experiencing a fish kill from lack of oxygen. Typically you will see bait fish start dying first. If you see bait fish at the surface sucking air and making bubbles, that is a tell tale sign.
  11. In clear water, nothing beats the megabass vision line of jerkbaits, They are natural looking and hand painted and shine like crazy under water. The really put on a light show in sunlight. They are pricey though at $25/each. Pretty good hooks too.
  12. The female is not the issue. The male protects the bed and pulling them off the beds is not a good idea. If you don't release them immediately and in the same area there is a chance they will not return to the bed. I watch the beds in my lake and the male Bass is constantly chasing off blue gill and carp that try to eat the eggs. Sometimes when they are chasing one blue gill off another will jump in the bed and start eating so pulling them out of the water for even a minute can do a lot of harm.
  13. Congrats on your first bass. Remember not to lay him on the ground or a towel...or anything else if you can help it.
  14. That's a pretty broad statement. And even with Mod action rods, the hook sets are ridiculous most of the time.
  15. I fish straight braid and have no problems with lack of stretch. I think that's way over rated to begin with but I just keep my drag a little looser and problem solved....if there was a problem to begin with. You are right, most anglers set their hooks way to hard. It's from watching TV where those guys do it for show. Now everyone with a camera has a youtube channel and are ripping the lips off the fish. It takes little to no hook set with the hooks and equipment we have today.
  16. Sounds like a post spawn female. Pictured is a female I caught last spring post spawn. She was so skinny but stilled weight 5lbs 2 oz. Probably a 6 1/2 lb pound bass when up to normal weight. Did yours look like this
  17. Tie straight braid all the time. It doesn't make a difference, bedding or not. They're not looking at your line and analyzing, they're fish. As others said, palomar knot is the way to go. The hook won't rust out. if it's in the corners of it's mouth, they'll shake it out soon enough. if you drove it though the roof of the mouth, it's gonna be there a while. I think if the bait is outside the mouth, they can live with it until it works free.
  18. After a good day of bass fishing the bite went cold late in the day today when suddenly I caught three monster crappy on a jerk bait. In 5 minutes I caught a 1 lb 14oz, l lb 11oz and this big 2 lb 2oz. I know the State record is well over 3 lbs but a 2 pound crappy is not that common and I caught 3 big ones in about 8 casts. Crazy.
  19. It's ridiculous. I've converted two non-believers just recently who are obsessed with power fishing. 1/10 oz Shroomz jigs and TRD 2.75" Z Man. I won't bother with the numbers.
  20. Great fish but not an 8 lb bass. That's an arm extended pic of a fat 4 or 5 pounder. I still don't know why everyone doesn't carry a quality scale, because you never know when...
  21. I Ned on a baitcaster too, and with incredible success. I now fish braid exclusively with exceptional results. No backing (use elecritical tape on the spool to avoid slipping), no leaders. I don't get the point. A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link and fishing 40 lb braid on a 15 lb mono leader means you're fishing 15 lb mono with an extra knot increasing risk of failure. The visibility claim just doesn't hold water for me either. If fish were identifying line they would certainly notice the 3 treble hooks hanging unnaturally off a bait. They don't see and analyze like that, they have tunnel vision when hunting. As far as stretch, when needed with certain baits, I fish with the drag lighter and stay aware on hook sets. I've read so many pros say that if they do rig with leaders before a tournament, they almost never tie a leader back on when retying during an event, they just go with straight braid.
  22. I use the St Croix Mojo Jig and worm rod for frogging. The Mojo line is kind of funny with their suggested uses. It's called a MH rod but has a ton of backbone and I have very good luck driving hooks with it. It is also versatile enough to use with other baits so to me it's a great rod. I know a lot of good anglers that frog on this rod.
  23. As a property owner that has a lake on it I deal with trespassers often. The most often excuse is "you can't own a body of water". Yes you can. Most are referring to laws regarding rivers and streams or tidal bodies of water. It doesn't matter if water flows into the pond somewhere. That doesn't count. I am assuming someone owns that body of water (assuming the HOA) and whoever that owner is has the right to post it and keep people off it. This is the way it works in NC and most States, I'm told.
  24. Agreed
  25. It's a fish grabber and is probably safer for the fish than putting your hand in and under its mouth. I use them to attach the scale when weighing because it is safer than gill hooking them. I am not using it to spread the mouth, and I'm cradling the fish as to not hurt it's jaw but only after wetting my hand to minimize any slime removal. My guess is I treat the fish I catch with as much, if not more respect than almost anyone.
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