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Everything posted by Gar-balls

  1. Tried it for the first time this year. I loved the way it handled. Not as wirey as others. I'm using 15 lb. test. They say the 17 lb. may be harder to handle. Cant wait to use it again. Give it a try.
  2. . One of the best ways that i've found to catch a fish that has just missed your buzzbait is to use a fluke. You want it weightless, cast pass where the fish is supposed to be. twitch the fluke quickly then let it pause. repeat as needed. they cant stand that bait just sitten there......... then slowley sinking. They'll usually hit it before it starts to sink. I love the super fluke, they are one of my favorite soft plastics to use. Extremely versatile.
  3. My son has a calcutta and i have 2 cardiff reels. I've fished with both. Both are very nice. I absolutley love my cardiff reels. However, i did have some problems with one of the cardiffs internal parts kinda things. If there is an advantage i think it would have to be....dependability! As for casting and smoothness etc.. i think they are very close. Dont know if the price is worth it. I guess that depends on your pocket book.
  4. What kind of knot do you guys recommend if im trying to attach a florocarbon leader to some type of super line? Would the blood knot work? thanks for your help!
  5. Yeah, I've heard of the aluma brite. A farmer told me about it. He uses it on the rims of his tractor tires to get rid of the stains from water leveling his rice fields. Its some type of acid that he cuts with a particular amount of water. I dunno the amount of water. I'm afraid this would be too harsh on the painted surface of a boat. The boat is not real stained, its got alot of scuff marks. I guess a good compound would work.
  6. Im about to start building a new house. I'm going to have what i call a hunting closet. In the closet I will have a place for most of my stuff including my guns and rods. My contractor wants to know what to build for rod storage. Do you guys have a rod rack of some type that you like? What about the rod holders i see in BPS or Cabella's? Give me some ideas of what you guys like.
  7. I have a dark grey aluminum express. Whatch ya recomendation for wax on these aluminum boats? Also i want to wax my motor cover but dont want the swirls you get some times from waxing. Its a yamaha v-max.
  8. Thanks Matt, you talked me into it. Im gonna get some and give it a try. There is a local lake that gets pretty clear at times and is filled with structure. The strength plus low visiblity sounds good.
  9. Well, it looks like i owe my son an apology. He orderd some on line last year. I told him that he wasted some hard earned money. I like what i heard from you guys. I will have to try them out if the weather would warm up.
  10. How much does that thing cost? I'll buy one, take the hooks off, and let my 2 yr. old daughter play with it in the tub.
  11. Its good stuff. Soft plastics, especially watermellon color and lighter colors. Black is about the only color that does not work well for me. Chartruess works best in murky waters. I think it gets you a little more attention.
  12. I use this setup on my carolina rig. Never thought about it for my senkos. How do you attach the two lines? barrel swivel? how long is your flourocarbon leader? What strength do yall use? Anyone else use this setup for the same technique?
  13. Can someone tell me what is the advantage of a copolymer? Exactly what is that stuff? (Do you find it on the space shuttle ;D) Compare it to mono. Im always interested in something new, but im a hard sell. I love my berkely big game mono. What are the qualities of this evolution that my mono doesnt have? thanks
  14. I was watching some fishing show last weekend and one guy was using a technique i hadnt heard of. He was fishing a finess worm wacky style. All good so far. Then he inserted a nail into one end of the worm. I guess it changes the action of the fall. Has anyone used this technique? When would you go to this instead of without the nail? Maybe wind conditions influence your decision..
  15. I dont understand something about dis cajun red line. It is supposed to disappear under the water. It seems that they claim the red light is filterd out or somthing like that. If this is true, why do I and probably a whole lot a other bass fisherman spend money on red hooks? These red hooks are supposed to attract the bite. And what about the red metal flake in my soft plastics that i love? Someone, help make since of this.
  16. I have the motor's trim tab turnned all the way to the right. It did not improve the pulling at all. thats when i went to the skegg torque tab. i think the trim tab is out da water when im running. i do have a water guage. so ill raise the motor and see what happens. i hope to get to it this afternoon. thanks
  17. Thanks, ill try to raise the jack plate.
  18. I bought a 19' Express (aluminum) bass boat about a month ago. It has a 150 yamaha with a 4 blade prop. I dont know the pitch. It pulls to the right; due to the tork of the prop. i guess. i put a trim tab on the skeg. this seemed to help some. the pulling is the worse when im trimmed up and running high rpm's. Any suggestions??? It does not have a no feed-back steering system. Do you think this will fix my problem?
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