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Corky in VA

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Everything posted by Corky in VA

  1. Sam, Our club also fished the lake March 28th. Most caught by anyone was 3 fish, winning weight 8lb, 2nd place a little under 7lbs. Lots of people with 0 fish. I understand most of the FLW guys hit the swamp, we didn't. Thanks for the help, next trip Buggs in a couple of weeks Corky
  2. fish Chesdin yesterday (Thurs Mar 26th). other than one dink, nothing, zip, nada. Water 50-51 main lake, 48 entry to the swamp, fairly muddy water. tossed everything I recommended plus things I've never used in the past . try again Saturday. Corky
  3. Launching at Wippernock Campgrounds at Lake Chesdin in a couple of weeks and have never been to the lake. Any words of wisdom/advice are most appreciated. Thanks - Corky
  4. Plan to hit Chickahominy Lake this weekend. If anyone has any recommendations on locations and lures I would really appreciate it. Looks like the weather is finally turning so things should improve. Thanks in advance. Corky Bailey
  5. Sam - I have to ask; how in the heck do you remember all of that detail? Trust me, I made a copy of your response for the file and will let you know how it went when the time comes for my trip to Kerr. Corky
  6. Appreciate the info on the Jan 25th show. I did see that show ad but the bummer is we're in FL during time so I am trying to track down others that might have a "fishing" focus without driving a couple of hundred miles each way. Thanks again - Corky
  7. I am going since I have to go to Richmond Friday anyway to get VA tags/title switched from SD to VA for the BassCat. Thought I might as well hit the show at the same time. Never been to a Bass-A-Rama; kind of looking forward to it. Corky
  8. Lots of simularities but not the same guy. I moved to the area this year from SD. Just finished the house in Nov. I'll look for the Tracker in the future. Corky Corky, do I know you? A month or two ago (maybe in October) at the ramp at Chickahominy Wildlife Management Area? There was a fella there with red hair, and a blue/white Basscat with rails on the side. (I have a Tracker Grizzly 1548). He and I chatted awhile. Said he lived in Charles City, VA. Used to work in Richmond and just retired and moved to CC County. He clued me in on Sure Set hooks and gave me one when we crossed paths on the water. I put it on my red craw Bomber. Later, I gave him some shakey heads. We ramped at the same time and helped two old guys whose battery died and they couldn't get their hood open. Was that you?? I got 4 that day, one about 4 lbs. And one striper. I've killed them up until recently with the craw lures (6 foot divers). I went out and bought a bunch of them after that trip. Lemme know if that was you. That was a great day. If it wasn't you, it sound very coincidental. And I can tell you Morris Creek hold much bigger fish than 2 lbs. It's a great body of water to fish - relatively clear water with a nice hard bottom, some structure in the channel, and lots of forage fish.
  9. Rowland - I am fishing some of the same types of creeks you're referencing off the James River and Chick Rivers. Really interested to see how things work out for you if you care to report back. Would really appreciate it. Good luck - Corky
  10. Had a nice Christmas surprise from the wife, new StCroix AVS70MLF spin rod. 7', med lite, fast action, 4-10lb, 1/8-3/8oz. Would like some input on reels, line, application if anyone has used this model in the past. Thanks for your time - Corky
  11. Sam - another other shows you might recommend around the Richmond, Hampton Rd area in Jan thru Mar? (bummer is I am out of town the Jan 25-27th show in Richmond) Thanks - Corky
  12. when you have time, curiuos to know why you picked the Stratos brand. BTW, great looking rig. Have fun. Corky
  13. great pic. I've never given it a thought to fly for carp. I did catch one with a spinner last summer bass fishing that no one believes hit a spinner bait to this day. Corky
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