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Everything posted by CTBassin860

  1. Out here on the pond early today! Had one hit the Plopper so far but jumped and spit the hook on me. I hate that.
  2. Welcome to BR first. Secondly,there are no rules you need to abide by. Take the what,when and where list. Set it on fire and figure out what works on your water and your personal style.
  3. I have BR bookmarked on my PC and my phone after logging in. Have never been logged out or had to sign back in
  4. I had to watch it twice since i was laughing so hard the 1st time
  5. Happy Birthday A-Jay!
  6. Don't forget The Sprinker Frog. Normal and home made
  7. Always have them on and I always have a backup pair in the truck just in case. I took a 3/4 oz punch rig to the chest the other day. That felt bad enough, never mind taking that to the eye. The polycarbonate lenses are designed to spiderweb and not shatter, but scratch much easier than the glass lenses. I'd rather keep my eye than worry about a scratch any day.
  8. I get skunked all the time in the summer. I'm looking for the big ones. If i run into 3-4 dinks so be it. No fish doesn't bother me that much. I'm still on the water and doing what I love doing.
  9. Pitching beaver baits!
  10. Love my 2500 BG Even at full price it's tough to beat for 100 bones
  11. Topwater blowups all day every day
  12. I swung by BPS to double check this. It appears that with straight snaps,the lower the # the smaller the snap. Same with split rings. However the opposite if you look at swivel snaps. Looks like I was wrong. It's not a uniform rule but should be.
  13. ^^^^^ This. I use 13# for swim jigs and wake baits. Fantastic line. Plus it wont break the bank.
  14. I can see guides,line and the material used in the blank contributing to sensitivity. Power and action have nothing to do with it. Your ability to feel and react with your own two hands are the contributing factor.
  15. The action determines how fast you get to the backbone.
  16. The size chart answers the question. Yes a size 4 snap is smaller than a 3
  17. Larger the # the smaller the hook until you get to 1/0.Then the larger the # the larger the hook Same rule for all terminal tackle
  18. I might buy a houseboat on Kentucky lake to start. Just won powerball so i'll have plenty of money to travel to fish Table Rock,St. Clair and Mille Lacs.
  19. You go to prison. For a verrrrrry loooooooong tiiiiiiiiiime. Id throw a MH fast action rod in that arsenal. Almost like the Swiss army knife of bass rods.
  20. Swim jig Frog/Spro rat Rage craws/rage bugs/pitboss I will not be disappointed.
  21. If the Aug 15 is from TW, it's a soft date not hard. I've seen the date move more than once. Also i think that's when they get them back in stock,not when you will receive it.
  22. My BG is spooled with 20# 832. No issues
  23. Tied one of these today. Wet the line,cinched it down and cut the tags. Gave it a good tug and of course it broke at the knot. Re tied with a Palomar and good to go. I'll stick with the palomar.
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