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Everything posted by CTBassin860

  1. ? To many rods! Ill make rod setup for throwing only jitterbugs simply to justify buying a new rod.
  2. Anyone have one or used one? If so what are your thoughts? Are they worth the money?
  3. Does anyone use a MLM over a MM for topwater/jerkbait? Im suck between a 6'10" MLM Irod gen 2 and a 6'10 MM Lews custom speed stick.
  4. Just because I have success with that reel doesn't mean I'm not missing out on some fish.This is why I asked the question.Can't learn anything new if I don't ask.?
  5. I have absolutely no issue hooking up and getting them in with the slower reel.
  6. 50# Power pro here.Has never given me a reason to change braids.
  7. I started out using Spiderwire and backlashes turned me off to braid for a while.Then I tried PP 50# and haven't used anything else since
  8. Ill give you that co-poly is single strand.mono is too.However the mono3 floats as the co poly has characteristics of mono and flouro.(floats but sinks slowly) Its not the same thing
  9. My pond has a trail that round aound it.I c ghost range poles and setups as I walk around as each location is different.
  10. How a all mono(meaning one) lines co-poly??As a guy who works in plastics for a living,Id love to hear your expert explanation on how one filament can possibly more than one
  11. If your going to give me the tip give me the tip.Do t keep it a secret.Mod.mod Fast,fast or xfast?
  12. I just tried to like this.But I couldn't
  13. Im not trying to say that the deceptions malicious.Im saying that co-poly answers are not answering his initial question.He didn't ask what the best co-poly was.Just trying to be to the point.Not An A-hole.If I asked what the best topwater rod was you wouldn't point me to a 7'6" swimbait rod.Its the same thing.
  14. Not at all.just because it's a mix of mono/flouro doesn't make it all mono.While your giving your your presence its deceptive.
  15. He question was "what's the best mono" not what's the best co-poly.Yo-zuri hybrid and Sunline Armilo are definitely not straight mono.Lets answer the guys question accurately.Co-poly is NOT straight mono.Our preferences are moot.
  16. @Glenn35 just isn't enough.So much good info on here I feel like a pair of huggies when I need to be a pair of Duluth trading company underwear.Unlimited likes please.
  17. Imagine being so good someone GIVES you a 1500 dollar Steed setup!!??
  18. Imagine being able to spend 1500 on a Steez setup??
  19. I see a lot of co-poly voted.Straight mono you can't go wrong with suffix elite.
  20. 3 inches of snow yesterday then 58 degrees today.The other day was 3 degrees.Never going to ice over.c'mon man!
  21. Silver max combo was my 1st BC combo.I took the reel apart and wrecked it.Only reason its not still being used.At 6.4:1 Thats a good all around.28 IPT. Keep in mind that when buying a BC the IPT is more important than the gear ratio.
  22. Silver max combo was my 1st BC combo.I took the reel apart and wrecked it.Only reason its not still being used.What's the gear ratio on the black max?
  23. Are you fwishing a small pond or a lake?
  24. What's the baitcasting reel?
  25. Chatterbait run below the surface in the top of the water column."Topwater" not all topwater lures float.
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