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Everything posted by CTBassin860

  1. I'd try the PlayStation.
  2. I've seen it happen.Its pretty crazy to think they eat ducks.I really want to try the 3D suicide duck.I'm just afraid its going to get smashed and ill never want to throw any other lure again.
  3. I'm right handed and I reel lefty on my spinning gear and righty on my casting gear.Its what I'm used to.My rod is in my other hand as I'm engaging the reel.
  4. So buy 100yd spools or only use half the 150 yd spool?
  5. You buy a 150 yard spool of 50# you get 120-125 of that on there.What do you guys do with the remaining 25-30 yards?? Do you keep it,recycle it,toss it in the can?? Or do you get creative and do something with it?
  6. Eexactly what @tander said
  7. Lookie what I got.Returned the Curado 70 and grabbed the Tatula CT instead so I could use the rest of my gift card and BPS bonus points on a crank rod.
  8. I had the Bucoo until I shut it in the door!I loved it but didn't want to wait for another one to get delivered so I got a Mojo Bass instead.Also I just picked up the CT.Last one in stock too.
  9. I've tied it on braid mono and flouro with no issues
  10. So I signed up for free samples a few months ago and still haven't received them.I decided to go to their website a few minutes ago and it says that they are shipping them this month to all those that signed up for them.In case you did this too and happened to be wondering.
  11. The Palomar is super easy and quick to tie.NEVER had one break either.I do mine with two wraps. AKA the NanoFil knot.
  12. Looks like we have a game in KC!
  13. FANTASTIC game. Can KC PIT live up to that??
  14. What a kick What a game
  15. Welcome welcome welcome!!
  16. Wachusett reservoir was going to get my vote.
  17. Its all BPS,Abu and Ugly sticks.With a couple St. Croix,G.Loomis and Duckett micros thrown in the mix.
  18. The extra money is a Falcon SR
  19. I like the feel of both.I've only pitched around the house with the 70 so far.I've already spooled the braid onto my spinning reel and put the 70 back in the box with the receipt.
  20. Yea it is.Dez is going off
  21. BPS never has what your looking for.If its online Thats where it is.The ship to store is horrible as it takes forever.Still better than that Cabelas though.
  22. Its not about tight finances.Its about getting the most out of the funds.Its all gift cards anyway.
  23. That weight rating,T-rig plastics.3/8 max seems light for a MHF doesn't it? Light jigs too
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