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Everything posted by CTBassin860

  1. Just ordered a 3 1/4" Spro BBZ1 Rat in morning dawn and a bag if 5" GY Senkos in Motor oil/red.(finally sucking it up and trying the senko)Free ship to store at BPS so I should have them by mid May lol.I hope that rat is the real deal.From what I've read and videos on YouTube it seems worth it.
  2. Picked this up for my topwater rod! Can't wait to try it
  3. Spool, a pencil and my 2 feet!
  4. That stuff is getting bad up here.I can't wait to hit Wachusett this year.Its about 35 minutes from me.
  5. I saw it once on the lake and it was pretty amazing to see.The duck was injured.Not sure if the bass had been hitting it to mess it up but the next thing was a splash and do more duckling.
  6. He did say trying to eat.Keyword "Trying" Either way I'm about to Google it
  7. Show me where to sign! Tom doesn't fish for bass.He just floats around the lake and the bass just jump in the boat.
  8. You don't get more points.It just gives you an idea of what everyone else is doing.Maybe that guy that 65% of people are starting does nothing and you start a guy with 12% that out fishes him.You now have the advantage over 65% of they others.
  9. Percent of players that started him
  10. Eagle....Dang it.I knew it.Its always an eagle.
  11. It seems like your buying every rod on the market.?
  12. 3 egg mcmuffins,a crunchwrap supreme,half a turkey sandwich and a 2 liter of Pepsi.
  13. I was looking at the 6'6" medium Berkley lightning.Had it in my hand and almost went to the register.Then I picked up a 7' ugly stik elite which was quite heavy.I wouldn't want to hurl that thing around for 10 minutes,nevermind all day.I decided to wait 10 days for my bonus points to credit to my BPS rewards so I can knock an extra 15 bucks off a Falcon instead.
  14. Also casting from the bank
  15. I know its all preference,but does anyone prefer a shorter rod for cranks?
  16. @Yeajray231 Isn't going to like you blowing up his secret! Haha
  17. Watson was breaking off his Bagleys on stumps too
  18. Watching Keith Poche tear it up right now.
  19. Is there a specific company or website you guys use?Preferences?
  20. 5 or 6 Anyone that wants to join the Group is BR Crew and the password is BR1234 on bassmaster.com
  21. Anyone else watch this??
  22. Yep I just got it too.Ill re do it. Group is BR Crew Password is BR1234
  23. Obviously laying them down and over handling them damages the slime coating which is harmful.My scale has a built in ntape measure which I can use while looping them to get a roundabout length.if I'm off a 1/8 in. I'm off.My lip grip Jr comes in tomorrow as well so I'm not damaging the gills.Its your sport,respect it.Are there going to be incidents where the fish gets loose? Of course there is.We can't be perfect all the tine,but it doesn't hurt to try.
  24. Haha yep! "But honey that reel won't work right with that rod" Excuse to build 2 new setups
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