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Everything posted by CTBassin860

  1. Got my first baitcasting combo at Wal-Mart.Abu Garcia silver max combo.Got it for 15 bucks! 5 bucoos for 100 is awesone
  2. Cliff bars and water.Peanuts and jerky is good too. My BPS bag has a built in cooler
  3. Interesting.They make it seem like its made here.
  4. Dint get me wrong,I've looked at that S crank a hundred times.I've put it in my cart and taken it out just as many.I can justify 20-25 dollar lures on some stuff.Just not a crankbait with the production of the 1.5
  5. The jet skis get my blood boiling sometimes.
  6. Never had mine out so your not the only one!
  7. Im pretty sure Falcon rods are made in the good ol USA
  8. I got Chris Lane,Ish Monroe, and Chad Pipkens.
  9. I have not.Because i can get 3 KVD 1.5s for the price of that MB and the KVDs are money in the bank.Or at least fish on the bank.
  10. id be using the 3" on a swim jig/bladed jig as a trailer.Or on the back of a kvd bitsy bug for light pitching.
  11. You... Ruined...the...pit.....boss..... ?
  12. We make these plastic containers at work.They are used for fish fillets.I was thinking that I needed to get some small totes for my plastics then I realized I have a never ending supply at work.My fishing backpack is a lot lighter this evening!
  13. My biggest problem is winter If your fishing from a yak just pull up on shore and drop one behind a tree ?.Always carry TP!
  14. Super Bowl bound!!!
  15. @ibass8 wins the internet!
  16. Lol the bills have 2 left feet and won't be dancing anytime soon.C'mon man!
  17. I would have left with 30 packs of Pit Bosses lol
  18. Its nice to see someone different.The last time ATL made it to the dance,Elway played his last game.
  19. Later GB! This game is OVAH!
  20. I'm going to give the BPS Speed Shad a shot before I start buying others.
  21. The one you feel comfortable with.
  22. Who makes that??
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