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Everything posted by CTBassin860

  1. The frog rod is going to be a 7'3"-7'6" HF or HXF rod in most cases.So your versatility depends on the lure rating of the rod you choose.If you're looking at a rod with a 1/2-2oz rating your looking at heavier frogs/pitching/flipping/small swimbaits.If your looking at one 1/4-1 1/2 oz then you get frogs/flipping/pitching but you can throw lighter frogs rather than lighter swimbaits.
  2. This weather is killing me.Im glad i got the day off but im ready to play outside again.
  3. I use a double wrapped palomar aka the nanofil knot.Ive never had that knot fail.
  4. I wish i could get my hands on the Ikos to play with it.Ive almost ordered that rod a few times.I like the 7'3" Hammer.The Curado 70 is butter smooth and you'll love it.Shallow spool great for pitching/flipping.
  5. i use #2
  6. BPS Interlock snaps
  7. Line has a better memory than me! I have 12# on my jig rod.Good stuff. X2 on the line conditioner
  8. Losing 600 lures at once?? *Mind Blown*
  9. Thats how its 600 lures in one. There are 575 BBs.Every BB you add its makes it a different lure!
  10. A twin tail grub attachment! Just what i always wanted! hahaha Are those clear things crank lips?? I can tie one on faster than i can put that thing together.
  11. BPS is 10 minutes away and im going there less and less. I wish i had a small local shop to support.
  12. Mine just renewed last week! I wish they gave you a heads up though lol.Surprise,we took 100 bucks from you.
  13. Id get Prime if you shop on Amazon. 99 bucks for the year is worth free 2 day shipping. And the unlimited music streaming and the movie streaming too.
  14. I'm guessing 3/8-5/8 is going to be the rods sweet spot.
  15. You could throw cranks on it if you wanted.As well as jerkbaits
  16. I'd be throwing soft plastics and light topwater with it. As far as compatibility,do you mean weight wise? Stay in the 1/4 to 3/4 range and you should be all good.Go to Wal-Mart and buy a cheap food scale to weigh your baits if you need to figure that out.
  17. After looking on Ebay,the price for used + shipping was to close to new price.I just bought a new one.
  18. Come to think of it,maybe that's why the threads on the gear shaft of my silver max are toast.
  19. I used to press the thumb bar and turn the handle with my thumb on the spool on my silver max to get birds nests out.Never ruined anything.If its slight,and it sounds like its a new reel,are you sure it wasn't doing it before and your just noticing it now?
  20. This rod has been brought up so many times in the last week.I'm starting to get itchy.Bait....Monkey....to.....strong....
  21. They have the SK Structure jig.It comes with a hook.Thats the only one from them that I know of.
  22. Regular,Pro or EWG on the head?
  23. company that doesn't know how to fish.
  24. Thats not a crankbait last time i checked Try the BPS Egg
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