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Everything posted by CTBassin860

  1. I do actually
  2. The 2500.Its super smooth.I love it.
  3. 1. Grenade 2. Electricity 3. Jedi Mind Trick Alternatives 1. Jig/craw 2. Frog 3. T-Rig
  4. I used to use the BPS split ring/braid cutters but I lose them on the banks.
  5. come again?
  6. Rapala braid scissors.Less than 5 bucks at Walmart.Ive literally broken nail clippers on braid.
  7. So you recommend he buy a bunch of frogs that fall apart??
  8. Nice fish man!
  9. Dredge brush jig,you can pitch it,flip it,swim it.Its the wonder jig.After buying from Mike i don't see myself buying from anywhere else.Quality is top notch.
  10. First off welcome to the forum! Siebertoutdoors.com for all your jigging needs.If you dont want to order online the Strike King jigs are reasonable.As for frogs Scum frogs arent badly priced and the Booyah Pad Crashers are the best bang for the buck if you ask me.
  11. I'd drop 100 on a spinning reel like the Daiwa BG and put it on a Berkley lightning shock.150 for that deal at the most.
  12. Dart frog by a land slide.Im pretty sure the color is being discontinued though unfortunately.
  13. Siebert outdoors all day
  14. ok what one?
  15. Especially since every nice day we have had so far has been accompanied by hurricane force winds
  16. My spinner is with me at ALL times
  17. I reel left handed on spinning gear and right handed on casting gear.I bought my 1st casting combo and it was right handed retrieve.So I learned that way and its the most comfortable for me.I play with lefties ate BPS all the time and it just feels weird to me.Its all preference.
  18. If you live near BPS you can bring the tip in and they should be able to size it for you.Just remove the old one and bring it with you.Then just buy the tip kit you need.Call ahead before removing and making the drive.
  19. Now THATS a backlash!! Thats the one that makes me pack up and go home lol
  20. I only ever used them for crankbaits.The ones i have are cheap.Ive heard Norman speed clips are great more than once.
  21. I use 50# but depending on that slop,65# is a safe bet.
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