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Everything posted by CTBassin860

  1. Pulling jigs through stumps,brush piles,hanging it up on various underwater cover and short strikes your going to lose a couple strands.
  2. When you see that line start to swim away,reel up and sweep.Dont wait to set the hook.Im using the VMC Neko hooks size 1 with double O-rings.Every one of my sets are in the upper lip.
  3. I either use 3/0 offset or screwlocks for worms.4/0 screwlock flipping hooks for pitching beavers.All Owners.I can't tell you the last time I used an EWG.I used to use Trokar.While sharp as heck,they tear up baits like nothing else.
  4. 50# braid for frogs.The rest I agree with @roadwarrior with the Yo-Zuri Hybrid.If your using a caster I'd go with 12#.
  5. Set the hook on weeds because it's sensitive.
  6. Went with the tungsten arkys this time.Its time to start getting rid of the lead jigs.
  7. Just want to give a thanks and a shout out to Mike at @Siebert Outdoors for the quality hardware! Best jigs on the market my man.
  8. Pretty sure I said I love my Mojos
  9. I'm surprised this post didn't start a riot,nevermind only 5 replies. I had the same dilemma not long ago.I went with the Mojo because I love the ones I have.Super strong,super sensitive.Ive set the hook on a clump of weeds more times than I care to admit.
  10. The swap to the left hand for me is so quick i dont even notice im doing it anymore.Its all about comfort and what you're used to.I learned baitcasting on a right handed retrieve because thats what i bought when i bought it.(Drops mic)
  11. Zoom trick worm. If you can find them,check out the action on a Havoc Boss Dog on a shakey head.
  12. i was going to say just over 2# ive caught a "3.5s" that weigh 2.38 to many times. The other comment i have,not to be the buzzkill.If your not going to eat that fish,try to avoid laying it in the dirt.It needs it's slime coat.
  13. It happens all the time.Im just busting chops.?
  14. I used to get oak,ivy and sumac all the time as a kid.I can roll around in it now with no ill effects.
  15. Whats the record for 10 year old threads pulled up in a day? This is like the 3rd today
  16. Yum makes a bumble bee swirl dinger
  17. Wal-Mart had Flambeau Zerust 4007 boxes on rollback for 3.64! To bad I only needed one.
  18. Digging deep lol.Another 10 year old thread brought to life. As Randy Travis would say "I'm digging up bones,I'm digging up bones.Exhuming things that's better left alone."
  19. Am I the only one that doesn't use wacky jigs?
  20. Throw them on the back of a swim jig or chatterbait.Pitch,flip or T-rig them.Cant fish them wrong.
  21. Your going to love the BG.I put the 2500 on my Mojo and it's super smooth.
  22. Also a higher IPT. Something like 29-34
  23. Ripped up plastics comes with the game.Sometimes the game wins.They don't last forever.Sometimes I get one fish out of a bait,sometimes 5 or 6.
  24. I liked the Veritas 7' MHF for frogging a lot.My new frog/pitching rod is the Daiwa Tatula 7'2" HF. It's light,feels great in my hands.Overall a smooth operation.Cant wait to lay into one to see that backbone.
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