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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. None Waypoints and Tracks are written directly to the unit's memory. I use memory cards for Screen Snapshots, Recordings, unit software Updates, and Waypoint Management with HumminbirdPC All you need to do is push the Mark button to create a waypoint and the waypoint will be in the unit's memory until you Delete it.
  2. Did you install the roostertail plug in the mount??
  3. I call those Elephant whistles. I see lots of deer and no elephants.
  4. Humminbird recommends 3A regardless of the size of the added wire length. You fuse to the smallest wire size.
  5. Humminbird power cords are 6' in length and that may be enough to attach directly to the battery. Put a spade type fuse/holder on the positive conductor. If you have to extend the power cord conductors, use 18 guage or larger wire. Your battery location would be the determining factor. I would suggest you use a separate battery for the electronics and trolling motor to reduce the possiblity of RFI from the motor if you have a variable speed TM.
  6. Yes, you can use the transom transducer on the trolling motor. There is a Humminbird adpator for that. If you didn't open the transducer package, you could exchange the transom transducer for the puck for the cost of shipping it back to Humminbird
  7. Don't use that at all on the trolling motor, use the correct transducer for the application. The trolling motor PUCK. XTM 9 DI 25 T for the 5" screen units and less XTM 9 WIDE DI 20 T for the 800, 900, and 1100 series units. Both of those have extra internal shielding to help combat possible RFI from the trolling motor and don't need an adaptor for the attachment. They come with the hose clamp.
  8. Good job, I use the covers on my quick disconnect mounts too. LOL, hiding your location, huh?
  9. Both versions of both models are discontinued. There are close-out sales at several dealers. Do a web search for them.
  10. That is proprierty information. When a new model release includes a faster processor,. all you will know is it is faster than the previous model.
  11. Sam, are you predicting what your results will be tomorrow or was that from another year?
  12. What slonezp stated !!
  13. If you want to record, take screen snapshots, and do waypoint management, you have to remove your map card to do that on a blank formatted SD card. If you want to use your map card, you cannot do the above.
  14. Eliminate all the guesses and connect as I suggested.
  15. Eliminate the boat wiring harness altogether and extend the unit power cord directly to the battery. Use a spade type fuse/holder at the battery. Use 16 guage or larger wire.
  16. Yes, you can. The LSS box has the Ethernet ports to support more than one unit. The HDS-7 Gen 2 is just a regular 2D sonar unit like your HDS-5. Either or both HAVE to have the LSS accessory to give you Structure Scan and Down Scan. If you buy the package deal HDS-7 that includes the LSS-2 accessory, you just need a additional Ethernet cable to connect the HDS-5 to have Structure Scan and Down Scan on both units.
  17. You can use the included transom transducer as a SHOOT-THRU if your hull is suitable for that installation type. You will need the accessory temp sensor for water temp TG-W The alternative is the SHOOT-THRU XP 9 20 T which has a remoter temp sensor. Properly installed, a shoot-thru works as good as a transom mount in an appropriate hull..
  18. The Down Image will be sharper than the DI on the 798 since the DI units use a dedicated DI crystal. The DI with a SI unit is computer generated using the two SI crystals. SInce you will be using it on the bow/trolling motor, contact Humminbird BEFORE you open the transducer package to exchange the included transom transducer for the XTM 9 WIDE DI 20 T trolling motor puck. That transducer is tuned for 83/200 kHz 2D sonar and also has extra internal shielding to combat possible RFI from the trolling motor. Bottom line, use the correct transducer for the application and don't "adapt" the wrong one for the application.
  19. The display is not a video monitor and the transducer is not a video camera. The only real time subjects displayed are on the very first vertical row of screen pixels on the far right. Everything to the left of that first row is HISTORY. If a display is 640 pixels wide, the first vertical row of pixels is 1/640th of the screen width. That first row of pixels shows everything within the somewhat inverted cone coverage of the sonar pulse. It a subjest is not repeated on that first row, it is not within the coverage of the sonar pulse. There is no partial cone involved at any point.
  20. It's going on now and will be for a couple more weeks if the weather patterns stay like it has been. I took those images two weeks ago and this past weekend they were like that too.
  21. With that charger use the 6A setting. When the indicator needle is at the bottom of the scale, your battery is charged. That is what all the stuff in the left hand column is all about.
  22. Plastics work OK, they did on Sat at a couple of lakes in Va. Plastics on a drop-shot rig was one of the presentations.
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