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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. Unfortunately for recent history Garmin owners, Navionics is not compatible. Even before the non-compatible units came out in the past few years, if you did a software update, you lost the function. I think all of that started about 2013 or 2014. Garmin is not on the Navionics compatibility list for any models now. http://www.navionics.com/sites/default/files/documents/americas_compatibilityguide.pdf Basically its Garmin mapping or none. A lot of Garmin current owners consider their mapping as the best. The LakeVu Ultra HD MaxDef waters are highly praised.
  2. Darrell Kennedy
  3. There would be no difference that you would notice. Single frequency would update faster. CHIRP sends multiple frequencies each time and adds a little more range. Sonar broadcasts a sound pulse, waits for a return echo to record it, then broadcasts another sound pulse.
  4. Yes, Lake Orange has rental boats when the concession is open. May not this time of year. Hunting Run does also but that lake is only open to fishing from the first Sat in March to about mid Oct and only Thurs-Sunday plus holidays.
  5. That model does not have a real time HD mapping feature. The first generation Helix models of Helix 9, Helix 10 and Helix 12 have Auto Chart Live. The G2 and G2N versions of all Helix units have Auto Chart Live. The pond dam above was done with the Helix 7 CHIRP SI GPS G2. With that unit you can record sonar logs (RECORD function) and have Navionics create the HD maps. BUT for accurate contour maps you must have a GPS antenna where the sonar transducer is. Contours are created from the depth readout and are positioned by GPS.
  6. Yes they can. Humminbird has the Auto Chart Live feature with some models. I have three units that do that. The created maps function like Lakemaster maps. To create Sonar Charts maps, you can record sonar logs and upload them to the Navionics Sonar Charts server, Navionics processes the data to create the Sonar Charts HD maps, then you download them to you Navionics map card. I have been doing that since the Sonar Charts program was activated in the U.S. Lowrance just started with the Sonar Charts Live so they could have a real time mapping function like Humminbird and Garmin has. The colored areas here is Auto Chart Live overlayed on a Sonar Charts map I collected data for: This is a pond dam with Auto Chart Live that I did when testing a new unit. It is overlayed on the Humminbird base map Uni-map.
  7. Sonar Charts Live is not. That is a new feature added to some current Lowrance units. Humminbirds will read the Sonar Charts maps on a map card.
  8. A couple of unusual incidents I can think of involving bears: Was heading back to the ramp on an electric-only lake and as I got near the ramp area I heard someone yell "there is a bear behind you". I stopped and turned around, saw it swimming along about 20 yards away, and it changed direction and swam back to the shore. After I got to the ramp and got my vehicle back to the ramp, the bear was swimming across the lake again and stopped on an island. I got my video camera and filmed it leaving the island going to the opposite shore. Another lake I kept hearing a lot of splashing and went in that direction and saw a bear on top of a beaver hut. Two beavers were swimming back and fourth out from the hut smacking their tails on the water to try to scare the bear away. The bear noticed me and ran away. I then could hear some beaver pups calling from the hut. Another one involving a beaver. I was fishing along a shore line with a topwater plug and a beaver surfaced, ran into my line and that pulled the lure into it. The hooks stuck and the beaver kept going submerging and surfacing splashing its tail occasionally with me following it with a tight line. After about 100 yards, we got away from shore, I got around to the opposite side where the lure was and it pulled loose.
  9. It has been over 5 years since I have been to Lake Orange, I go farther North to Hunting Run Res. Next time in C'ville, check out the new combo Dicks/Field and Stream store.
  10. Did you read his travel path from Maryland to Briery Creek Lake about going through Orange (the town)????? He has relatives in Charlottesville where I live. Lake Anna is near Lake Orange also.
  11. You are lost Roger, the discussed Lake Orange is in Orange County Virginia near the town of Orange, Virginia. Near several Civil War battlegrounds.
  12. SV units have both SideVu and ClearVu (used to be called DownVu). DV or CV units just have the Down
  13. That would be a good unit if you don't need mapping.
  14. If it is Humminbird Down Imaging, it is not an issue since you adjust the speed of the imaging scrolling across the display to match the GPS speed. I use Side Imaging with the SI transducer on the trolling motor and have no problem with the images. Done correctly, you will be turning the motor faster than it can be recorded. Turning will have spikes in the image. There are examples in the snapshot topic. Additionally if you must have a full screen sharp DI image, just hold the motor straight for a full screen update. Humminbird has two specific Down Imaging trolling motor pucks-- no adapters or special mount system needed. Don't know about the other brands.
  15. No, I would have to look up the product. Just do a web search for Bobo's Thumper.
  16. There were about a hundred BASS Elite pros vertical fishing using sonar last week at Cherokee Lake.
  17. I have five Side Imaging units and use Side Imaging a lot more than GPS
  18. MSRP of the SI version G1 and G2 is the same---- $499
  19. Auto Chart Live is a real time internal contour map creation software that you can generate your own contour mapping for places that have none or get better detail where it is lacking. The colored area in this screen shot is where I did Auto Chart Live for a submerged pond dam. I did not do it enough to get it perfect, just testing how it does for a bottom feature.
  20. I field tested that model before release. It is the one of the second generation of the Helix 5 series. It CHIRP's Sonar and Down Imaging, has built-in Auto Chart Live, will read any Lakemaster or Navionics map product, and has a very bright screen.
  21. Have you considered reading ALL the instructions in the Spotlock section about page 16? I just download the manual and describes it quite well.
  22. USB for what----supporting/battery charging a portable device? https://www.walmart.com/ip/12V-Dual-USB-Under-Dash-Mount-18003W/29029303?action=product_interest&action_type=title&item_id=29029303&placement_id=irs-106-t1&strategy=PWVAV&visitor_id&category=&client_guid=595783b8-27dc-4dec-84ba-c6407db42fd7&customer_id_enc&config_id=106&parent_item_id=29029301&parent_anchor_item_id=29029301&guid=4b601f68-072b-4cae-a38c-777a58816f4b&bucket_id=irsbucketdefault&beacon_version=1.0.1&findingMethod=p13n
  23. What unit are you upgrading from and what technologies do you think you want. What does Kentucky Lake have to do with your decision?
  24. "this time of year" does not apply. I was there a couple of weekends ago and the water temp was mid 60's to lower 70's. Docks and rocks
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