A couple of unusual incidents I can think of involving bears:
Was heading back to the ramp on an electric-only lake and as I got near the ramp area I heard someone yell "there is a bear behind you". I stopped and turned around, saw it swimming along about 20 yards away, and it changed direction and swam back to the shore. After I got to the ramp and got my vehicle back to the ramp, the bear was swimming across the lake again and stopped on an island. I got my video camera and filmed it leaving the island going to the opposite shore.
Another lake I kept hearing a lot of splashing and went in that direction and saw a bear on top of a beaver hut. Two beavers were swimming back and fourth out from the hut smacking their tails on the water to try to scare the bear away. The bear noticed me and ran away. I then could hear some beaver pups calling from the hut.
Another one involving a beaver. I was fishing along a shore line with a topwater plug and a beaver surfaced, ran into my line and that pulled the lure into it. The hooks stuck and the beaver kept going submerging and surfacing splashing its tail occasionally with me following it with a tight line. After about 100 yards, we got away from shore, I got around to the opposite side where the lure was and it pulled loose.