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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. I don't use them. They are demos
  2. I like the original ones since they are more consistant in quality. No so many that can't be turned to run correctly. The ones with the "Assembled in China" sticker on the back of the package are the worse lot.
  3. That is true and the charge to fix it is the flat rate repair fee.. The procedure is to start the unit up fully in Normal or Simulator, and do a Default setting. Then put the memory card in one of the card readers, answer the first question YES and the second quesion NO. Wait for the update to load and the unit will re-start. Remove the memory card. Then do Default setting.
  4. So what is worse? Several rounds of Zombie loads center mass or one/two shotshells in the face? I carry for self protection (DEFENSE).
  5. Do a web search for Sharkhide. It may be easier than what you are contemplating.
  6. May I suggest what I use for self defense. I carry a .40 and my first two loads are shot shells. CCI has them in several calibers. No real aiming needed in a tense situation. Point in the general direction of the face and shoot. That will create an attitude adjustment and probably put you in command of the situation quickly night or day. If follow-ups are necessary, any of the hollow point self defense loads can finish the task at hand. The shotshells also give you a handy remedy for unwanted pests if needed- little marksmanship required even with moving subjects.
  7. Of course you can. I did that with my first Humminbird Side Imaging unit. The quick disconnect mount type makes it easy to do. For the trolling motor transducer, use the XTM 9 DI 25 T The mount is the MSM The power cord is the PC-11
  8. No, but they have the power of larger units.
  9. The DI unit without GPS will be $229.99 at some marine electronics dealers.
  10. I have all the software versions for the 1198 in a file. I got one of the first ones that went to retailers when they were put on the market. The current version is 7.090
  11. One more thing, it also depends on the software version your unit has now.
  12. I am VERY familiar with the procedure--done it dozens of times ( updates and downdates). It depends on which unit you have and why you want to. There are downsides for some units that you may not want. Induced "glitches" that have not been resolved yet. It may be a case of "if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it"
  13. May be a moisture issue. $106.45 for Humminbird to repair it--flat rate.
  14. The 571 would be the best choice, it has the most power.
  15. All those Hummingbird units do the same as the 2D that your DI unit has. The display is the only difference. The grey scale is a little harder to see in bright sunlight. You do not have to settle for the tiny screen that the 4 series Lowrance units have.
  16. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/144995-fish-finder-for-yak/
  17. May be a broken steering cable. Have you checked that? Typical breaking point is where the cable enters the top of the motor. That is usually a result of unnessary bending when stowing.
  18. Humminbird has several models with a quick disconnect mount that holds the power cord and transducer cables. All brands have some sort of removable display system that you can leave the wiring in place. You just need to chose what technology you want and how much you want to spend to get it.
  19. http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/fishing/waterbodies/reports/Germantown%20Reservoir%20Bio%20Rpt%202013.pdf
  20. No, those units don't have the processing power to handle it. Maybe the 2014 year models that got faster processors.
  21. The ONIX will and your 1198 will not.
  22. Lakemaster has NO coverage in the East and Northeast. Navionics Sonar Charts can be used to create HD contour mapping where there is none. You can view the current Navionics maps on their web site's Web App. I covered the Auto Charts in your other post.
  23. Auto Chart and Auto Chart Pro works with your 1198. The Pro version gives you extra stuff like 3D SI overlay and bottom hardness. You save recordings and upload those recording to the software to create HD contour mapping that you can use in the unit. It will give you some Lakemaster features until Lakemaster releases mapping for our part of the country.
  24. Just pull extra line off the reel with your hand as the jig sinks--"it ain't complicated"
  25. More info about the Helix 5. At least one marine electronics dealer has them for pre-order for $40 less than MSRP for the SI version. Available in December.
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