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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. If you put feathered trebles on them, they attract GIANTS like these:
  2. The 83/200 kHz transducer should be inside the hull installed as a shoot-thru. The puck version is easier to do than the transom torpedo.
  3. These two maps are the same lake that I had done via the Navionics Sonar Charts program using sonar logs from my core Humminbird units. This one has Sonar Charts Live contours overlayed using the Sonarphone and Mobile app (dark areas): This one has Auto Chart Live overlayed with my ONIX:
  4. The Compact SI transducer like all the others with the prefix XNT have a plastic transom mount. Poor installation practices will cause the mount to break. Since it is plastic, treat it that way when tightening the mount screws. It ain't rocket science, just common sense. I use that mount for a couple of installations and the only time I have broken one is when getting hung up on a stump and it gets smashed after coming off the stump. If I am lucky, the mount will trip and all I have to do is reset it. I keep spares for that occurrence since I expect it to happen. I have broken way more Lowrance transom transducers which have a single thin arm that attaches to the mount bracket. The last one was the factory installed Lowrance transducer and it lasted about 5 minutes. I expected that and had already installed a shoot-thru in anticipation of that happening. It is still usable for a trolling motor application using a Transducer Shield and Saver mount which doesn't require the mount arm.
  5. Yes and make sure your Lakemaster purchase is the 2015 issue. This year is the first time Lakemaster used microSD cards. Don't go shopping for old bargins, they won't work.
  6. If you buy two Helix models with GPS and want Lakemaster mapping in both, you need TWO Lakemaster map cards. Do NOT use a map card for the data transfer. GPS is not map data and mapping is not GPS data. Once you EXPORT/copy the GPS data and load it to the other unit, you REMOVE the card. At no time does the unit use the waypoints on the card. The card is for data transfer from one unit's memory to the other unit's memory. The Helix 5 and Helix 7 models have a single memory card reader, you cannot have a map card in the unit and do the waypoint transfer.
  7. Depends on which one of the NINE Helix 5 models.
  8. If you have two Helix 5 or 7 series units, you can copy/export the GPS data in one to a memory card and load that data to the other unit's memory. The Helix 5 and 7 series have a microSD card reader. The data will not be on the card until you Export it IF you have another Humminbird model that is not an ONIX, you can do the same to copy the data for uploading to a Helix.
  9. The Vexilar Sonarphone is a wireless transducer that gets its display via WiFi to a smartphone or tablet. There are three Sonarphone versions. One is a castable bobber transducer T100, and the other two are boat mounted with power supplied either by the boat T200 or its own battery T300. Only the boat mounted versions will do the mobile device pairing for Sonar Charts Live. Navionics paired with Vexilar to have Sonar Charts Live on the mobile device. The system creates depth contours in real time that are written and stored in the mobile devices memory. Additionally when the device is in a WiFi area, that data is automatically uploaded to the Navionics server to be added to the Navionics Sonar Charts shared mapping after processing that can be viewed on their Web App, downloaded to a Navionics maps card with Sonar Charts capability, and is also added to the Navionics Mobile App maps. The Sonar Charts Live sonar source can be via WiFi from a Lowrance unit, and a couple of other sonar unit brands. Still viewed and processed by the Navionics Mobile App. I use the Vexilar Sonarphone/Navionics Sonar Charts Live setup. I also use the Humminbird Lakemaster Auto Charts Live with my ONIX. The new Humminbird Helix models in the 9, 10, and 12 series have the built-in Auto Charts Live feature too.
  10. Lowrance, Garmin, and Humminbird are discontinuing units now and will be replacing them for the 2016 model year. Lots of choices to get more features at a lower cost than MSRP.
  11. That "treatment" procedure is a fantasy. No way can you put 4 ounces in every cylinder and let it set for even 2 seconds unless it is a single cylinder motor. Putting any treatments in the cylinders does nothing for some of the cylinders due to their position in the stroke. A piston at the top of the stoke has virtually no space to hold anything-- it's that compression thingy. For 4 cycle engines there is the exhaust stroke too. For a 2 cycle, at the bottom of the stroke it is open to the crankcase and cannot hold any fluid. The only way to clean carbon is run the product through the intake while the engine is running, either mixed with gasoline or directly. Seafoam has a spray version to do the direct application. The spray can be used to put a film of lubrication in the cylinders for storage. That is when you remove the spark plugs and spray each cylinder as you rotate the flywheel to coat the surfaces. The instructions are on the can, READ them.
  12. I use monofilament fluorocarbon line for some presentations when I want stiff, stretch, and fast sinking characteristics, monofilament nylon line for some presentations for more flexible, stretch, and less dense characteristics, and braided superline for most presentations for small diameter with strength and little/no memory. I use a combo of braided superline and monofilament fluorocarbon leader also. I used to use some monofilament co-polymer lines too, but pretty much use braids for those situations now.
  13. BTW, I just looked at the PICTURE of the unit on the website and the model name on the unit pictured is 899ci HD Sonar GPS Side Imaging (on the memory card door). That doesn't match what the sale title is, international or non-HD.
  14. You have to pay attention to the WHOLE MODEL NUMBER advertized. Any 800, or 900 series with HD in their model name has the brighter LED backlighting. Ones that do not have HD in their name have CCFL backlighting and are somewhat harder to see in bright sunlight. One another note, CALL to see what they actually have. Retailers like that are noted to have screwed up advertising and some posting model names do it incorrectly also.
  15. Sonar is still SOUND NAVIGATION AND RANGING regardless of how the sound pulses are processed.
  16. The Helix 9 series is the smallest of the Helix series that is linkable. The number series units have been on sale for a couple of months (closeout). You can get two 8" Side Imaging units for $1600-$1700 that are linkable if you still can find a dealer with any left. 999ci HD SI Combo. Two 7" linkable Side Imaging units for $1200---http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/166197-humminbird-899cxi-si-at-cabelas-59999/ If you want just a single larger unit, you can set up your boat to use it at the console and bow. Just need an extra power cord, transducer, cable collector and an easy mount system like RAM to switch positions. While any Side Imaging is better than no Side Imaging, BIGGER is better.
  17. http://www.chuckhawks.com/varget_4895.html
  18. Too tight for a school of bass?? Just depends on the situation. This is a school of bass:
  19. Thrust does equal SPEED. You have to push water rearward to move the boat forward. Prop speed, prop pitch, number of blades, and prop diameter determine how much water is moved.
  20. This is a submerged weed bed somewhat like hydrilla with Side Imaging: This is what the weed point looked like with Down Imaging: [ This is how regular 2D sonar and Down Imaging displays it:
  21. Sonar is somewhat like light, it cannot see through or around solid objects. It measures distance.
  22. If you use the scientific names for fish, you will be known as an angler and one to be avoided. Use the common name you will be known as a fisherman and will have friends that are fishermen too.
  23. PM sent
  24. I would suggest you fish the Craddock Creek area that time of year and concentrate your efforts just in that creek or within 5 miles of there. The smallmouth will be active (typically) and that end of the lake is their home. They don't like the dirty water in the rivers. A 5# smallmouth is FUN to catch. A 3/16 to 3/8 oz chartreuse tandem spinnerbait with chartreuse blades will get your wrist/arm tested with how hard they hit.
  25. http://www.outboardexchange.com/135_mercury/
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