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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. It was nice to meet you too, Mrs.M. Not only are you a sucessful domentic engineer, you are a successful fisherperson too.
  2. Stren Magnathin in 16#.
  3. Has anyone fished with the GIRON Sinking baits? I saw one in a demo water tank that was on the bottom but resting on the treble hooks and staying upright.
  4. Here is another: http://pages.videotron.com/fishing/estretch.htm
  5. Here is one test: http://www.shallowwaterangler.com/features/line_stretch_test/index.html
  6. I just talked to the Va. B.A.S.S. Federation Nation Casting Kids director. Not only is 7 the minumum age, the kids just needs to be 7 by March 31 of 2009. As a preface to that statement, he added that kids with birthdays between April 1, 1998 and March 31, 2002 are eligable to participate in the qualifiing events. Hopefully I'll see you there.
  7. According to the Federation Nation website, there are two age groups, 7-10 and 11-14. I left a message with someone involved with it and will confirm it when I hear back.
  8. I would not recommend Berkley Vanish to my worst enemy. The red line does not dissappear in the water. Just the red color does not look red as the line gets deeper in the water column as the color red is the first color that is filtered out due to the lack of light penetration. At depth, red appears as brown to black depending on the water color.
  9. I have been using the Stren Super Braid in the gold color since Jan 2004. I use a 3'-4' leader of fluorocarbon to make the line sink since the braid floats. My set up for wacky rigging is 30# braid with 20# fluorocarbon. Sometimes I will drop down to 14# fluorocarbon. I don't color any of the braid when using the leader. If I do some finesse flipping in dirty water, I don't use a leader and dip about 2' of the braid in a bottle of red soft bait dye. The only reason I color the yellow line is because of a test I read about a long time ago about bass being line shy of the yellow lines as compared to other color lines. Fact or fiction, I don't know.
  10. I let that group know about their letdown of your son. I heard from another person at the show about it too,
  11. Tpayneful, FYI, in case you did not know----there are two different casting kids groups. One is the FLW affiliated one like at the Fredericksburg show and the other one is the original one affiliated with B.A.S.S.
  12. Hitchhiker, they are on page 359 of the 2008 Bass Pro Shops Spring Fishing catalog.,
  13. I agree with Catt. Colors are far more important to the angler than they are to the fish. Example, some will suggest that in clear water to use subtle or natural colors and those same anglers will tell you to use a bright color like pink, white, yellow, or orange for the same fish in the same water in the spring when the fish are shallow.
  14. Andrew, the Sharpie is to re-color the braid when it fades to a white color. Most braids will loose their color over time because the material the braid is made of will not absord a tint and it's natural color is white.
  15. Look at the various models of Eagle for one in your price range.
  16. Along those same lines, I am trying out the Spiderwire InvisiBraid since I am looking for a braid that is easy to see with sunglasses on. I have been using the Stren Super Braid in the gold color and can't find it stocked in any stores. I went fishing yesterday using the Spiderwire and after each fish caught, the line would not cast very far without pulling some off the spool and winding it back on loosely. While the line is easy to see, it seems that the slickness of the line causes it to dig into the spool under tension more so than any other braid or fused line that I have tested. Hopefully it will "break in" and behave with more use. I am using 30# test on spinning gear for wacky rigging.
  17. I use them too, but in smaller sizes for crankbaits and Silver Buddys. They are worth the cost.
  18. Send an e-mail to this shop with your model number and they can help you. foster19@hotmail.com
  19. "If so do many people even use fish finders for bass and if so what? " Most bassboats have a minimum of two sonar units (fishfinders). I have 4 on mine and 2 on my jon boat.
  20. The McCoy has less memory than most mono lines and is a co-polymer with a very slick finish.
  21. Depending on your perscription, some frame styles may not work for you. I could not get any of the wrap-around styles to work for me. I tried the type that fishfordollars mention too and they wouldn't work either. I had to settle on a straight frame model. Very near-sighted and astigmatic.
  22. Since no one answered your mono backing question, I'll try. You need to have some mono on for backing because the braid is so slick on the reel spool, the whole wound up full reel spool will slip and it will act line your drag is slipping when reeling in a high resistance lure or fighting a fish. It is called "ghost drag". If you insist on filling the whole reel spool with braid, wrap a couple of layers of tape on the reel spool first to eliminate the "ghost drag". Any size line is OK for backing, just use the uni-uni knot connection at 6 turns each.
  23. Longest 27 inches and 10# 4 oz Heaviest 25 inches and 10# 6 0z
  24. I'll be there with the Orange County High School kids booth. I guess we wlll be setting up about mid week.
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