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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. Hunting Run is West of Fredericksburg off of Rt. 3. Take a right at the stoplight where the Civil War battlefield attractions are. It's about 3-4 miles down that road. Check the Spotsylvania County web site for information, there's a bunch of do's and don'ts you need to be aware of. It is a fee lake also.
  2. The fishing was slower than I was anticipating at Hunting Run. The water was too warm for the Silver Buddy pattern to be the best. I managed to catch a few though. View report on fishingva.com Example of catch:
  3. Hunting Run opened for fishing this past Saturday. I'm going today.
  4. I have used them a lot in the past, OK-I'm OLD. The white with red head was the most popular.
  5. I guess I'm old school with that procedure. I do all I can to prevent any lubricant or even water to get on my reel brakes. Brake wear is not a concern, they can be replaced. If I need less braking when dry, I just turn some off.
  6. Yes, you should have separate batteries unless you want to take a chance of not starting after using the trolling motor for any lenght of time. Two types of batteries are usually the set-up with a starting battery for the gas motor and a deep cycle battery for the trolling motor. On-board charges are just a convenience to off-set the use of portable chargers and are available in models to charge multiple batteries.
  7. All fluorocarbon lines are denser than any nylon mono or copolymer lines which gives you more sensitivity and a faster sink rate. Most are more abraision resistant than the other lines. Supposedly it is less visible in the water due to it's density being close to the density of water. Most have more memory than regular monos, but the other qualities out-weight that negative. The stretch is about the same diameter per diameter. Fluorocarbon lines absorb less water than nylon monos and co-polymers.
  8. If your new camera is for fishing use, you might want to consider a waterproof case to keep it in. I use the cases by Pelican in sizes to fit each of my cameras.
  9. Do you grease the brakes on your vehicle too? That makes as much sense as doing it with the reel brakes.
  10. Motts will have a lot less pressure since Hunting Run Lake is open.
  11. Add to you list of wanted features: the highest optical zoom in your price range.
  12. The Silver Buddy is the cold water preferred lure for the Ice Breaker tournaments like the one that was held there recently. The gold version of the Silver Buddy has won a few bucks also. I fish it occasionally in the summer also and catch a lot with a finesse worm. The salamanders are a bother sometimes with the worms as they try to mate with them.
  13. Muddy, Super Braid is a Stren brand. Spiderwire is a different brand. The Original Spiderwire braid has a smaller diameter per pound test than the other brands of braid.
  14. For baitcaster use: 50# Spiderwire Steath Teflon Coated Braid 65# Stren Super Braid 30# Stren Super Braid 30# Spiderwire Original Braid 40# Spiderwire Original Braid 16# Stren Magnathin mono 20# Stren mono 14# XPS fluorocarbon 17# XPS fluorocarbon 20# XPS fluorocarbon
  15. Definately a trailer hook and a better designed bait also.
  16. I'm using the Spiderwire Invisibraid for it's out of water visibility. It is not invisible under water but less visible than the green tinted braids. I'm still not sure it will be my line of choice though. Still in the testing phase.
  17. I found out about this site from a WBT participant.
  18. What braid do you have that sinks faster than mono?
  19. Info needed. What kind and size of reel (seems to be a closed face spinning), what kind of line, what pound test line?
  20. Take a ride down the highway and look at what you are riding on and when you cross a creek or river look at it. A channel swing is just a turn in the creek or river. All that stuff is found to some degree in most man made lakes. It still looks like it did before the water covered it. Most successful fisherpersons will seek those areas as the bass will use those as their highway and stopping off places.
  21. Of all the colors available in the Bandits, I have the most in my tackle box and at home as spares in the Mistake color. I favor the 100, 200, and 300 sizes. I buy all the non made-in-China ones I can find. Change out the rear hook for an Owner Tournament Trailer in Chart/white or red and you will have very productive combination.
  22. A recommendation for Fireline: with it's negative traits of fraying and color loss, it's good quality is when used on closed face spinning reels. The relative stiffness of the line seems to preform the best in that application. I have several set-ups for novice anglers rigged with Fireline-mostly in the 14#.
  23. Snyper77, I have used Suffix and Power Pro and several others. I prefer Stren Super Braid because the finish is smoother and it casts better. The only line I have found that has a slicker finish is Spiderwire Invisibraid, but it's too slick and digs into the spool too much when landing a fish-that is still an on-going test. I use the Stren Super Braid 20# or 30# for weightless worms rigged wacky style-I keep 5 rods rigged just for that purpose. My solution is to add a 3'-4' leader of fluorocarbon line in 20# to make the braid sink. That is my set-up for depths down to about 5'. I just add some light weight to the worm to fish deeper.
  24. To answer that in relative terms-if you were buying a flat panel TV, your choices would be 720 pitch or 1080 pitch. You want to watch true high definition programs or videos, which one would you want? IF you can afford the highest resolution, you should not settle for less.
  25. Faded? I have been using it since it was introduced a few years ago. That first spool is still in use and still yellow (gold) except for some accumilated dirty water stains. The Stren Super Briad holds it's color (including the green) a lot longer than any other braid I have used -Fireline, Power Pro, Spiderwire, Whiplash and Ripcord.
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