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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. You can mount the transducer on the trolling motor, BUT your side imaging display will be distorted if you rotate the motor even a little bit and you cannot move fast enough with the trolling motor to get a good display either. The verticle beams will not be affected.
  2. Having fished in a 10" Sears painted jon boat for over 25 years, if you are not over 200# you will be plenty safe. I sold it recently since it was an extra after I bought a 12' . The 10' had a bow mounted foot controlled trolling motor, with rear mounted battery, swivel seats on both tank seats and I ran a 2.2HP Mercury gas engine on HP restricted lakes. I used to stand up lot of times while fishing and only fell out once when I bumped into an unseen stump. I used it may times at lakes with carry in only access with another angler and we never had any issues with instability. My 12' is a 1236 and I have the same setup although, with a 9.9HP Mercury. Standing while fishing is not an issue in it either.
  3. For those with the HB SI units and those wanting one: go to Yahoo and select groups and then join the Humminbird Side Imaging group to get the most up-to-date information about that technology. Pay attention to the boat speed for the best pictures. The best application I have seen is to use two transducers: one being a regular down looking in-hull mounting for on-plane use and the second one that comes with the unit being mounted on the transom or jack plate above the bottom of the boat to avoid any potential damage.
  4. I did well on Traps yesterday at Briery Creek. I only lost two of them to the tree gods. About 40 of the bass I caught were with a 1/4 oz Trap, the rest were with a wacky rigged finesse worm. Sometimes it's the best lure when they are schooled up.
  5. Get some aluminum at a metal shop and have it cut to the shape of your hull at the level you will be mounting the platform. Also have some braces cut for the height. That will take care of any rotting plywood forever.
  6. I caught 40+ bass yesterday using braid and a Rat-L-Trap so the line visibility is not a problem with cranks. I use the braid mainly because of the timber and grass in the lake and I can put more pressure on the fish with it. The small diameter of the braid cuts through the vegetation better than mono also along with it's lack of stretch which helps jerk the lure from the weed hang-ups and trigger a strike. I was fishing Briery Creek.
  7. Use braid on your spinning gear for the Spook and you won't have the loose line problem like with mono.
  8. Catt is correct, I used those baits yesterday in that water temp range. All of them produced.
  9. Interstate batteries are made by Johnson Controls. They make batteries with several other brand names on them.
  10. BassinWill301, I haven't experienced those traits in any of the lines I use. Power Pro was a reject in my testing.
  11. jjbassjj, PM sent.
  12. I never replace mine unless I am testing a different brand and don't like it. I re-spool when it gets shorter due to reties/break-offs which is seldom. I have some Spiderwire on my Trap rod that is at least 8 years old-it's just like the bunny rabbit ,"it keeps going, going, going-----------. Sometimes I'll change it out for a different pound test, but I wrap it on a spare line spool for re-use. I carry a short piece of 3/4" wooden dowell to break the line. Sometimes I'll use the net handle. Always try to break it off instead of cutting it off as the less you leave in the water the better it is for water fowl, aquatic life and your fellow fishermen.
  13. tanother sitenor, I have spent lots of 10-15 hour days in a 10' and a 12' jon boat. I've even done around 36 hours a few times. Time flies when you are having fun. I fish a lot of small waters in the central Va. area.
  14. Silver Buddy
  15. Lowrance 3D Nav has nothing to do with sonar. It is a GPS function- Nav is short for NAVIGATION.
  16. It depends on the species. Chartreuse is a good color for dirty water largemouths and for clear water smallmouths. Even better for smallmouths is tandem willow chart. blades and a chart. skirt. Second best is tandem willows with one blade chart and the other white with a chart skirt.
  17. 30# Stren Super Braid with no leader for poppers because it floats.
  18. Great answer, you are correct about the concern with the position swapping in a 1232. It's problematic with a 1236-I have one of those.
  19. I also use the Bass Pro Shops rod sleeves also and have some that are similar which were provided with some rods I purchased. It's all about maximum rod storage and tangle prevention no matter which style you use. Keeping unused sleeves stored was the determining factor in the style I chose.
  20. jemackinnon83, why do you prefer to sit in the back of your boat? A boat is a lot easier to control with the trolling motor pulling the boat than it is trying to push the boat. The advantage is much greater when in wind or current.
  21. Just_Old_Fisherman, this is the best way to fish wacky style in heavy cover.
  22. For baitcasting gear with spinnerbait type baits, I like Spiderwire Stealth and for other baits I prefer Stren Super Braid. I like Stren Super Braid for spinning gear. I don't like the rough texture of Power Pro and some of the others.
  23. I've tried them. My problem with them is there is no big strong worm hook for handling big bass in cover that will fit within the appendage.
  24. Kick'n Bass for me in the garlic flavor. I have several other brands in the boat too including all the ones mentioned, but the Kick'n Bass "seems" to be the best. I use it when I fish with soft plastics and jigs.
  25. A few years ago some tournaments in Florida were won using them. After that, the supply depleted so fast that some were being sold for $100+. They have since been copied by several lure companies and individuals. It was credited with a second place in the Bassmaster's Classic when held on the Kissimmee chain of lakes. Most of the bass I caught yesterday were with it. It's less of an "investment" than most of the Japanese made baits and large swimbaits. It's the right tool for certain conditions, just like most baits. Some touring pros have their boats wrapped with the Chatterbait brand. Most, as I do, use it like a spinnerbait. It can be fished a lot slower and has an incredible vibration unmatched by any other lure type.
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