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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. I've had the most success in the upper end. It's been a couple of years since I fished it so no suggestions as to presentations other than the usual prespawn lures depending on the water temp.
  2. Ditto on Vanish. I made it vanish from all my rigs. As far as the new Professional grade, it has a larger diameter than the same pound test in Vanish. Not even interested !!!!
  3. You can catch them on topwaters in Central Va, on a calm, warm, sunny day. I've caught a few on a Pop-R and buzzbait this year. I plan on trying it tomorrow near Fredericksburg after I figure out the best pattern.
  4. Ahem-cough, cough-----Dan I can remember those punch cards and the persons that used the machines (key punch machines) to punch those cards were called Key Punchers. AHH-the good ole days
  5. Two words cover this topic pretty well: Trespassing-being on someone else's property without permission Poaching- being on someone else's property without permission taking or attempting to take fish or game
  6. Heard a similar story like that this past weekend. A guy bought a jon boat at a scrap yard. All he needed was a bill of sale from the scrap yard to show proof of ownership to get it titled. So advise him to sell it for scrap and buy it back.
  7. In the Master catalog the reel is listed at 129.99 and the rod is listed at 129.99 for a total of 259.98. It looks like a savings of $110.98
  8. I use a better product, Sea Foam. It is a fuel preserver like Stabil plus it is a decarboner. I use it in all my outboards, lawn mower, chain saw, power washer, and weedeater.
  9. LBH, a bass does not know whether or not an animal hibernates. If a plastic snake/rat/frog looks like food, it's going to try to eat it.
  10. Here is the manual for that unit. Turn off the fish ID for a more realistic view of the sonar returns. It marks just about all returns as fish including limbs, leaves, and bubbles. http://www.humminbird.com/PDF/lcr400id.pdf
  11. In looking at the Mercury website, it seems that they do not make any more small two stroke motors including the 9.9. So if you have a new manfactured (since Jan 2007) 15, it is a 4-stroke.
  12. Try that lure at Hunting Run Lake and you may duplicate your Florida trip with just a short drive.
  13. It's just another "NEW" or "IMPROVED" modification to sell more lures. It isn't new or improved as fishermen have been doing it themselves since those type baits were marketed. NO THANKS
  14. The presentation is what decides whether a leader is needed/wanted. In some cases it may help, and in some cases it's a hindrance or unnecessary.
  15. Another point, I was assuming that you were dealing with a bow unit since you did not state which type. If that is the case, then a rudder of some type will also solve the off center tracking. I use a rear mounted trolling motor or a gas motor for the rudder.
  16. I have had aluminum boats with the bow mounted motor on either side, it doesn't make any difference which side. It pulls a little off center. The center is better, but it may in the way unless you have a pointed bow type boat. If it bothers you and you have a deck to mount the motor on, then you can attach the mount on an angle with the front in the middle and the rear off to one side. I purposely mount the ones on my jon boats to the side for easy entry/exit over the bow and leaving room for two sonar units.
  17. 10-4 at Briery Creek Lake, Va. 4/22/05 10-5 at Lake Fork, Tx 5/29/05 10-6 at Chris Green Lake, Va. 5/17/06 All were caught using a Zoom finesse worm rigged weedless wacky.
  18. I use the original Spiderwire in 30# with no leader. The minimal amount of stretch in a short leader is of no benefit and you lose the benefit of the small diameter braid at the lure where the weed cutting is most needed. I make long casts when fishing Traps to cover a lot of water and fluorocarbon or regular mono has too much stretch for good hook penetration if a take occurs at the maximum distance.
  19. Just put Sea Foam in your gas tank and treat every fillup and that will take care of your engine.
  20. Thanks Bud, the bank account may have to be depleted some more. :'(
  21. I use them all and each one for it's unique characteristics. Braid for it's limpness, low stretch, sensitivity, and high pound test/diameter. Mono for it's stretch and relative low visibility. Fluorocarbon for it's low visibility, stretch, sensitivity, and high density. Braid in 10#, 14#, 20#, 30#, 40#, 50#, 65#, 80# Mono in 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 16#, 17#, 20# Fluorocarbon in 6#, 8#, 10#, 14#, 17#, 20# All types and conbinations on both spinning and baitcasting gear depending on the presentation.
  22. Bud, what kind of image do you get when you have your trolling motor turned in any direction other than straight ahead and the boat is moving? Do you make a special effort to not have that situation when trying to get a realistic side image view with the front unit? Can you GPS mark a displayed object and return to it if the transducer is not perpendicular to the line of travel?
  23. Yes, I can. I tried to put several pictures on the same post and resized them to fit and it didn't work. They are on the way.
  24. This is how I have my 12' jon boat set up. My 10' was set up the same way. It is set up for electric only lakes now, but I remove the rear electric and add the 9.9 gas motor and 3 gal tank of HP restricted gas lakes. My front electric is 24V and the rear electric is 12V
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