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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. That hull during that period was rough on the family jewels when negotiating boat wakes.
  2. I agree with hawg caller, but I don't camoflage the line and don't use Power Pro.
  3. Welcome to the site. I've fished both lakes since they were opened for fishing. They are about 75 miles from home. At Briery, I've caught several like you show and many hundreds more smaller. Briery is my favorite lake in Va. I have fished it 7 times this year so far for a total of 207 bass. I fished it last Friday and the water temp ranged from 54 degrees to 60 degrees. I've been catching them at the upper end since Jan. 7th
  4. New Professional Grade 100% Fluorocarbon. I'm skeptacle of that line for the simple reason that with an in-store comparison of 12#, the "new" line is a larger diameter than Vanish. I just wonder if the "new" line is just re-packaged and under lable rated Vanish so it would appear as a "new" stronger line.
  5. roadwarrior, there is an ole saying "you never get another chance to make a first impression"
  6. "is there any way you can use them in "power fishing"? I am trying to tailor my fishing to that approach as I am a run and gun type of guy and find I catch most of my fish covering a lot of water as quickly as possible." You are starting off with the wrong mind set. Mainly to be successful you don't dictate to the fish how or with what your lure presentation is or will be to attract them. The fish will tell you what they want. I witnessed just that attitude one day last week. I was catching bass with a finesse presentation and a couple of guys came by and saw me catch a couple. They came over to ask what I was doing as they hadn't caught any. They were throwing spinnerbaits and had jigs tied on other rods. I explained how, why, and with what I had been catching the bass-offered to give them some proper hooks. Their comments were similar to yours : "I like power fishing and that is too slow for me." I watched them for a while as they moved on as I was still catching some in the area and I didn't see them catch any. Incidently, I have caught 390 bass so far this year letting the fish tell me what they want.
  7. My motor is a 2-stroke. The problem will be finding a 9.9 2-stroke if Mercury is your choice. Mercury doesn't make 2-strokes any more except the Optimax in the larger sizes. My jon boat is rated for a 15HP. I sized the motor for the waters I'd be using it on. I been in boats with small 2-stroke HP motors of other mfg and they don't start as easily as the Merc., that is why I chose that brand. I have a 150HP on a bassboat also.
  8. When I use my 9.9 on my 12 jon boat, I am fishing alone (170 lbs.). I get 25mph GPS speed with the 9X9 prop and I run on plane. I've only had another person with me once and that was a kid that weighed about 75 pounds and it got on plane and felt like it ran almost as fast. When I use it on a (180 lbs) fishing buddy's 14 boat with both of us, it will not get on plane. His boat is extra wide. It's all about the amount of weight that you have to overcome. I bought the 9.9 specifically for HP restricted lakes.
  9. Yes, you can see it real good in sunlight. It's the sunlight that makes it turn the bright gold color. It does loose it's color when submerged and will get a lighter color if you shade the line on the reel. It takes a few seconds for the color change to occur. Did I like the line? NO, it is still the same ole junky Vanish.
  10. That thing will really make your Banjo Minnow, Flying Lure, or Helicopter Lure come alive, LOL.
  11. I have several brands in my boat, but the bass seem to prefer the Kick'n Bass in Garlic flavor. I just hold the bait over the side of the boat and put a few drops on and then drop it in the water. That stuff is hard to get off boat parts.
  12. I use Sea Foam all the time in all my small engines. I get the benefit of stabilization plus decarboning. No matter which boat/lawn mower/chain saw/power washer/string trimmer I am useing, the fuel is always fresh and the carbon build-up is eliminalted.
  13. I dabble in photos a little myself. I take a camera with me when deer hunting and do some "shooting" while waiting for a "trophy" size one to come by.
  14. I got some of these for swimbaits last year. They are too long for a Super Fluke in my opinion. The hook style is like the Horny Toad Hook. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_52845?cmCat=CROSSSELL&cmid=PP_P0_2
  15. Thanks, MNGeorge, I wouldn't know one from the other. I just bought the one that looked like it would work.
  16. arul, I use the 3/32 oz. 5/0 hook and fluorocarbon line for depths down to 20' The line tool is a knitting needle in size 10/1.30mm. I added the alligator clip to keep it handy clamped to the boat carpet.
  17. The transducer is basically a speaker/microphone. The head unit broadcasts a sound pulse thru the transducer and then the transducer receives the return sound pulse and sends it back to the head unit. The cable is shielded and coiling the access is OK. The frequency is high enough that a modest length of cable change will not significantly affect the accuracy. Most companies even make a transducer extension cable for applications where the stock length is not long enough.
  18. I use the Falcon Bait Jerker hooks. I don't tie the hook on and then insert it into the Super Fluke. I use a small metal knitting needle, push it from the belly slit on thru the nose, hook the line, pull the line on out the belly slit and then tie on the hook. I then pull the hook eye on into the Fluke head and Txpose the point. This procedure prevents the larger hole that the weight would make in the bait if you tie the hook on first.
  19. It's 15#, it only has a single clamp for mounting. It's OLD
  20. I fished in winds like that yesterday. After the air temp got to about 60-65 with the water temp at 51 early, the down wind shorelines got up to 57 degrees. I just positioned the boat facing upwind or quartering with the trolling motor and cast downwind. I used a Chatterbait, spinnerbait, Trap, and wacky rigged finesse worm. The bass were active on those wind blown banks. It's a great pattern for locating bass. "Let the wind be your friend"
  21. Hmmmmm, I wonder if anyone uses the Vanish in 20# for walleye fishing or verticle jigging light baits?
  22. As far as what LCR to use for high speed running, all are equal as only the very first verticle pixels on the right side of the screen indicates real time returns-everything else displayed is history. Screen size is not a factor in that senario. A flasher display is a lot better for high speed use. When you are actually fishing the same applies if you are stationary, only the first pixel will be real time. If you are moving about with the trolling motor and off plane with the outboard, then a larger screen will display are little longer history for structure analyzing and fish location. The higher verticle pixel count can be as asset in either location when trying to locate fish. All of the units you have are plenty powerful enough for frest water fishing use. The major disadvantage of mounting that heavy unit on the bow is the shock it will have to endure when hitting wakes/waves whether it is on a Ram mount or just on it's gimble mount.
  23. Cold rain--BAD, warm rain--GOOD
  24. Do you feel handicapped with a lower resolution screen than the 38c HD? What "style of fishing" warrents a change from the 102-c on the bow to either of the other two units?
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