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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. With braid, you should do at least one of three things. 1st-use some mono backing. 2nd-put some tape on the reel spool arbor before tying your line on. 3rd-if your reel spool is the drilled type, put the line thru some of the holes and then tie it. You are experiencing what is called 'ghost drag" where the slick braid will slip on the spool when under tension. This should be done on all types of reels.
  2. I don't put anything inside the hollow body. In doing so, it prevents complete compression by the fish and may result in misses. The frog with no legs has 1/8 oz worm weights where the legs were removed. That is to exert more weight on the grass mats so the fish can find it. It allows for longer casts too.
  3. Simple answer for fuel ecomony: run your motor at or under 4000 rpms no matter what prop you run. The top 1000-1500 rpms is where you have the least ecomony.
  4. I do this to the ones I use at Guntersville
  5. Thanks for asking ado124. The fishing was tough for everyone. I didn't catch any double digit bass this time, but several in the 5#- 6# class. Very windy most days with air temps in the mid 90's. I finished 5th in the two day tournament.
  6. Let Google be your friend: http://www.catcherman.com/features/rigging/texasrigging030602sportmn.htm
  7. KvD, you don't have to use tape AND mono, just one OR the other depending on how much line you intend to install. You just need some friction on the spool shaft to prevent the braid from slipping.
  8. This site will give you all the permit and fee information: http://www.spotsylvania.va.us/emplibrary/HuntingRunNiRiverRulesandRegulations2008.pdf
  9. It sounds like the transom is water logged and is about to fail. The weight difference in the two sizes of OB is not enough to cause the bowing. The transom can be replaced by an experienced re-builder.
  10. The hook point is just "skin" hooked like when you Txpose a Fluke or worm. The frog just swings out of the way when a strike occurs and the plastic does not take up hook bend space resulting in surer hookups.
  11. KvD, the braid is so slick that it will slip on a reel spool if you just tie it on like you do with mono line. The "ghost drag" is an expression that means when you have resistance from a fish or hard pulling lure, the line will rotate on the spool and feel like the drag is slipping. To get friction on smooth arbor reel spools, you have to use some mono backing or some tape on the arbor to prevent it. If your reel spool is a drilled one with one or more holes then you can put your line thru the spool shaft when tying it on to eliminate the slipping. Most bass fishermen use a backing to conserve braid since a whole reel full is not necessary and they can use one line spool for several reels. I put between 30 and 50 yards of braid on my reels depending on the application.
  12. What may be happpening is the line is so limp that sometimes it will wind around the spool tension knob if you don't keep the line somewhat tight when closing the bail. I have that on occasion if I don't check when using weightless presentations.
  13. The braid weighs less and is less wind resistant than nylon mono or fluorocarbon so you don't have the extra weight to pull off line as you cast and the lure will slow down faster. Just increase your spool tension or cast control setting. Once you get used to thumbing the spool to control overruns, you can ease off the setting/s for longer casts. Also as before mentioned, you must use mono backing or tape on the spool arbor to avoid "ghost drag" unless you have a drilled spool arbor to tie the line thru.
  14. The Zoom Horny Toad hook will rig that way. That is how I do it. The Gammy G-mag Oversize hook with work too.
  15. I use the Stren Super Braid in 20# and 30# in both colors, No problems on spinning gear or baitcasting. What do you mean by "looped way too easy and created knots" ?
  16. You can use most any size braid on any size reel. Just pick the diameter to suit your taste, adjust your drag to about the mono setting you would use and you won't have any problem with equipment damage or line failures. The best benefit other than strength is the lack of line memory and line twist does not affect the line preformance. Some other good qualites are low or no stretch, small diameter per pound test, and the line floats which aids in surface presentations. All that controversy about spool diameter is to offset the problems of memory and stiffness of mono lines. Non existant with braids. My finesse presentation set up is 30# braid with a 20# fluorocarbon leader. I use the fluorocarbon to make the braid sink. Since I only fish for bass, that setup works in all water clarities.
  17. Yes to both questions. You won't plane your boat but it will go faster. More thrust = more speed
  18. Woo Daves uses the Zebco closed faced spinning reels for some presentations.
  19. Get the highest verticle pixel count you can afford. The Humminbird 565 and Eagle 480 are good low priced units.
  20. YOU NOTICED !!!!!! I just got some alligator clips and glued them on so I could clip it to the carpet, shirt pocket, or some other object to keep it handy. I have three of them made up.
  21. Most hook styles are not suitable for the hitch hiker.
  22. I use Zoom Trick worms with 3/0 Gammy Octopus hooks and Zoom finesse worms with 2/0 Gammy Octopus hooks rigged wacky style from water temps starting around 43 degrees on up to however hot it gets in the Summer and then back down to about 43 degrees in the late Fall.
  23. The lure is not new, just another re-introduction of an old lure from many years ago.
  24. http://www.outboardrepairs.com/stators/
  25. You left out a choice NEITHER ONE
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