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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. My hollow frog choice is the Snagproof Bobby's Perfect Frog-color doesn't make any difference because where I use that type, the bass can't see it. My swimming frog choice is the Zoom Horny Toad, it weighs more than most and I can cast it farther to cover more water per cast-color doesn't make any difference to the fish. White is my perferred color for both so I can see it.
  2. They don't help at all with speed as they add drag. Their purpose is to get the hull on plane faster and allow for slower on-plane travel for heavy stern boats. With porposing prone hulls, they almost eliminate it.
  3. Inside the harbor is NO WAKE, and just after leaving, there is about 1/2 mile of hammer down just before the first 90 degree right turn. Then there is abut 4 miles of NO WAKE until you get to the wide part where the other two marinas are. You will be fine in a canoe, just turn perpendicular to the boat wakes and you won't surf into the pads very far. Paddling is cheaper than gasoline. Another note, I just talked to a guy that has been fishing the Potomac a lot lately. He said the pads are going thru the mid summer dieing stages now, but they will return even healthier soon. I don't remember which creek he said is in that stage now.
  4. You are correct RW, I fish Fork also and it is like the Energizer bunny-it keeps going-going-going-going. There is a smaller lake in Va. that is just like Fork and receives a lot of pressure in the late winter and spring- Briery Creek Lake. Similar slot limits. I fished it yesterday. The standing timber and submerged vegetation at both locations allows for such a great fishery.
  5. The best pads are the ones along the right side of the channel from the marina and on downstream with the two sharp right turns until you get to the houses on the right side. The last two hours of outgoing tide thru the next two hours of incoming tide is the best times to flip Tx rigged 4" worms along the outside edges. Inside the NO WAKE ZONE is safer even though I catch the largest bass upstream of the NO WAKE ZONE. Just gotta be prepared for the large boat wakes.
  6. I caught one of those agressive critters a couple of days ago:
  7. After catching 156 bass this week in two trips, I got a bad case of bass thumb. The tender part below the joint is the most torn up. Actually it feels pretty good
  8. Pulling is not the problem, STOPPING may be and is a problem with a light vehicle. If the trailer has brakes, have them checked, if not have them added. Additionally make sure the vehicle brakes are in good shape too.
  9. If you lighten the internal weight some, it works better.
  10. I only purchased the 1/32 and 3/32 weights and use the 3/32 oz the most for swimbaits and Super Flukes.
  11. There is at least one longer and wider than average one for rent that may be suitable for 4 persons. It was sitting next to the ramp last week, I did not notice it yesterday though. There may be three sizes available, but I 'm not sure.
  12. Performance wise they work well. Quality wise, they are more noisy due to the plastic body. Swedish engineering, made in China.
  13. This was the first stocking of walleye. They will be bass food for a while.
  14. I use them this way:
  15. I picked on the lil' ole bass today at Hunting Run, I hope they get over it by Sunday for you guys. They are still easy to catch with the proper presentations. Another tid bit-the lake got a substantial (like really, really large )stocking of walleye fingerlings recently.
  16. Another choice for screw in type weighted hooks http://www.reactionstrike.com/
  17. You can accomplish the same task in the same manner as the special tool using slip joint channel lock pliers.
  18. Stren Super Braid is my choice for my most used presentations. I also use Spiderwire Original, Spiderwire Ultracast, Spiderwire Stealth, and Fireline depending on the presentation and equipment used.
  19. Been there, done that. A few years ago I fished three different tournament series and after several of years of that, I got bored of the travel and short fishing days so I quit most all tournament fishing. I have since retired and just go during the week days. No more crowds, no more rude tournament fishermen, no more weekend play traffic, just a lot of catching and choosing how long or how short of a day I fish. All the trophies I have ment something when awarded, but after a while they are just dust collectors. Most of the time when I travel over 50 miles to fish, I'll spend 10-15 hours on the water. I am no longer concerned with fish care or fish size, I release them all. Yep, must the age related.
  20. Yesterday I picked up another bobber/artificial lure combo. This one was in a tree next to where fishing from shore is popular. This time it was a 2" bobber and beneath it was a 3" Storm Swim Shad attached to the line with a medium size brass snap swivel. That combo might just have worked as opposed to the spinnerbait/bobber deal.
  21. Maybe you ruined it with the line conditioner. I use the XPS fluorocarbon in 6#, 8#, 10#, 14#, 17#, and 20# and have experienced no more memory problems that I have had with nylon monos of the same diameters. It is stiffer than nylon monos but as far as spool memory-no difference and maybe even less. I don't use any line conditioners with any fluorocarbon.
  22. Think of it this way, most floating frogs have strands of solid material to similate the legs. Do you think adding one more solid strand of material will be a deterrant to the bass?
  23. When I started this thread, it was after seeing a video of missles in the first few seconds of flight along with the commentary about their announced tests with conjecture about their intensions and capabilities on a TV news channel.
  24. sage, your comment earlier "Poachers , what a joke. I guess you never go over the speed limit too." The speed limit seems to be the popular cop out for those that suggest and practice illegal behavior. Just today I was launching at a local public lake and the next guy was getting his stuff ready. He had what looked like a brand new 10' jon boat and was unloading two batteries and two trolling motors, putting them on the edge of the ramp since his boat was in his pickup. I noticed he didn't have registration numbers and had no life jacket either, not even a throw cushion. I mentioned to him about those lacking items and his reply "Are you a game warden" no I said " I have been doing it this way for three years and never been checked" I just stated the law concering the use of mechanical power and the mandetory use of a life jacket. His next statement sounded familiar-- "people go 55 in the 35 mph zone" I just told him I was trying to be helpful and good luck. A few minutes later he passed me on the water as I was fishing. I wonder if that rationale is prevalent with those that rob, murder, sell and use illegal drugs, or do any other crime?
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