zellaander, thanks for that question. If you will read my first post, you will see that the lake is a HP (horse power) restricted lake with a 10HP gas engine max limit. Only gas motors of that power and less are allowed to be used. You can also use electric, or paddles. No wind power though-its not a recreational lake-its a fishing lake.
Lots of small lakes in the East have those type of restrictions. A bunch are electric only especially drinking water resevoirs of less than 2,000 acres.
I guess the history of boaters and their behavior has resulted in those restrictions. If larger boats with large engines were allowed with no-wake speed restrictions only, someone would be doing 70mph, water skiiing, tubing, jetskiing because they bought a boat and felt it was their right to do so-they paid that tax that fishfordollars mentioned. High speed on crowded small lakes is a disaster waiting to happen.
Most of those lakes that I fish are public, Game Commission managed, no ramp fees, and no permit required.
If I was thinking about hunting an area with certain weapon restrictions, and I didn't have the appropiate one, I would get one or not go. Just as good is not good enough when it comes to obeying the law/rules. I got enough weapons of each type to cover all species that I would encounter on the North American Continent. Excellent question though.
wagn, Just because laws are broken by some doesn't mean its OK for one to do so. I get that speed limit justification analogy all the time. If the speed limit was increasd by 10 mph, people would still go 5-10 mph over that because they can, not because its legal. Enforcement of those limits varies all over the country. Just try and go 5-10 mph over the limit in a school zone in some locations.