Well, after the second cast this morning I caught one about 3#. That let me know the bass were at that spot again. After I unhooked it and straightened out the Super Fluke, I sprayed it with OFF containing 15% DEET. Next cast, nothing, next cast my line starts moving, set the hook, 3# 4 ounces, took a picture. Straightened the lure out again, made a cast, line moves off, set the hook, 2# 10 oz.. The Fluke was torn up too much to use again, put on a new one, sprayed it with the OFF and cast, line moves off, set the hook, 3# 2 oz, took another picture. I stayed in that spot for 2 hours 15 minutes and caught a total of 19 bass using the OFF, Megastrike, Kick'n bass, Bang, and CB's Hawg Sauce on Super Flukes and Trick worms.
I caught at least one using each scent, but because I used OFF the most, that is what I caught the most with. I left the area and fished other places using various scents and no scents.
From what I could tell, it didn't make any difference if a scent, OFF, or no scent was used. I caught a total of 58 bass with the largest bass being caught on the last cast of the day, 7# 4 ounces.
Summerizing what occurred yesterday and today, if you are not catching any bass, sunscreen or insect repellant is not a viable excuse for your lack of success.
Thanks, skeeterman24 for asing that question.