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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. I don't use Power Pro, but I do use braid for topwater. Positives- it floats and the strength-to-diameter ratio is MUCH better than monos Negatives: none that I have experienced
  2. Change the hook to a Skip Gap hook in 5/0. That will help with the sling offs. Use a less violent cast too, more of a lob than a hard whip.
  3. You asking about GPS for fishing and your best choice would be the Lowrance H2O or H20c. You can add additional lake mapping with Lowrance software or Navionics software. It's so easy to use "even a cave man can do it"
  4. The main contact for the company that I use is Virginia Guide Bait Company, 7800 Woodpecker Road, Chesterfield, Va. 23838 phone 804-590-2118 e-mail jchenry@firstsaga.com That company used to be the one that appeared when Zoom Baits was searched on the web. They do wholesale and retail. Call or send an e-mail for a Zoom Baits catalog and price list.
  5. I have three, won all of them in bass tournaments. mgCBCGGM70- crankbait rod, works well, but I wouldn't replace it, too large diameter blank for my taste KCBM66- crankbait, works well and I would replace it if it breaks, my favorite small crankbait rod KSS610-Senko Special- too tip heavy for my taste, rarely use it and wouldn't buy one
  6. You need to include the boat model and max rpm you a getting with that prop for any recommendations on an alternative. A rig of that age probably already has the best performing prop.
  7. The weight is determined on the depth fished and the amount/type of cover. I use 1/16 oz when swimming through shallow vegetation, none when surface fishing, 1/8 -3/16 when fishing timber or deep hydrilla, and heavier when fishing deep-the deeper I fish, the heavier weight I use.
  8. The results of two consecutive days, two lakes, 107 bass, and trying to find out if sunscreen and insect repellant are a deterrent to catching bass-well they are not. One lake has no shad, the other does, and both have crawfish.
  9. Well, after the second cast this morning I caught one about 3#. That let me know the bass were at that spot again. After I unhooked it and straightened out the Super Fluke, I sprayed it with OFF containing 15% DEET. Next cast, nothing, next cast my line starts moving, set the hook, 3# 4 ounces, took a picture. Straightened the lure out again, made a cast, line moves off, set the hook, 2# 10 oz.. The Fluke was torn up too much to use again, put on a new one, sprayed it with the OFF and cast, line moves off, set the hook, 3# 2 oz, took another picture. I stayed in that spot for 2 hours 15 minutes and caught a total of 19 bass using the OFF, Megastrike, Kick'n bass, Bang, and CB's Hawg Sauce on Super Flukes and Trick worms. I caught at least one using each scent, but because I used OFF the most, that is what I caught the most with. I left the area and fished other places using various scents and no scents. From what I could tell, it didn't make any difference if a scent, OFF, or no scent was used. I caught a total of 58 bass with the largest bass being caught on the last cast of the day, 7# 4 ounces. Summerizing what occurred yesterday and today, if you are not catching any bass, sunscreen or insect repellant is not a viable excuse for your lack of success. Thanks, skeeterman24 for asing that question.
  10. couriousangler, the water is not real low, just about 2' below normal pool, which is good for navigation since you can see most of the trees. I got a torn up thumb from catching bass today. I decided to quit fishing at 5:00 so about 2 minutes before 5, I made what was going to be my last cast. After the Super Fluke hit the bottom in 18', my line started moving, set the hook, 7 pounds and 4 ounces. That was the 22nd bass I caught today in that same spot.
  11. Well, I did the sunscreen test today and it reminded me of the cable TV show Mythbusters. I had a fishing partner with me and after verifying the pattern I have been on for the past few trips to that lake I told him about this thread and a test I was going to try. I coated my finesse worm with Coppertone SPF 50 lotion-it was sunny and I didn't want the worm to get sunburn, LOL. I go to the next point and on the first cast, I caught a bass, second cast another, third cast a fish pulled the worm off the hook. I re-rigged and a couple of casts later I caught another bass. After I had caught around 10 bass with a sunscreen coated worm, my fishing partner wanted to try some-he had only caught a couple up until that point. Two casts later he catches a bass and the next cast the catches another. We spent most of the rest of the day using the sunscreen as an "attractor", tried some worms untreated and a short period of trying some well known fish "attractants". The Coppertone out produced all of those by a wide margin. We quit fishing early due to nearby thunderstorms. Our total bass count for the day was: partner-16 bass, me-49 bass Re-packaging the sunscreen and selling it as a hot new fish attractant with a "secret ingredient" was mentioned several times during the day. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. LOL Tomorrow I am going to a different lake and after I find a particular group of bass that I usually do, I am going to try OFF insect repellant with 15% DEET. I'll keep you guys posted. Volman, I can attest to that, I have scars on my forehead, ears, face, neck, and arms from numerous visits to a dermatologist utilizing liquid nitrogen and sharp instruments to remove cancers and pre-cancers.
  12. I've been fishing Briery Creek Lake since it opened for fishing in Jan 1989. I know it well enought to run on plane in most areas of the lake. When I launch at the Rt. 701 ramp, I get on plane out from the dock and run all the way to the upper end weaving through the trees. I've seen several other do it too. With the water level like it is now, most of the usual hangups are above the surface and visible-piece of cake !!! I'm going there tomorrow.
  13. Me, with stuff I see on display at tackle shops/shows. I buy it, try it, and decide if I want to buy it again. If I really, really, like it, I'll tell others about it, or-------- maybe not.
  14. I use this one occasionally: http://terraserver-usa.com For a particular lake map, do a Google search for the lake and one may be available.
  15. Mono lines are available in bright colors too. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_36901_100010001_100000000_100010000_100-10-1 http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_2356_151005001_151000000_151005000_151-5-1 http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_71861_151005001_151000000_151005000_151-5-1
  16. If you are into building stuff, you can construct a small version of a medieval device: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7343794147330927698&hl=en
  17. A wacky rigged unsalted peanut in the hull with a 4/0 hook, 65# braid, on medium heavy tackle with a tight drag setting. Use a skipping presentation. Wait 5 seconds after the hit to set the hook. The release is a little more difficult than the catch. ;D edit: I forgot one part, mash the barb down, it will make it easier on both of you.
  18. I am dissappointed in not hearing from the light/clear line folks saying it can't work. Anyway, I have been using the Stren Super Braid 20# and 30# in the gold color for 5 years with 2'-4' of 20# XPS Fluorocarbon for a leader. I use the fluorocarbon as a weight to make the braid sink. I use that combo for wacky rigging Zoom finesse and Trick worms. The clarity of the water has been a non-factor in the number and size of bass I catch as thousands of bass have been caught that way in all conditions. The loaded question part: Yesterday morning I was watching a Roland Martin show on the Versus network and the location/conditions/presentation I stated were from his show. He didn't mention the braid color in his explaination of the presentation, but it was very evident what it was. He caught several 2# class largemouth and several 3# class smallmouth. He was using Power Pro and a fluorocarbon I am not familiar with ( can't remember the brand ). He tackle was spinning gear which I use 90% of the time for that presentation.
  19. They are made of plastic/graphite. They do perform adequately though.
  20. I don't use either one, but I do use Stren Super Braid in the gold color. I don't change lines due to depth. Works well for top water too.
  21. Here is a local site that has fishing reports http://www.smithmountaineagle.com/articles/2008/08/05/boating_fishing_and_outdoors/fish01.txt Wind waves are not as bad as the wakes of boats that belong on the ocean instead of that lake. The area between the state park and the bridge is a nightmare to navigate during the warm months. WOT bass boats at night is a thrill too.
  22. My favorite color is whatever the tackle store has in stock when I need some. The fish don't have a favorite color, they will take any color in any water conditions. Its all about the presentation, not the color.
  23. I use Gammy Superline hooks in 5/0 for Super Fluke weightless presentations and use a Lake Fork Tackle weighted swimbait hook in 3/0 with the bend opened up to about 5/0 size for deep ( 15'-25' )presentations. I throw it with a BPS Extreme baitcaster, 6' medium BPS Exteme rod, and 14# XPS Fluorocarbon. Both hooks are rigged Txposed with the point inserted. I don't use Sluggos
  24. I've had that a couple of times from using spinning gear and catching lots of bass. I just let my arm rest by using the other arm for casting and retrieving. It was OK after a couple of months. I realized it was an injury and chose not to injure it any more by continuing to do the same thing and using meds or support to hide the symptoms. Once healed, there are dedicated exercises to help prevent the injury from happening again. Of couse I didn't know about that until it happened the second time. Having balanced tackle helps to by lessening the stress put on your muscles and tendons.
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