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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. If Michigan duck weed is like Virginia duck weed, just fish the lake like it isn't there. That weed is not a heavy cover like milfoil, hydrilla, pads, or standing timber. The little floaters can be moved about easily so you can use Tx rigged baits, jigs, etc. Horizonal baits may be a problem such as spinnerbaits or crankbaits since they will catch on the line and drag down to the lure.
  2. I was wearing long pants and socks. They bit through the socks-OUCH !!!!
  3. The biting flies were active at Hunting Run Lake yesterday. They seemed to prefer my ankles.
  4. I use 30# braid on spinning reels all the time, mine are 2000 and 2500 size.
  5. Sandy River Lake: I rarely fish the part of the lake near the dam or the arm with the bridge crossing it. I have the most success fishing the man made drop offs at various places about the lake. Most of those can be identified by the cypress trees growing along the top of the dropoffs. Also the creek channels at the upper end of the main lake and the one at the back of the major feeder creek cove about 2/3 uplake on the left that has the standing timber at its end. Its an easier lake to fish than Briery. Crankbaits can be utilized for some pretty good action.
  6. Micro has a good suggestion. I would recommend the Pro Spider Slider with the heavier hook for his application though. The Original has a weeker hook for presentations with light line and light action rods. http://www.fishingworld.com/Slider/Details.tmpl?ID=96851897317507&Cart=12200534722141551&SKU=Pro%20Heads
  7. Donnie, the hook is a 3/0 Gammy Octopus hook #02413. SimonSays, put the hook eye deeper into the worm and you can rig it straight. Having it straight makes no difference though, so don't worry about it. I just makes a prettier picture if is straight. The hook in relation to the worm would be like this: edited: I forgot to mention, I don't use solid colors when rigging this way, I use colors with lots of flakes in them as they are softer. The white worm was used for photo clarity.
  8. A wacky rigged finesse worm, color does not matter. I don't need to be forced to do so as I fish that way anytime the water temp is above 43 degrees. Why?, because it works.
  9. I use them this way:
  10. I have the Tom Tom One third edition. It works very well and is comparatively cheap. I have no problem with the sound quality or operation.
  11. I have a couple of the Minn Kota guages. The best one I have is one made by Vexilar many ,many years ago with the cable color coded at each 1'. It is similar to the ClineFinder. My most usable instrument for finding thermoclines is a LCR sonar unit. I use the temp guage sometimes to discern a thermocline from plankton when I see the layer on the graph.
  12. I made some for a fisherman a few years ago, I used either 4" or 6" PVC pipe, can't remember which. I think the pipe was around 4' in length with solid caps on the ends. He made the bracket to attach them, it was pretty crude but worked great.
  13. The number of times you try to put the boat on the roof is equal to the number of times you will make a dent in or scratch the vehicle body. Ask a Toyota dealer what the weight capacity of the roof is, then multiply the boat weight by 1 1/2 or 2 to account for wind pressure to compare that capacity to. I have a Highlander and my manual states to not exceed 100 pounds on the luggage rack.
  14. Probably a couple of pages of lures in Citrus Shad color from every lure company.
  15. Any fluorocarbon is better than Vanish. My preference is XPS.
  16. I think some of you are missing the point in Catt's post. He was quoting Buck Perry "The father of structure fishing". Mr. Perry was teaching how to find and catch bass that are not on the bank and that was before sonar was used for fresh water fishing. His spoonplug in various sizes was his fish finder and fishing lure. His presentation allowed for light bottom contact by letting out more line as the water got deeper before changing lure size, thus the shallow to deep route and lack of "trenching". I remember hearing him talk about being out in the middle of a body of water and catching bass, whooping it up so the bank beaters would notice him catching when they were not so they would ask him about his technique. He was a good teacher, but some have to be shown something different works before they will believe it. That is pretty much true today.
  17. One of the purposes of the line conditioner is to be absorbed into the line to help make it less stiff. Line that has aborbed water and dried out from non use is why it has that slinky toy look (spool memory)
  18. I have metal vehicle antenna that has been made into a spinning rod with a very small spinning reel attached. I had a baitcaster version also but sold it to a former bass club member. I got both from the lady that had her truck tricked out a couple of years ago on the TV show Bass Tech. I'll take a picture of it when I get a chance and post it here. I've had it for about 3 years. I don't keep it installed on a vehicle all the time-too many thieves around.
  19. If you go the pop rivet route, use an extra large backing washer or plate.
  20. In recent years it has been October. The weather patterns have everything to do with it and the best time is totally dependent on it. The weatherman can't even get the forecast correct for the next day much less what it's going to be like in a couple of months. You will just have to wait and see when Fall-like weather occurs.
  21. That is a common occurence with that unit. Contact linda.colt@navico.com, she is their best service rep.
  22. One of many
  23. Have you considered the permanent double sided foam tape? No holes !!! Radio Shack carries it #64-2361
  24. When I was looking to add an additional electric motor on my jon boat for electric only lakes, I looked at both and picked the Endura since my only use was going to be the highest setting. Paying extra for battery savings that I was not going to realize would have been a waste.
  25. Most of the time when I mash the barb, it breaks off and if it doesn't, I rotate the needle nose pliers a little and it falls off. I don't want that little piece of metal in my finger if it should come loose when unhooking a fish.
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