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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. Some of the waters I fish do not have a dock at the ramp. I use a rope that is 2 1/2 times longer than the boat. I tie one end to a boat cleat and the other to the trailer winch handle. When I launch, I just back in until the boat is floating and pull up just enough to not pull the boat forward, get out and pull the boat off to the side/dock. I power load when allowed. My tow vehicles (pickups) have covered beds so retrieval is a little more difficult solo without a dock.
  2. My jon boat is 12'. I carry more than those when I use my bassboat. I have 52 rod/reel combos plus some extra reels, so I have an adequate selection for various presentations. Changing lures while fishing takes too much time, if the lure is not in the water, the chances of catching is slim, LOL
  3. Most of this summer including yesterday: Norman Crappie Crankbait Spinnerbait Buzzbait Rat-L-Trap Topwater popper Tx rigged worm Shakey head finesse worm Slider Exposed point wacky rigged finesse worm Lighty weighted weedless wacky rigged finesse worm More heavily weighted weedless wacky rigged finesse worm Sometimes I'll take a few extra rods depending on the body of water and include: Carolina rigged lizzard DD 22 Weedless wacky rigged Trick worm Chatterbait Super Fluke Swimbait Flutter Spoon
  4. Last year I caught the highest number of bass in a year's time than I ever have. My goal was to exceed that. So far this year I am 318 ahead of that number.
  5. The two lines you mentioned are the same, just different color.
  6. Address from the BPS website: 11550 Lakeridge Parkway Ashland, VA 23005 Phone: 804-496-4700
  7. I use line diameter more than pound test when selecting lines. If I can get a 20# rated line in the same diameter as most 15#, I choose the 20#. I see some brands that list some of their larger diameter lines as a lower pound rating so they can claim how strong they are.
  8. * First word following a colon = poo ;D
  9. You may have scorched the shaft seal/s and fried the bearings. Air doesn't keep the motor as cool as water.
  10. Not only is that type of jig a year round lure, its one of the few lure types that are.
  11. Trius, you may be right, I didn't narrowly interpret his question to be comparing a rubber or silicone skirted jig to a Tx rigged plastic worm.
  12. JF, that large barb on that large hook may account for more lost fish than the same hook without a barb due to lack of hook penetration.
  13. I tried it, but the digging-in on the reel spool when under tension was too frustrating for me. I tried in on spinning and baitcasting gear. I liked its smooth surface texture and casting preformance. It is not invisible under water or out of the water, but may be less visible than green, yellow, red, or gray superlines.
  14. Catt, if you have a plain jig head with a Yammy skirted grub on it and a pegged Tx rig with the same grub on it, you got the same lure. A jig is a jig, is a jig, no matter how its constructed.
  15. The only difference between the two is the weight. The weight is attached to the hook on a jig and the weight on a Tx rig is not. The dressing on the hook can be the same or different. Both can be fished in the same manner-swimming or bottom bouncing. Both can be heavy or light. A pegged weight Tx rig is a jig.
  16. It is worth it if it will give you confidence with your presentations. In performance, it is no better or worse than any other brand.
  17. They make good backing for other lines.
  18. I wacky rig a finesse and Trick worm in all water colors, works great. I don't do any twitching though, just a slow 1'-2' pull and give it slack to fall to the bottom.
  19. Super Fluke
  20. Its 4 years and 102 days to the end-----December 21, 2012
  21. The be the most reliable, they have to have been around and in use for a long time to claim that title. The Ambassabeur reels and green Shimano reels can claim that title.
  22. Thanks for the report, I can't decide whether to fish Briery or Hunting Run tomorrow. Did you check the water temp?
  23. About 90% of the bass I catch is with a wacky rigged finesse worm-color was unimportant. Summer has been better than it was in the Spring in the numbers and size caught. I caught 506 more bass from June 1 to Aug. 31 than I did from Mar. 1 to May 31.
  24. The inserts mentioned are the rings inside the rod guide frames that I suggested you test with a cotton swab. The rod model you have has good quality guides so unless you dropped or hard hit your rod on a hard surface your guides should be OK. Probably 90%+ of damaged rod guides are the tips that resulted from dropping the rod or it falling over when propped against something. I also use Stealth on my spinnerbait rigs.
  25. I fish them with about the same motion as a surface popper. To make the lure more effective, reverse the pitch on one of the props so they will turn in opposite directions.
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