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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. Here is the manual pages for an OMC 12/24 motor. I imagine the wring is the same. Section 38 gives the color and connection.
  2. Under on circumstances accept criminal activity. When you do, you just invite more.
  3. I don't fish with live bait anymore and haven't for at least 30 years. Why, you ask? Cause you got to keep it alive--too much trouble.
  4. I suggest that you don't use the helment chin strap. The reason for that is a couple of guys I know had a boating accident in the winter when wearing heavy clothing and helments and were thrown out of the boat. The story they told about how heavy their wet cloths got and the almost impossible removal of the helments with cold wet hands and wet strap made the possibility of drowning a very real.
  5. allst8rnnr, the whole lake is a hot spot. I have the most success fishing in or close to the upper end creek channels. From the 701 ramp, I go under the powerline (South) and navigate the East side of the lake where there are no standing trees until the open water ends and then stay against the shore for about 100 yards where the lake widens some and start fishing the creek channel on up to the very end of the lake. During the warmer months, I fish out from the ramp along the main lake tree line where the water is around 20'-25' deep with subtle depth changes that hold the bass and shad. When I fish near the dam, I am always getting hung up on the small trees between the island and the dam as I fish the gradual dept change out from the island. I don't fish near the shore anytime but during the late prespawn and spawn except when the lake is mostly frozen and a warm South wind has the water melted against the dam.
  6. IPMY03, I was going thru some of my picture files and found this one of the low water level last year and on the right side of the picture showing no stumps is the mostly straight part of the main creek channel as viewed from the intersection of Briery Creek and Little Briery Creek looking towards the dam end of the lake. I was fishing in the creek channel as I often do. There is really some safe places to run once you learn them.
  7. Mike, this is a list of Zoom Trick and Finesse worm colors I have used this year (I started keeping up with them because of questions like yours). Most were used on the same body of water and several on the same day. I have some other colors that I have used in past years. Occasionally for bed fish, I'll dip 1/2 of a bubble gum Trick worm in Chart soft bait dye and end up with bubble gum/orange-that presents two small worms of different colors especially when rigged wacky style and aids in seeing it in some levels of stained water. Baby Bass, Mardi Gras, Green Pumpkin, Watermelon Purple, Watermelon Red, Watermelon, Watermelon Candy, Red Shad, Cotton Candy, Pumpkin, June Bug, Limeaid, Bubble Gum, Smokin Blue, Green Pumpkin Green, Green Pumpkin Red, Bait Fish, Moccasin Blue, White, Seedless Watermelon, Seedless Pumpkin, Junebug Red, Red Bug, Yellow, Lemon, Lemon Shad, Red/ Black Core, Natural Blue, Cherry Seed, Icicle, Green Pumpkin Blue, Watermelon/ Chart. Tail, Cinnamon Purple
  8. "non traditional" colors work well if you have some with you and run out of whatever color you normally use. Otherwise you can use them anytime and any place with the same results as what you normally use. The fish don't care.
  9. I prefer to be prepared for numerous presentations all the time. Conditions and patterns can change from day to day and hour to hour. I don't want to be limited to what I think may work as that may not be the case. I carry enough rigs to cover the best presentations for the specific time of year and body of water. The number can range from 7 to 20 or more. I don't tournament fish much anymore but my enthusiasm for catching in the most efficient manner has not diminished.
  10. The most powerful one you can afford. When I had a 10' jon boat, I used a 24V bow mount foot controlled trolling motor. I put the batteries in the back and ran wires to a front electrical outlet wired for 12V and 24V to plug in the motor and electronics. Any brand is OK, all have their problems. A 36" shaft model is the best fit if you can find one-I used an OMC and still do on my 12' jon wired the same way.
  11. Yes, a full face model with ski type jacket with a collar that zips up. A more expensive helment with adjustable vents to prevent fogging helps too especially if you wear glasses.
  12. It has become a go-to presentation for deep bass at Lake Fork on humps and road beds. I have used the large flutter spoons there and they work quite well. I do prefer to change out the factory hooks to a smaller wire of the same size with a skirt of white or white/chart. The smaller wire hooks make penetration easier and sometimes are weak enough to bend if hung up. The skirt also attracts the bar fish which can be a good thing to excite nearby bass.
  13. What is the definition of "assault weapons" in MN?
  14. Well, you doomed your trip by not being prepared with the wacky rig, ;D The fall transition has the whole food chain messed up, it will get better after all that settles down. The wind will speed up the process some. As far a the shad migrating into the coves, I have never seen that type of behavior at Briery Creek based on time of year. The only times I have seen it is prespawn when there was a heavy warm rain that raised the water temp up significantly or during the warm months when there is a heavy cool rain that cools the water down significantly. I don't think the lake is large enough for that like it happens on large bodies of water.
  15. Silver Buddys are still being made but not in the original location. They are being made in Florida (according to the new package). The original inventor has them back in production since his son died that was operating the business and the business was down for a while. The newer ones have salt water type hooks on them. The silver color is the only ones I have seen lately being available. I prefer the gold. I have about 75 of the 1/4 oz silver ones. Most of the Silver Buddy practitioners prefer the 1/2 oz. Do a web search for Silver Buddy and you will find several retailers the carry them. http://www.silverbuddy.com/
  16. Probably all of the hollow body swimbaits with a weighted hook will be in that range. The Fathead, Money Minnow, Bass Magic, Basstrix, etc.
  17. A trophy mount in any species is an individual decision. It might be a 4" bluegill for a kid's first fish, at 5# bass for someone's first big fish, a spike buck for someone's first deer kill. There are no "rules" or "standards" for ones accomplishments.
  18. I have some of their spinnerbaits and buzzbaits. The changeable/removeable rear blades is a good idea, but in function they are no better or worse than any other of the same type lures. I rarely even use them anymore.
  19. The super lines cannot groove quality rod guides since the material is basically plastic (Gel Spun Polypropylene). Polyproylene is a thermoplastic polymer. Those that fish in muddy water a lot will get sand (which in most areas is silica (silicon dioxide, or SiO2) particles imbedded in the fibers and that is what will damage the guide /inserts since the silica is as hard or harder than the guide material. Some may experience what they think is line damaged rod guides but more likely those cases are a result of the rod being dropped or struck onto a hard surface which will crack the fragile guide inserts.
  20. The bass don't hibernate. Their metabolizm just slows down as the water gets colder and they don't use as many calories to move about so they don't need to eat as much or as often as when the water is warmer. When the water surface is frozen or close to it, they are usually on or near the bottom where the water is the warmest of the water column. Bottom bouncing lures will take them. My most productive lure for that type of fishing is a Silver Buddy.
  21. I got the flu shot about a week ago. My symptoms were pain and anguish from the pre-shot thoughts. I HATE NEEDLES !!!!!!! Yes, I know I'm a wimp :'(
  22. I have and will use the "combo for hauling in the biggins" which is a BPS 6'6" medium heavy Pro Qualifier spinning rod with a size 30 Pro Qualifier spinning reel spooled with #30 Stren Super Braid and a 4' leader of #20 XPS Fluorocarbon tied on to a 2/0 Gammy Octopus Hook with a Zoom finesse worm rigged weedless wacky style. Well, that is if bass between 9# and 11# are considered "biggins"
  23. I think you are right, late Winter/early Spring is when I was doing my tests (at your lake if my memory is correct). I didn't try the exposed point set up with the straws. With the shrink tubing, you could probably use a little piece for a whole bag of worms.
  24. Its missing one of the most observed items, wearing camoflage no matter what time of year it is.
  25. Are the straws the red ones? They were the least fragile of the ones I tried.
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