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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. madbass, you may want to delay the purchase of the Motor Guide aluminum prop for the new one being introduced at the Classic I'm getting one as soon as they are available.
  2. From the battery to the trolling motor plug, use the largest you can afford. The ideal situation is zero voltage loss due to wire length. Some is acceptable or tolerated, but keep it as low as you can. Most bass boats are rigged with 6 guage wire from the transom to the trolling motor plug at the bow. My 2009 Bass Tracker was rigged with 8 gauge and I changed it to 6 gauge to improve the length to voltage drop ratio.
  3. The purpose of using the 6 gauge wire is to reduce voltage drop over the distance of the boat length. Once the end point is reached (plug) then you have the max voltage available at the plug minus the small loss of the 6 gauge wire. Using a smaller gauge wire (8 or 10) for the run from battery to plug will result in a higher voltage loss. A wire larger than 6 gauge will be even better- like welding cable, but may be cost prohibitive. The short 8 or 10 guage wire on the receptacle will not result in any more voltage loss to the trolling motor plug.
  4. I attended a seminar held by Dean Rojas recently and he was demonstrating the new popping frog. He said it may be his top choice this year (could have been as sales pitch). He recommended that the hooks be opened up a little, but only slightly so the points will still be covered.
  5. Shad_Master, the Norman Speed Clips are very difficult to attach and disconnect to lures with cold fingers. I don't remove split rings on baits to use them though.
  6. Sam, in recent years, I only use/used lead/acid size 27 deep cycle batteries and the brand depends on which has the best price. I've used Deka, Diehards, Delco, Everstarts, Stowaways, Interstate and several others and most last about the same. I've used the group 31 batteries before for single 12V use, but the weight and/or size became prohibitive. Yes, you can parallel batteries to get more capacity, but your best usage of two 12V batteries for a 12V motor is just using one until it runs down too much and then use the other. For electric waters, it may save you from paddling back to the ramp some day if you use the backup method. You can venture as far as one battery will take you and have some assurance that you will have enough battery power in reserve to get you back. That is particularly advantageous on a cold, windy day. Most of the waters I fish are electric only so battery capacity is important to me and that carries over to bodies of water where gas outboards are allowed. Even when I fish gas outboard waters, I tend to fish a selected area all day with the trolling motor rather than run around with the gas motor. If I decide to fish for 15+ hours (I do that a lot in the summer), I know I have the battery power to do so. My present aluminum bass boat has 4 Everstart batteries and one Interstate battery (came with the boat) and all are size 27 because that's all I had room for. If you have ever tried to fish Diascund Reservoir for a long day, you should know how important having some power left at the end of the day is. That is no small pond.
  7. During April and May, its hard to tell what day of the week it is judging by the parking lots. Possibly Mondays and Tuesdays might be the least crowded.
  8. I have considered those and after some comparison, they are good batteries for low usage, fast recharging, and long life. The largest size (D31M ) capacity is equal to or less than a regular group 24 deep cycle battery (75 am hours). The dual battery case model using two 55 amp hour batteries doesn't have the total 12V capacity of some group 27 regular deep cycle batteries or a group 31 regular deep cycle battery. I want a long run time when I am fishing and Optimas aren't for me.
  9. The 1910 reference to the Wigglefish is actually incorrect. The lure that George Perry used to catch the world record bass was the Creek Chub Fintail Shiner. The company advertized the Wigglefish as lure that caught the world record and the "only lure" that George had but it was later determined in an interview with George that he used the Fintail Shiner to catch that fish. http://www.mrlurebox.com/GeorgePerryBass.htm
  10. It makes no difference which one. There are those that have had a bad experience with one and got the other in both cases. Its been discussed many times with no definitive resolution. I've had both and have nothing bad to say about either. Its like the Ford/Chevy question.
  11. I've been using the Gold color Stren Super Braid since it was first introduced. The bass don't seen to be afraid of the .010 inch diameter 30# thread no matter what the water clarity is.
  12. Falls Lake just North of Raleigh, N.C. is another place for big fish and numbers. edited: I forgot to mention that you could get a N.C. fishing license and fish Falls Lake, Lake Gaston, and Buggs Island with it and all are less than an hour apart.
  13. This site may help you some: http://www.carolinaoutdoors.net/kerrinfopage.html Check the Clarksville, Va., Henderson, N.C., South Boston, Va. and South Hill, Va. Chamber of Commerce sites for golfing info.
  14. Well, I charge three 12V batteries at once with a 3 bank Dual Pro Charger. I also charge three other 12V batteries at the same time with three separate 12V portable chargers. If you have your two batteries connected in parallel as several on this site have advised against, then any single 12V charger will charge them both eventually with the highest capacity charger taking the shortest time. If you use them separately or as a 24V series hookup, then you can do it like I do my 3 battery setups. You can charge them with a 24V charger if they are connected in series also.
  15. I just use a weighted swimbait hook.
  16. The only attachment I have used is the Fluke. I use a slow retrieve just like I would with a Roadrunner.
  17. I've tried several and have found XPS to have the characteristics I like.
  18. Historically its the best period to fish Buggs Island Lake. There are enough protected waters to have enjoyable fishing no matter which direction the wind is blowing-just choose the launch area accordingly.
  19. Try this supplier--- http://www.sampoinc.com/ro_sna_splitrings.htm
  20. Dan, attend the Fredericksburg Outdoor Show Feb.20-22 and the Orange County High School Sports Show-March 7 & 8. There will be fly fishing expert/s at both.
  21. Simple solution, Google "saltwater jigs" like I did and you will find what you are seeking----- http://www.cabelas.com/ssubcat-1/cat601361.shtml There are 89,000 references to that search, check them all.
  22. I use the Owner Stinger Trebles. If I purchase a lure that has the "triple grip" or EWG hooks, I replace them and throw them away.
  23. About the only variable I have had experience with is size. I've been throwing at schooling bass and one size is ignored and another is productive. Color doesn't seem to matter. As far as brands, I only use the ones with a flat leading edge ( like the Traps and Spots ) to get the most vibration and most lift since vegetation and timber is the primary cover were I use them.
  24. Another suggestion, is when you carry the rods in/on a vehicle whether loose, in a tube, sock, or any other enclosure is to always have the handle end towards the front of the vehicle. The rod butt can handle sudden stops better than the rod tips.
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