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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. Look at the specs of the Eagle Fishmark 320. I've seen them on sale for about that amount.
  2. It is just a house brand made by Motor Guide.
  3. My best day was in October, 2007 when I caught 176 bass. No, it wasn't in Mexico, it was in Virginia.
  4. bigfruits, I don't know of any formal campgrounds any closer. I have seen some fishermen just camp at the lake in the "primitive" version. Some even have a truck bed camper or self propelled camper with a generator for battery charging. There is a lot of "contruction" at the first curve on 701 that may be for accommodations. I'll stop by and ask about it Thursday before I launch.
  5. bass or bass?, those pedestals are not hydraulic, they are pneumatic.
  6. In the smaller sizes, there is no choice for a new one. All are 4-stroke.
  7. In my case the longest I would be using is 4'-5' depending on the rod length. I certainly would not have it double the rod length and have a kink about 1/2 way in the leader from attaching my bait to the hook keeper.
  8. I had one of those on my previous bass boat. I have had the other style with the seat mount that is part of it and it didn't last as long as the one you suggested.
  9. One of the reasons I use braid is for the lack of memory. If I need to use any mono/fluorocarbon leader, I certainly don't want to use enough to have it wrapped on the reel spool. That would be adding the very thing I am trying to avoid.
  10. I don't think it is wise to post your dishonesty on the world wide web.
  11. The only length you need to be concerned with is the distance between the motor and the larger shaft that has the bearning surface. The larger part of the shaft is adjustable in the bow mount. The shaft is basically two different diameters as opposed to the single diameter of the hand contol models. You don't have to have the head of the unit all the way down against the mount. The motor only needs to be about 10"-12" below the water's surface unless you fish in big waves.
  12. I use the gold Stren Super Braid with no perceived affect in my catch rate regardless of the water clarity. When I use a fluorocarbon leader to make the braid sink for weightless presentations, I use the uni-knot connection. Properly tied and tag ends clipped flush with the knots, there is no problem with the knot passing thru a 6mm rod tip. I use 30# braid and 20# fluorocarbon.
  13. I checked out the new Fireline braid today and am somewhat disappointed in its characteristics. It looks and feels just like Spiderwire Stealth, not even close to being limp. The 30# that I use in most brands is the same diameter as 30# Power Pro, Suffix, and several of the Spiderwire braids which is 8# mono diameter equivalent. It won't be included in my arsenal.
  14. If the new 8 strand Fireline is anything like the Daiwa Samurai braid which is a eight-braid weave, it will do well in sales. The Daiwa line is the smoothest, easiest casting, smallest diameter braid I have ever tried.
  15. Mine works just fine and I use Navionics Hotmaps Premium South and East or free download Lowrance maps. I just insert whichever card I want to use and go thru the menu to tell the unit which software to read.
  16. They are all probably made by the same company. Higher price does not always mean better. Sam's Club carries the same battery that Walmart does, but the Walmart battery is $5 cheaper. They are the same company.
  17. It looks like a heavier duty model of this: http://www.imceasylift.com/
  18. Simple answer: When competition is involved, bigger is better and even bigger is even better. "Sufficient" is settling for less.
  19. ABU, just send me an e-mail with any questions you may have. I'd be most pleased to assist you.
  20. BASS/ESPN doesn't care at all about the youth programs. That became quite apparent when they were excluded from the Classic activites which they had been a part of.
  21. I live in Charlottesville and fish the Potomac, Anna, Hunting Run, Motts Run, Mill Creek, Buggs Island, Gaston, Smith Mt,, Moomaw, Lake Orange, Bowlers Mill, Northeast Creek, Slate River, Rivanna Res., Beaver Creek, Chris Green Lake, James River-upper and lower, Chick lake and river, Sandy River Lake, Briery Creek Lake, Claytor Lake, Philpot Lake, Lake Guntersville, Lake Fork, the Kissimmee Chain of lakes, the Alligator Chain of lakes, Falls Lake, Hyco, and several other bodies of water public and private.
  22. DEISWERTH, if you notice the application instructions, there is a fairly wide range of mixture ratios : One pint treats 8-25 gallons of fuel (ave. 1 oz. per gallon)
  23. High performance bass boats have a "pad" type hull that the boat rides on to lessen the hull contact with the water. The lesser the hull contact with the water, the faster the potential speed. It is all about drag.
  24. Well, no one mentioned one of the best lures for stained/muddy, cool water early in the year. It can be fished slower than a spinnerbait or lipless rattling bait, and has more vibration-------------------------CHATTERBAIT edited: to qualify that recommendation, I fished three days last week at the same lake with water temps of 44, 46, and 53 degrees as max for each day. The visibility was less than 6" and I caught bass with a couple of other lures but the Chatterbait accounted for at least 50-60 of them.
  25. According to a Seafoam rep, the military uses Seafoam in vehicles that sit for long periods of time (years) that need to be ready at a moments notice for action. It works with all fuels. It removes and prevents carbon buildup, stabilizes fuel no matter what type, removes and prevents moisture buildup. It will take care of your ethenol worries. Use it all the time. I buy 5 gals of gasoline and treat it with Seafoam. It use that for the lawnmower, power washer, ATV, chain saw, weed eater, power hedge trimmer, and small outboard motor. Some of those engines will be unused for a year or more and will start up the same as with newly bought fuel. When I had a fiberglass bass boat, every fill-up was treated with Seafoam.
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