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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. Speaking of junk lures, have you seen the newest informercial for the Mighty Bite? Only $19.95 plus shipping and handling for 9 lures and some add-ons ( even the fish attracting red treble hook). Same old song and dance just like the Banjo Minnow, Lazer Lure, and Helicopter Lure.
  2. I've done the two Fluke rig with three way swivel utilizing a Super Fluke and Fluke, but never tried it with plastic worms. I've heard about multiple plastic worms on a single hook though.
  3. I'm guessing that since Daiwa Samurai and the New Fireline Braid has the 8 braid weave, that more companies will be adopting that system and doing away with the 4 weave. The cost of that process will go down as the usage increases. When Spiderwire was first on the market, the cost was similar to the present Samurai. Edited: I just checked the Hi Seas site and their Grand Slam Braid is not comparable to the Samuari. The 30# is just 6 strands and a larger 8# mono equivalent diameter.
  4. OIFbasser, What brand and model reel are you trying to speed up? What is the present gear ratio?
  5. frank, yellow and orange are just as natural a color as black. Numerous aquatic residents have those colors. Blue gills and yellow perch have yellow, and some crawfish have orange accents on them. One of the popular colors for jigs and plastic crawfish is brown/orange.
  6. I only do well with wacky rigged Trick worms, finesse worms, and Senko's when the water temp is above 43 degrees
  7. I agree with South FLA about both lines. I'm anticipating the multi-colored version of the Samauri on the smaller spools. Power Pro and Suffix are too rough textured for my taste. Edited: on the Daiwa site, the multi-colored version of the Samauri is called Saltiga and it has two versions-Boat and Surf
  8. I keep a weighted Tx rig worm, a weighted wacky rigged finesse or Trick worm, and weightless wacky rigged finesse or Trick worm ready all the time and try all in the same areas. I have found that the weightless wacky rig will out-produce the other two consistantly even as deep as 20'. The longer the lure is suspended in the water column, the better the chance is of a bass taking it. Most fisherpersons don't have the patience to fish that slow, I do because I know how well it works.
  9. Rangerjoe, I do somewhat the same when spooling on braids. But all that compactness is lost while fishing. I don't put the line under a lot of tension during a retrieve when plastic worm fishing.
  10. I tried the 30# Invisabraid and found that it digs into itself on the reel spool under tension more than any other braid I have tried. My thought of why, is because the finish is so slick. I tried it on baitcasting and spinning grear with the same result. I even tried it on the old Spidercast baitcaster which is designed to cross wind to prevent digging in, but it still did it. I purchased it for it's above water visibility. Just another line that failed the functional test.
  11. With that criteria, I use a weedless wacky rigged finesse or Trick worm.
  12. I use the now out of production Stren Super Briad in the gold color (close to yellow). It holds it's color for years of heavy use. I have some of the original issue on a reel that I use a lot and its still has its color (somwhat dirty now) but still gold. No, I don't change the color, and haven't felt that I needed to. The fish don't care what color line you use. Black line is not affected by the light filtering affect of water depth and is the most visible color at all depths until there is no light penetration (dark). If you are concerned with fish seeing your line, you are practicing just the opposite.
  13. If the motor mount has enough "bite" to go over the rail (gunnel) just clamp it directly to the boat hull and use a piece of wood (about 1" thick) between the hull and clamps.
  14. No, it doesn't. Stren Microfuse is the only braid I have seen advertized that is supposed to glow when exposed to black light.
  15. P-Line CXX and the word "thin" don't belong in the same sentence.
  16. nojerseydevil, I don't have any "secret" installation method for your set up. I would advise that for a console unit, that you trade in the supplied skimmer transducer for a trolling motor/ shoot thru style and install it in the bilge. Thanks for asking
  17. I prefer to use braid with topwater lures, since the briad floats, the lure can perform to it's max. Once monos loose their surface tension, they will sink. dodgeguy, you should try the Diawa Samurai braid. It is the 8 strand weave like the new Fireline Braid but is not stiff like the Fireline Braid is. Very smooth and quiet going thru the rod guides.
  18. Vekol, "Perhaps line manufacturers are consistently over-rating the strength of their lines...wouldn't be the first time an industry tried to scam their customers." Quite the opposite is true, most lines break well above their pound test rating so they are grossly under-rated. Mostly the IGFA certified lines break close to their advertized strength.
  19. Reel capacities are based on mono diameter, not the strength. That is way it shows X number of yards of X pound test mono. The larger the diameter/pound test, the lesser amount of line it will hold. You can use the mono diameter equivalent of braid to see how much braid it will hold.
  20. I use 30#-40# braid with 2000 and 2500 size spinning reels. I go by the line diameter, not the strength. Most 30# braids have an 8# mono equivalent diameter.
  21. Most of the 2-piece rods I see displayed have a light enough action that make them suitable for cranking.
  22. CFFF 1.5, do you have a G3 HP200 also?
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