I'll be there on the 9th also. Hopefully the somewhat warming trend will get them active. If you see any carp activity in the shallow areas, some bass will probably be shallow too.
For your height, I would suggest the pole that does not have the seat mount included as those are longer than the ones that do have it. You purchase the seat and seat mount separately.
I don't have a favorite brand that is in production now. I would suggest that you just get a ligher version (1/8, 3/16, 1/4 ) of what you use and include some with a single Colorado blade to give you more lift/resistance. That resistance will help keep it upright when contacting objects. also minimize the bulk of your trailer so the lure won't have the tendency to roll over.
Back to your original question "What other same types of lures are out there that might be more snag resistant?" Any small spinnerbait would have about the same fish appeal as the Roadrunner with the same grub attachment. As Catt suggested, the Beetle Spin is one choice but is prone to hangups more than a traditional spinnerbait due to the pivoting connection of the jig head and wire frame. A solid head to wire connection will deflect off objects better. A long arm spinnerbait is more snag resistant than a short arm model.
I have the Dual Pro SS3 with 10A per bank. I didn't want the PS3 as it has a higher charge rate than what with is recommended for my group 27 batteries.
The highest water temp I saw Saturday was 60. It is supposed to be in the 20's tonight with highs in the 50's. I wouldn't expect to see a lot of bass on beds unless they have a blanket-LOL
A hydro foil is designed to lift the stern of a stern heavy boat and will in no way help with a bow heavy boat which may be your problem. Where is the livewell, front, middle, or back? What kind of boat is it and where in the boat does your passenger sit?
I finesse fish with 30# braid on spinning gear and can't recall ever having the line break on the hookset. Some of it is 8# mono diameter and some is 6# mono diameter. Yes, I fish real clear water too.
If you want to use any mapping software, you should check to see if the software has the bodies of water you fish.
The newer versions have High Definition surveyed bodies of water that are added in the newest year models as they are done.
Since you have never been there, go SLOW and expect to run over stumps just under the surface. When you hit one, keep up the momentum or you will get stuck.
Use a smaller version and reel it fast enough to keep from getting hung up. If you get hung up, pull the line between the reel and first rod guide with the rod under tension and let it go like shooting a bow and arrow, it should come loose. I use the 1/16 oz with a 2" white curly tail grub. It catches every fish in a body of water.
I had an Alumacraft 1236 jon boat for about 15 years and no way would I put an elevated deck on it.
Here is a tip for you to try before doing it. Take it out fishing and stand on the tank seat and fish for a while. If you feel secure, then do it.
Excellent observation fathom. They are not Do Dads but Owner Dressed Trebles. I got the idea from the Do Dad mystery series a few years ago on another web site.
edited:correction, the name of the hook is Owner Tournament Treble
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