Well having red hair (still have some left but mostly gray/white) and blue eyes, I have the most sun sensitive skin type. I don't tan well and burn very well. I apply SPF 30-70 sunscreen when I am going to be outdoors for other than a short time. I also use the Columbia SPF rated shirts, one of their wide brimmed hats (sometimes), and their slacks (sometimes). All my life I have been involved in outdoor sports ( hunting, fishing, golf, skiing, etc) and now I have to see a dermatologist every 3 months to get pre-cancer spots frozen or cut off (occasonally some are cancer). My numerous freckles are just about equaled by white scars from those removals. Waterproof, oiless, Coppertone is the brand of sunscreen I use. 40-60 years ago it was not a concern by many, but should have been.