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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. Thad is correct, I used some today rigged wacky.
  2. endless, all the passes are for both lakes. The lake closes on Oct 12 until March. I have caught several 7#+ bass at Hunting Run and my largest this year is 6-2. The guy in the rental shack was suprised to see me there today since I usually don't fish on weekends. Dr. apportments messed up my weekday fishing this week. I can't take my boat to Ni since no gas motors are allowed on it.
  3. Raul, I also have a toothpaste size tube of FS454 that I bought after it was not included already applied in the package. I also have some worm packs that have the small tube in it for self application (which came out later). Yep, I'm old.
  4. I fished Hunting Run on Friday 4th. and caught a bunch but mostly small ones. I'll probably go there tomorrow. It is closed on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.
  5. I still do occasionally. The color I have the most of is the black grape with FS454.
  6. The bass's favorite technique is-----
  7. This company is in your area, you can check with them about the price-- http://www.gogographics.net/vehicles_boats.php
  8. I see hats with three LED lights made into the bill at sporting goods stores, Sears, and Lowes.
  9. Radio Shack was the only place I found the 1/8" and it was in an assorted size package. There are three other sizes in that package that are useful. The 3/16" is good for a trailer hook keeper (over the hook eye) The 1/4" fits a Trick and finesse worm The 3/8" fits a Senko
  10. Why are you using such a wimpy leader? Could your knot tying technique be suspect? Do you use one of the rough surface superlines like Power Pro that have a lot of friction when tying the knots?
  11. As far a cutting the supelines, there are scissors marketed for that purpose or you can just get the kid's safety scissors made by Fiscar.
  12. Dan, yes I have tried circle hooks and have fished with persons that bought the octopus circle hooks by mistake when trying to duplicate how I weedless wacky rig finesse and Trick worms. I always carry lots of extra octopus hooks to relieve their frustration from missing fish. LOL, NewAngler, I use all presentations and riggings. If the normal components are not up to the task, I try to figure out how to make it better.
  13. It is easier to see than Fireline Braid. That is why I bought it.
  14. Thanks Brian, I am using mono especially because of the wireguard breaking on factory made weedless hooks. The only metal I would consider would be titanium.
  15. I have two of those motors and the terminals are heavy duty fork tougue designed for deep cycle battery connection. It makes the correct battery connection easier because you don't have to remove the battery wing nuts to make the connection.
  16. Daiwa has two, Saltiga and Boat, they are mulitcolor. They are made like the Samurai. I've seen Bill Dance using the hi-vis Sonic, but I have not seen it in stores. I am using the Stren Superbraid in the gold color that has been discontinued in favor of the Sonic (I think). I also color about 1/3 of the line on the reel spool with red softbait lure dye to get alternating red/gold. It is very easy to see with polarized glasses. I also use the Fireline Tracer Braid but the colors fade comparatively quickly. The red/gold has been cast few thousand times and will need re-dying with the red for next year:
  17. You are right Paul about the heat. I use a grill butane lighter and just get the tubing close but not in the flame. I hold the hook in my fingers to monitor the heat-if it gets too hot to hold, I have heated it too fast. Holding one of those small lighters for more than a few seconds will burn your fingers too (been there, done that). I'll be going by Bass Pro Shops near Knoxsville, Tenn. in a couple of weeks and will get some of the Mason line. Thanks edited: you may have not noticed, but I crimped the line with pliers where it hooks over the barb. Some may want the wider loop though. It works just as well both ways.
  18. Thanks Paul. I have some Mason fishing line and it is quite flexible, I'll try the leader material if I can find some. I got the pictured line in the fly fishing dept at a Gander Mountain store. Dan, yes that is all it takes to assemble it. After the heat shrink cools, pull the line slightly, if it moves, reheat again. The key is to not use too much heat too fast that it will affect the line.
  19. Give it time to dry out well and apply a couple of coats of this. http://www.plastidip.com/industrial_solutions/Liquid_Tape_-_Electrical_Insulation
  20. A long time ago I got these and some plastic worms that had a slit in them for insertion. They are fish flavored.
  21. PM sent
  22. Yamamoto has a 4", 5", and 6" twin-tail grub.
  23. The weightless worm was most likely the major contributor of the line twist. If you use a ribbon tail worm with the light jig head, it will cause line twist also. I fish weightless or very lightly weighted worms about 90% of the time, so I use braid for that application. No particular line twists any more than any other line with the same presentation and equipment. Line memory is another different animal though.
  24. Some line twist is a product of the presentation used. Do you use the same presentation with both reels?
  25. I colored the line so it would show up better in the photo
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