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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. You won't find a better lightweight, breathable, waterproof, sensitive glove for fishing than this one. http://aolsearch.pgpartner.com/search_getprod.php/masterid=740607969/search=seirus%2520gloves/mode=aolsearch_filtered/flv=1/ The same company has an insulated glove with a pocket on the back that holds chemical hand warmers for those cold down-the-lake runs.
  2. Does the motor run when you set the switch at the front of the pedal to "Continuous On"? Does it run on the "High Bypass" setting with the micro switch pushed?
  3. Too stiff and too much memory for my taste. Makes a good backing though.
  4. Another use for electrical shrink tubing I forgot about. 1/8" available at your local Lowes, Radio Shack, Home Depot, etc.
  5. This is what you can do with a GPS/Sonar unit. On one of the small lakes I fish, I have a waypoint saved for this log/stump pile (it is under the "0" in the depth reading). There is no paper or electronic map for this body of water. I can find it and fish it and have never seen anyone else fishing there since it is about 50 yards offshore where the bankbeaters fear to tread. It is a fish magnet in the summer when the thermocline forms. I don't need to throw out a marker bouy to stay on it.
  6. http://www.lowrance.com/Support/Tips-and-Tutorials/
  7. Lake Anna has large bass, but most find them difficult to find. Near Fredericksburg there is Hunting Run Lake (new lake with a good population of large bass (6#+) and very, very many small bass) and Motts Run. Both are closed from Fall thru late winter. The last day for Hunting Run this year is this coming Monday, Motts might close the same day. Your best shot at a double digit bass is a little more South near Farmville.
  8. Define "BIG". How far South do you consider Northern Va. ?
  9. Any unit with the same frequency will cross talk when the cones overlap. It's no problem in shallow water though unless your boat is real short.
  10. 7' medium grahite rod with a 6.3:1 reel spooled with 30# superline.
  11. A 5/0 EWG hook and this: http://www.tackledirect.com/tygerleader.html
  12. Lowrance and Humminbird have an exchange program so you can have the correct transducer for your application. Just contact whichever company you purchase from. Some dealers will handle that for you in-house. If you place an order for the unit you can specify the transducer supplied.
  13. Thanks, it is a good idea to determine the lake mapping software available for one's needs and then pick a product that utilizes that software. You stated that Garmin is in a "class of their own" when it comes to CD based mapping software. Is the Mapcreate software not comparable? Does Garmin have a comparable product to Navionics Hotmaps Explorer? I mentioned all of this because someone suggested the XOG as an alternative so the Navionics software could be used. I have an H2O and don't know of anyone that uses any handheld Garmin products for fishing purposes. Looking for some education about them.
  14. When you get a sonar unit and want to have the transducer on the trolling motor, do not open the package in the box with the supplied transducer in it. Exchange it for the trolling motor pod type so you won't have to deal with a future broken transducer or mounting bracket.
  15. RoLo, your information is incomplete about Lowrance mapping products. In addition to it's compatibility with Navionics, these are also available ( some of those are CD/computer based ) Fishing Hot Spots PRO LakeMaster Pro Maps MapCreate Free Enhanced Lake Maps FreedomMaps MapSelect.com Enhanced Safe Flight 21 Jeppesen Database Legacy Mapping Additionally, how many lake maps does Garmin offer with the 1' contour lines like the Navionics HD surveyed lakes?
  16. Lowrance has other handhelds with the Navionics capability, check their website.
  17. There is an old saying that is appropriate " A picture is worth a thousand words", LOL
  18. In that price range, the HB 565 has a higher pixel count at 640 vertical which is twice the resolution of the X96 and Eagle Fishmark 320. It also has a higher power output: 2000W vs. 1500W
  19. Thanks Bantam1, I'll check a few for my curiosity.
  20. Bantam1, how many filaments make up a thread and do all braided superlines use the same size thread?
  21. No one has mentioned Claytor Lake which is on the New River and just a few miles from Blacksburg. It has a good population of largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass.
  22. Thanks Dodgeguy. That confirms what I already could tell by just a simple test of passing the line between the fingernail of my thumb and index finger. The results are very obvious and is what I use when shopping for superlines.
  23. J, I don't think so other than the roughness of the braided stainless steel damaging the line when cinching the knot down. I use the Uni-Knot for snelling also, but usually snell a hook when using heavy tungsten sinkers on Tx rigs ( it eliminates damage to the knot by the hard metal of the sinker since the sinker only hits against the hook eye ).
  24. Paul, I use a Uni-Knot with 5 turns. I was using 20# fluorocarbon. The only time I use a Palomar knot is to tie the hook on a drop shot rig.
  25. If the short occurred at the plug, just cut if off along with any additional damaged wire and install a new plug. The motor cannot be damaged when the problem occurs at the power source.
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