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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. For a multi-bank charger or several separate chargers hooked to a series battery set-up, there is no reason to unhook the jumper/s between the batteries when charging. When charging, current will only flow between the positive and negative of each charger bank to the battery it is hooked to and won't go wandering around trying to charge another battery or create a short circuit.
  2. I use a 2/0 Gamakatsu Octopus hook #02412 for finesse worms and a 3/0 Gamakatsu Octopus hook #02413 for Trick worms and rig two ways depending on the amout of cover present. I use the Zoom brand.
  3. Suffering from a little Sat. night hangover, EH?????
  4. Live bait is a good presentation for catching since the live bait is doing the fishing. There is nothing wrong with that method and produces best when the object is to harvest food. I prefer to do the fishing and catching, so I always use artificial baits.
  5. I lay them on the deck next to the trolling motor foot pedal so they will be handy when changing back.
  6. Are you guys saying that Lowrance MapCreate and Hotspots is Navionics supplied software? For me, DVD or CD based software for boat use GPS units is cumbersome at best and involves taking the unit to the computer or taking the computer to the unit for corded interface. The least cumbersome transfer of data is via media cards. Is there a GPS mfg that utilizes removeable CD-RW or DVD-RW media internally for data transfer without a direct connection to a computer?
  7. My 3 largest largemouth were caught on a Zoom finesse (watermelon red) worm rigged weedless wacky: 10# 6 oz., 10# 5 oz. and 10# 4 oz. My largest smallmouth was caught on a Zoom 4" curytail worm (cherry seed) split shot rigged: 5# 8 oz.
  8. You may want to check out the two lakes near Farmville. They are fed by small creeks that pass thru forests which reduces the amount of silt in the runoff. Briery Creek did not get real muddy from the past two heavy rains, just heavy to moderate stained. It didn't affect the fish catching in any negative way.
  9. RoLo, you forgot all the appropriate mapping for fishing use that is available from Lowrance that are various media based: Fishing Hot Spots PRO LakeMaster Pro Maps MapCreate Enhanced Lake Maps FreedomMaps Some Lowrance users prefer the Fishing Hot Spots software to the Navionics for their particular on the water use even when both have the same bodies of water that they fish.
  10. GMAN, I have a Sierra 1500 4WD also for larger towing needs. It has about the same gas mileage.
  11. Dan, air pressure holds the basket in place because the length of the basket is longer than the relaxed inside diameter of the tube. I think I bought the basket at Walmart or K-Mart. I use a small bungee cord to hold the rods to the basket. I just tie the white string (about 4') to my belt. If your combos are balanced like I do mine, the rod tip/s do not touch the water. I usually carry 3 combos which is a lot less than the 20 or so I carry when using my boat. Notice the lure on the spinning rig, a weedless wacky rigged Trick worm. The baitcaster has a crankbait and the other rod would be for some other presentation (probably a spinnerbait).
  12. How it's done: http://www.fishbuzz.tv/?channel=is07&videofile=fishbuzz/insidesportfishing/is07_4 You just have to get the tip with the right ring size (where the line goes thru) and tube size (where it fits on the rod) along with the correct ring material and frame color.
  13. I like to carry more than one rod no matter what body of water I fish. When wading, I use a 8" tire tube with a basket on a tether to carry the extra rod/s and wear a vest for small tackle and use the basket for larger lures like cranks. 6' to 6'6" medium action rods
  14. Replace the guide with another one. "It's so easy, even a cave man can do it."
  15. I don't have any lipless cranks that get the hooks caught on each other. I use Strike King models, Rat-L-Trap, and Hot Spots in various sizes.
  16. I have 2004 with the 5 cylinder in-line engine. Four wheel drive, auto tranny, extended cab, and matching shell. I get about 15 mpg towing a small boat or ATV trailer and about 18 mpg highway not towing.
  17. The best supplier of GOOD marine 6 ga wire is a boat dealer. The wire they use is more flexible with thicker insulation. The cheapest supplier would be a Lowes's or Home Depot for the stiffer/less flexible version used in building construction.
  18. J, for the best performance do NOT use silicone to glue transducers to boat hulls. The soft material will absorb the sound waves and prevent accurate readings. The boat hull should vibrate at the same frequency as the transducer so a hard, thin, bond is necessary. A slow cure epoxy is recommended for that purpose so bubbles in the mix are reduced as comparred to the fast cure types.. The instructions for shot-thru mounting is in the manual included with the units.
  19. I've used lots of cranks with EWG and Triple Grip hooks. That is why I now replace them on every lure that comes with either as soon as I open the package. No theory, just practical experience over many years. As far as a fish flopping beside the boat, you are less likely to get hooked with the EWG or Triple Grip than with a round bend.
  20. Gone_Phishin, the EWG trebles will also help deter your bait from getting snarled in the bass as compared to round bends.
  21. The Comprop brand is advertized as a primary prop up to 5.0 litre V8 or 225HP outboards/3000 lb. boats. That statement is on the Bass Pro catalog on page 464. The naysayers need to come out of the stone age and check what is available in today's world.
  22. To see a RTS, just look at the picture advertisements for any LCR unit on-line or in a catalog such as BPS. The link is for a HB, the Lowrance RTS is not quite as wide. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/SceneSevenDisplay?catalogId=10001&storeId=10151&langId=-1&productId=-52575&productPartNumber=52575&scene7Path=BassPro%2f92847%3flayer%3dcomp%26wid%3d500%26hei%3d500%26fmt%3djpeg%26qlt%3d100%2c0%26op_sharpen%3d0%26resMode%3dnorm%26op_usm%3d1.0%2c1.0%2c0.0%2c0&sourceName=images2%2f92500%2f92847.jpg&type=0&linkEnabled=false
  23. J Francho, every model of LCR sonar units I have seen or heard of scroll from right to left and the RTS (real time sonar) is on the right. History is everything left of the first vertical column of pixels on units without RTS.
  24. For spinning gear 30# superline, and for baitcasting gear 50# superline.
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