I have the Matrix 97 and set the sensetivity to about 50% and that shows me the thermocline. I run the scroll speed at around 75% and do not use the fish ID. All other setting are default settings. My main frequency view is the 20 degree cone and have the dual view, GPS view, zoom view, and GPS/Sonar view as my hot keys.
All my LEI units are kept on default settings with no fish symbols.
From the performance standpoint, the recent issues of XPS are not as durable and the knot strength is less than the XPS of a couple of years ago.
I've been using XPS for about 5 years.
bartoopuck, that is the depth I have been catching the most recently and on channel drops. Slow is the way to go especially after the two rainy periods we have had. Slow horizonal and vertical.
I don't have a Senko dedicated reel, but may use a Calcutta, Chronarch, Curado, BPS Extreme, Quantum Pro , Ambassadeur 4600, Revo SX, Abu Silver Max, or any of the others I have depending on which is not being used for some other presentation.
Paul, any soft plastic lure will melt some plastics that are not suited for storing soft plastic lures in or on. Fiberglass and aluminum is not affected.
The 3X type material is best stored in the original package or discarded after use. Do not mix that material with any other plastic lures (a warning is printed on each package).
If the Hotmaps you mentioned is the Navionics brand, no it is not compatable with Magellan products. You can check like I did on the Navionics website.
edited: I just checked the Magellan website for the mapping software. The South mapping software only has 95 total maps for waters. Unless you only fish those limited waters, the equipment and software is not a good choice for fishing purposes.
Today I fished a lake that is about 8 miles from the one I fished Tuesday. The area had about 3 inches of rain yesterday and the water level was up about a foot. All the bass I caught were in the muddy water. The water temp was the same as the other lake 54-55 degrees at the surface. I checked the bottom temp at each location where a fish was caught and everywhere it was 53.5 or within a tenth each way in 6'-15' depths. Every bass had some red color on their upper jaw.
Paul, I'm as curious as you on this subject and like the thermocline thread a few months ago, I'll spend the time necessary to get some real time data.
I didn't take a picture of the red lipped fish because I didn't remember this thread until after I released it. I did take a picture of next one at the same location of an un-colored bass in anticipation of catching another colored one (didn't happen).
Paul, yes they were surface temps. The air temp has been in the 45-65 degree range with some rains the past few weeks. The amount of rain has raised the lake levels so the distribution of temps is fairly even. I am going to check the bottom temps tomorrow where I catch a few to compare to the surface temps.
If I catch any red teeth fish, I'll take some pictures.
I don't limit my chances of catching by being size or lure type specific. I try most all presentations suitable for the time of year and location. Then I focus on the best producing presentations after establising a pattern. I usually have 10-20 rigs with various presentations to lessen the time it takes.
Historically for me,, smaller produces larger.
Paul, yes it is. The red label ones float and the purple label ones have salt in them so they sink.
No, they don't have a scent/taste that repels fish and the extra softness of the plastic encourages the fish to hold on.
I was fishing in 54 - 55 degree water a couple of days ago and 1 of the 14 bass I caught had red teeth. That one was caught at a beaver hut along with 2 others. The primary food source is shad.
This is one of the non-colored fish---
markwe1, explain the backtrolling maneuver with a bow mounted trolling motor, it must be quite awkward. Since backtrolling is a slowed down procedure, surely your 43 lb thrust motor will go slow enough.
I use two solenoids with my single BigFoot switch to turn on two trolling motors. There is minimal arcing with the low load of the solenoid coil. The contacts of the solenoid is rated for 160A
I use the Rapala scales in the 15# and 50# sizes. Both are accurate to within 1 oz of known weights. I use the 15# mostly and have the 50# just in case I catch a bass over 14#. I use the 50# also to verify a fish's weight in case the 15# seems off from my guess.
I have two of the Minn Kota air/water thermometers. They work great if you don't let them get wet ( I ruined one before getting the two I have now). The remote sensor cord is 23'. I have one mounted on my boat or air and surface water temps and the other is mounted to a large fishing line spool that I use to confirm thermoclines within it's reach.
I also have one made by Vexilar that is over 25 years old and it has a 100' sensor cord.
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