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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. Top Dog, I have the Mercury 4 stroke 9.9 on mine. I got rid of all my jon boats and fiberglass bass boat to get down to just one boat for the waters I fish the most. I don't tournament fish any more so I rarely even used the fiberglass boat for the past 4 years or so. A couple of my favorite lakes are 10HP max and the rest of the favorite lakes are electric only. I'm rigged to fish any of those efficiently with a remote on/off switch for two transom electric motors for the electric waters. I made space for 5 group 27 deep cycle batteries for the 36V bow motor and the two 12V transom motors, by removing the built-in gas tank.
  2. Here is one resolution for that presentation: http://www.unclejosh.com/sizmiclure/modules/cart/navigate.php/nav_id/75 You can get mat penetration two ways. If you use a lightweight 1 oz. rig/jig/Tx rig, you can cast vertically and let the momentum of the fall crash thru the mat. The other way is to use a 1 1/2 oz or more weight and cast onto the mat and shake it in place until it works it's way between the stems and thru the mat. The shake method will get the bass's attention better in most cases as it disturbs the mat before it falls thru.
  3. If you are talking about the Side Imaging transducer, go the the Side Imaging Groups section of Yahoo and just about every possible mounting system has been posted there.
  4. All of the newer HB units with GPS come with 50 channel receivers including the internal antenna models. I have the 798ci SI and it sure is less cumbersome not having to deal with the mounting/cable routing of an external antenna like one of the older models I have. All the LEI HDS models have an internal GPS antenna.
  5. Use the 3M Marine 5200 sealant for the filler screws and you won't have to replace it occasionally like you will with regular silicone sealant.
  6. Something to consider, is those who are not enthralled with bass and seek other species would not hesitate to use a big bass for cut-bait, food, or chum and it's value is nothing more. It's all in one's perspective.
  7. No airborne_angler, the craze was because everbody wanted them and there was not enough available for everybody that wanted them. The mfg could not keep up with the demand. During that period there was a lot of activity on the net about how to make the blades so anglers could make their own knock-offs and have one like it. note: I did not sell mine, I gave them away and paid for the shipping. I only kept two for my use. That was before I started having a lot of success with them.
  8. Fishes in trees, I have an Alumaducer in my Tracker hull also, it works great. Alumabass, you have to drill holes in your boat to mount the transducer mounting board you so you would not be eliminating drilling more holes. The board just allows for multiple mounts of sensors without additional screws in the hull.
  9. My first gas outboard was a Merc 2.2 HP used on my 10' jon and I got that after I had it rigged with the bow mount. I think the boat was rated for 5 HP.
  10. The 1932 world record bass became dinner also.
  11. When the original Chatterbait craze started shortly after being marketed due to several tournaments early in the year in Florida being won using them, they became scarce. Some were being sold for $75-$100 each due to the panic buying that was going on. Sometime after that, Rick Morris claimed second place after leading the Bassmaster Classic using it on the Kissimmee chain of lakes. I had a dozen of them during that shortage period and mailed some to a few tournament anglers that were looking in desperation for a source via internet. A year or so after all that, the company was sold, they were copied by several lure mfg. and the rest is history.
  12. I just checked the Lowe Boat web site and they are factory rigged with Mercury engines also. I guess that eliminates them from consideration also?
  13. The 10' jon I used to have was rigged with a bow mount foot control trolling motor, a slighty raised swivel seat on the middle tank seat, and I put the grass-looking outdoor carpet on the bottom and 1/2 way up the sides. I glued the carpet directly to the hull and didn't add any flooring to increase weight. I wired the motor to be powered by the battery mounted at the transom for better weight balance and had a duplex electric outlet at the bow for the motor and electronics. It didn't take me long when I first started fishing in boats to find out that controlling it was a lot better and more efficient when done from the bow. Every fishing boat since then has been set up that way.
  14. kikstand454, Tracker does not manufacture nor do they warranty Mercury Motors. It makes no difference what a Mercury engine is mounted on, Ranger, Triton, Tracker, or not mounted on like a small size used on small boats You stated "engine mechs". The propulsion system whether gas or electric is warranted by the mfg of that motor not the craft it is installed on. Are you saying that your buddies will not work on Tracker boats OR Mercury motors because of warranty issues with Mercury Marine and/or Tracker boats? For your reel analogy, some Shimano mechs won't work on Abu Garcia, or Daiwa reels either. It's more about being an authorized service facility for that brand. It sure has nothing to do with the brand of rod it is used with.
  15. Most times, but have 1/2 of the cylinders loaded with shot loads and the other 1/2 loaded with 240 gr. hollow points. I don't use leather because of it's corrosive nature (tanning salts), I use the nylon models. Which-ever vermin I encounter can be dispatched effectively.
  16. Top Dog, the 2009 Tracker PT 170 TX I have has no wood anywhere I can detect. There may be some between the inner and outer transom plates, but nowhere else. The deck is aluminum sheet with aluminum bracing and aluminum supports. The lack of wood in the make up is why I chose the Tracker. I can't remember if the Lowes does or not, but the G3 aluminum bass boats have wood in the decks. I did a lot of comparison shopping before I made my choice. edited: just checked the Tracker boats website and the transoms are all aluminum. kikstand454, the recent history Tracker boats are rigged with Mercury engines and any legitimate Mercury dealer/service business will work on that engine. It has nothing to do with the craft that the engine is mounted on.
  17. I use a leader of 20# fluorocarbon about 4'-5' in length occasionally for weightless presentations. I use it as weight to increase the fall rate since braid floats.
  18. Excellent idea and a lot sturdier than the plastic stuff available. I can envision the same construction with two shorter nipples and a 45 degree elbow for an even closer-to-face mounting. A plumber's nightmare in the making, LOL
  19. Thanks, CFFF 1.5 Is the XP compatible mode available with Vista?
  20. That subject was discussed on another forum recently. Here is a link to one side of the rod length debate: http://www.bigindianabass.com/big_indiana_bass/long-rods-and-leverage-it-aint-so.html
  21. J Francho, my intent was not to be "snotty" but to be helpful. This exchange is completed, good luck.
  22. J, I'm not saying you are wrong. I'm just advising a better alternative based on many thousands of bass caught and numerous hooks tested over 50 years. Re-read my last post, the weed guard hook and just the finesse wide gap hook is two different sentences, but the results were the same. Maybe you will remember this thread the next time you are unsuccesful and wonder why. Good luck
  23. J, I have fished with several anglers that used the 1/0 or 2/0 Gammy Finesse Wide Gap hooks and they missed lots of hook sets. I got some of the weedless models of that hook for wacky Senkos and experienced the same. I've also fished with others using the weedless model with Senkos and they missed a bunch too. That is why I started making my own weedless hooks with Octopus hooks and rarely miss a fish. When the 3/0 and 4/0 Finesse Wide Gap hooks were intoduced, I gave them a try and had less missed fish, but they still did did not peform as well as the Octopus hook. I'll PM you a senario experienced in a tournament about that hook.
  24. I have Windows 98, Windows XP, Windown Vista, and Windows 7. Of the four, Vista is the most intrusive and failure prone. My biggest problem with Vista and 7 is the incompatability of some older software that I use a lot.
  25. J, my point is that the hook size should be based on the size of the plastic lure so the hook bend is not filled up with plastic, limiting penetration and even preventing the hook point from making fish contact. I'm not asking this for my use, I already know how to pick hook sizes. I'm just trying to get the others to think about their hook choices for the best chance of producing a catch with the chosen bait and rigging. Do you use those #6 dropshot hooks for Senko's rigged wacky style?
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