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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. You didn't enter the co-ordinates correctly This took me to 998 W. Cherokee Dr., Jefferson City, TN N 36 07 50.4 W 083 30 18.5
  2. Rootbeer, if you put the correct co-ordinates in the Google map search block, it will show the correct location. Try this one at a lake I fish a lot: copy/paste this N 38°20.638 W 077°38.633
  3. Steve just an unweighted Zoom finesse worm. You can try the Trick worm also but the finesse worm produces best. There is no need to be in a hurry to get the bait to the bottom by adding weight, the hook is enough weight. If you go far enough away from the rocks in the shallow area and get into the current, you may want to add some weight to overcome the current. When they are spawning, that is not an issue since they will be closer to the dike.
  4. Steve, if you use a weightless wacky rigged finesse worm on the East end of the rocks just before it starts getting real shallow, that will produce the bigger ones. You may find some several yards off the rocks in that shallow area.
  5. Great, Carrington. Was that class for the required certification that all Virginia boat operators have to posses at some point?
  6. Don't bother with using fluorocarbon line. It was only good enough to be part of the winning combination that won the Bassmasters Classic.
  7. Good point Knifemaker, she can have an advantage over the men divers if she would get "more junk in her trunk" aka-lower center of gravity--LOL
  8. Looks-------------------------------------B Body--------------------------------------C Nascar driving---------------------------- C+
  9. I use the uni-knot for all applications except for the hook on a drop shot rig (Palomar for that).
  10. Spook and Spook Jr. for surface, Fluke for subsurface.
  11. Have you ever checked for fishing line behind the prop?
  12. A true floating non-ElaZtech 7" straight worm is the one that Walmart sells in the kits (Renegade). The color choices are limited, but they do float.
  13. I say use the grade of fuel recommended by the mfg of your engine.
  14. Using the company that you have other policies with is a good idea. You won't be treated like a stranger should you have a claim.
  15. NewAngler, I color my line with soft bait dye. The red I have is Color Rite and is unscented. You can use the scented dyes like Spike-It or a knock-off. I dip a q-tip in the bottle and apply the liquid to the reel spool. This reel has Gold Stren Superbraid on it and was dyed about 2 years ago. The other one I posted was Yellow Daiwa Samurai and was done about a month ago.
  16. Here is the sign at the lake pertaining to the slot limit:
  17. The lable on the can states that it lubricates, cleans, protects, penetrates and displaces moisture. It's flammable and contains petroleum distillates.
  18. You rang????????????? The planned opening date is the first Sat. in March. The Spotsylvania County web site hasn't been updated and still shows the 2009 dates. I wonder if the parking lot and road have been scraped to remove the snow. Do you run the Ice Breaker event?
  19. Not all pressure treated wood is the same. Do a Google search for "pressure treated wood on aluminum"
  20. The material that superlines are made of is a natural white color and most of the lines on the market are dyed. I put a band of red color on my yellow line so the contrast makes it easier to see in all lighting conditions.
  21. If you have to extend the power cord, most unit manuals suggest 18ga, but for a long run, 16 ga is better.
  22. One thing you can be sure of, is the units on the market now are already obsolete in each company's development departments. By the time the lawsuit is settled, any present unit will be way past the warranty period and obsolete, so that should not be a concern.
  23. I use these when fishing and put heavier gloves over them when running on plane. rei.com/product/743106 (add the www. to make a link)
  24. BigEbass, you won't find too many unbiased opinions of what is "best"---kind of like the Ford/Chevy thing. Your best option is to visit a retailer that carries one or both units and see for yourself and then determine how much you want to spend to get that technology. The Lowrance version has the least time on the market so the available information is not as saturated as the Humminbird version that has been around for a few years. The top of the line for each brand to get equal features is within $100 of each other and that is about $3,000.
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