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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. Bill Dance also uses yellow or gold superline with a leader.
  2. I've been to it twice. Just show up, that's all you need. Take something to sit on.
  3. What is the screen scroll speed?
  4. What, no talk about the 15.61 bass caught at Fork yesterday ????????????????????????? I'm in Virginia, and I heard about it.
  5. That "breeding theory" certainly can't be applicable in late summer/early fall which is when I posted the latest picture of the red lip syndrome. I caught over 100 bass last week in warming 50-60 degree water, and none of them had red lips. One of them was clearing a bed in 2' of water. I'll take the time to get some lip pictures tomorrow with a bottom temp reference since the overnight low temp will be above freezing, that may make a difference.
  6. Thanks Al, I used the HP injector for many years in 2-strokes and have discussed the lack of certification with several Amsoil reps. When it comes to a warranty claim costing the mfg several thousand dollars for parts/labor, I'm sure some won't hesitate to dispute what type of lubrication was used. The quality of the Amsoil is probably better than any of the motor brand oils, but that is not the point. The motor mfg. state the lubricant requirements and those have to be adhered to maintain the warranty.
  7. bear7625, the "no need for backing using braid" does not apply to any reel. No matter what reel you use, if you don't use some anti-slip material ( tape or mono backing) on the spoor arbor, you will get ghost drag. The larger spool diameter reduces the line coil size but does not reduce any memory that the line may have.
  8. Change the low voltage alarm setting to a lower value.
  9. Jake, PM sent
  10. Bass Buster Scorpion, 1/4 oz.
  11. Same thermocline with a setting of 3
  12. Here is a thermocline with a setting of 10
  13. I wasn't on top of the same two trees, but this is a few feet away with a lower setting. I don't now what the surface clarity setting was, I usally don't change it from the default setting.
  14. Yes, I use it: This is the yellow Samuari A bass is not scared of yellow line.
  15. Al, it is "recommended" for that application but is NOT certified. The company has not gone thru the certification process like most other companies have done for their products. Read the lable on the bottle and/or visit the web site. Here is one that is certified: http://www.pennzoil.com/documents/Multi-Purpose+2-cycle+engine.pdf
  16. Second image
  17. This is the same place with two different sensitivity settings:
  18. With baitcasting equipment the 10# mono equivelent diameter superlines would be your best mid range choice. In most brands that is 50# test.
  19. All I see is clutter from the sensitivity being set too high for that depth. Where you moving or stationary?
  20. Amsoil is good stuff, BUT it is not BIA certified TCW-III and may void your warranty. I used the HP-Injector in older engines (post warranty).
  21. The highest water temp I saw Friday was 63.2 in the late afternoon. The same area got up to 60.6 on Thrusday afternoon.
  22. Did you catch any on beds? I caught one off a bed late afternoon yesterday at Briery.
  23. To get any reading above a slow idle, the bottom of the transducer has to be level or just below the bottom of the hull. You have it on the step and not the hull bottom. It should work fine at slow trolling motor speeds or sitting still like you have it.
  24. If you use Sea Foam all the time, you won't need any other product at any other time. I use it year round in all my small engines.
  25. One of the 27 series will handle most trolling motor needs for a day's fishing unless you fish as much as I do (10+ hours). I wouldn't bother connecting them together and just have the other one as a back up to take care of a particually windy or high current day. Do you have a separate qroup 24 marine starting battery also or don't have a gas outboard?
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