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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. new2BC4bass, yes you are partically correct. Of the couple dozen baitcast manuals I have, two of them do state 1/16". The rest state 1/8" or 3mm and some of them are Abu.
  2. (Steve) be sure to add a tiedown strap when you bolt on the mount. Sometimes in rough water the catch that holds the motor in place when folded up will release. That is not a pleasant experience. I had 4 of those bow mount motors.
  3. Coppertone SPF 50 lotion works real well.
  4. All reels should only be spooled to within 1/8" of the spool lip or a little less. If you have the manual for it, it should state just that.
  5. Dink, go to the "Settings" menu. Change the "User Mode" to "Advanced". Then scroll down the "Settings" menu to "Depth Offset". You can add depth for the actual difference in the distance from the water line to the transducer or you an subtract depth to allow for the keel in relation to the transducer or to make sure you don't hit the bottom by subtracting additional depth by a couple of feet. Basically you can make the unit display that the water is deeper or shallower than the transducer. The manual describes the purpose of the setting. The newer units just use a different phrase (Depth Offset) for the adjustment. In case you don't know how to get to the "Settings" menu, push the menu button twice with any screen showing and scroll across the top to that menu item, then scroll down to the "User Mode", etc. To remove the transducer, take a wood chisel or screw driver and chip away some of the epoxy that surrounds the transducer until you get to the edge of the transducer, then force the chisel/screwdriver under it the transducer and pry it up.
  6. Marty, I agree with you. I use the florocarbon leader to make the braid sink when using weightless soft plastic presentations.
  7. Bassin_0502, the 798 screen physical size is 3 5/8" X 3 5/8". It is 5" diagonal. The 800 and 900 screens are rectangular (not square)and the specs list the diagonal size. Some state that the view screen loss with numerical data at the left of the screen on the 800 series makes the functional screen size about the same as the 700 series. Fishing Rhino, this page on the Humminbird web site states what units are compatable with what mapping software: http://www.humminbird.com/leading_innovation/cartography-gps-maps.aspx
  8. The bass like those style baits, that is all that counts.
  9. I have about 30 reels with braid on them. Some have a fluorocarbon leader, and some have no leader.
  10. nubasser, I'll probably be at Briery a couple of those days.
  11. The higher pound test fluorocarbon lines sink faster than the lower pound test fluorocarbon lines, why you ask? because it weighs more. It's that simple. I use a fluorocarbon leader just for the purpose of making the braid sink. I use the 20# test fluorocarbon 99% of the time when adding a leader.
  12. The birds have the keel offset feature. Most use it for the opposite of this discussion for deep hulls with the transducer higher than the keel to avoid hitting the bottom.
  13. River Rat, it takes less than 15 seconds to assemble the weedguard hook. When heat is applied to the shrink tubing, do it slowly so the tension of the wire doesn't stretch it. I use a long tube lighter like for starting grills and only hold the flame close and not in the flame. Don't hook the loop over the point when heating. I hold the hook in my fingers during the process. If you get it too hot to hold, you have over cooked it and might as well start over.
  14. fishEguy, not on most of them. Sometimes the tubing doesn't grip the hook shank tight enough to keep it from slipping so I put a drop of super glue at the hook bend end. The shrink tubing is the 1/8" size. The brand of wire I use is Malin and I got it at BPS in the salt water section. It is the smallest size they carry. I first tried some saltwater mono leader material but it was not stiff enough for timber but was as stiff or stiffer as the weedguard on the Gamakatsu Weedless Finesse Wide Gap hook.
  15. Joolz, the Humminbird SI and Lowrance units with Structure Scan are Navionics compatable. Just some are not Navionics Hotmaps Platinum compatable, all are Hotmaps Premium compatable. Navionics software IS the contour lines like a paper topo map and the Navionics Hotmaps Premium and Platinum versions have the HD surveyed bodies of water (1' contour lines). Some prefer the Lowrance Hotspots mapping software for their Lowrance units for certain bodies of water. There is nothing less than the 798 in a SI model. It is the smallest screen size, but with the highest resolution screen in the industry. Most single unit set-ups are used at the gas outboard control area. I have mine set up for the console or trolling motor (HB 798 as a quick disconnect mount).
  16. I'm on my second mini-DV camera. I got that one because I drowned my first one (forgot the boat plug) and had a bunch of mini-DV tapes. If I have to get another, it will be a hard drive model with lots of optical zoom (40-60) and stabilization. I use mine for stills more than video and the remote operation is a plus for self photos when fishing. I have the Canon ZR850
  17. If the fish is almost off the screen on the RIGHT side, it is within the cone angle of the transducer and is under the boat's transom and is just appearing on the display. There is no formula to account for the variable speed of the boat and variable screen scroll speed in relation to a displayed object. You would have to measure a run for distance with a constant boat speed with a set screen scroll speed to get any figure to work with. There is no way with 2D sonar to know which side of the boat the fish may be. If you get a quad transducer, you can get that information.
  18. .dsaavedra, use that 4/0 G-lock rigged wacky here and you will only get one cast per hook:
  19. For Trick worms, I use a Gamakatsu Octopus hook in 3/0. For finesse worms, I use a Gamakatsu Octopus hook in 2/0 or an Owner Mosquito hook in 2/0. For Senkos, I use a 4/0 Gamakatsu Octopus hook with an added weedguard of 7-strand stainless steel leader material in 60#
  20. Fishing Rhino, the Humminbird 798 is Navionics Hotmaps Premium and Lakemaster compatable. It is not Navionics Hotmaps Platinum compatable. Some of the non SI 700 models may be the same way. If they are not when purchased due to age in stock, they can be upgraded with FREE software for Lakemaster. Even my several year old Matrix 97 is Lakemaster compatable after this upgrade: Free Download: Matrix 97 Update (version 4.750 - 0 bytes) Description: 1/14/2010 12:00:00 AM - v4.750 Adds LakeMaster compatibility. Adds GPS improvements. Adds new 2D sonar color palettes. Improves trolling motor noise rejection. Fixes Track offset issue. Changes Depth Alarm Setting to be maintained in memory upon Power Off. Automatically restores defaults when reprogramming unit. Fixes Disabled GPS output. Fixes Snapshots not displaying in POS mode. Fixes Navionics library drawing when no map is available. Fixes various cosmetic and minor operational defects. Switchfire was made available in a previous release. It is automatically included in this update. The 798 non-NVB suggested retail is $999.00 and can be purchased for less.
  21. Yes Paul, I'll do that later this week if I hook one that offers enough resistance.
  22. Paul I caught this one today and it took me about 30 seconds to land with UL gear. The brightest red I've seen since the water warmed up. The water temp was 65.3
  23. pgersumky, tell me about the Triple Fish Bully Braid "some people that know". I can't find a source or reference about it in recent history.
  24. Paul, none of the other 46 bass had any coloration at all. The lowest water temp was 63.2 in the morning. Also none of the others offered enough resistance to keep me from landing them in less than 10-15 seconds.
  25. Paul, I had this fish on for several minutes yesterday due to being hung up in a submerged pine tree. The fish got so tired it just came to the surface when I gave it slack line. I just grabbed the line and hand landed it, then I cut the hook off and pulled the line out of the tree. The water temp was 71 degrees. Very slight lip color.
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