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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. I used to be a member a few years ago. I don't approve of their business model and choose not to be associated with them. I got one of those "invitations" this week, it went in the trash with the other junk mail.
  2. I agree with Mr. Snook, the superlines work very well with the bow method. The stretchy mono absords the shock needed to dislodge a hang up easily.
  3. Floatation: put it everywhere you can. The most floatation should be next to the heaviest weight that will be in/on the boat. Use a closed cell foam so it won't absord water. Did you remove floatation material from the center tank seat or was the boat made before they were made safer?
  4. Dan, that is a good way to bend the reel spool axle. THE best way to get un-hung or break off is to wrap the line around a net handle, boat cleat, or some other solid object and then pull. Do not wrap the line around your hand to do it--it will cut your hand. I carry a short piece of 1" wooden dowel for that purpose.
  5. scbassin, if a rod explodes on a hookset when using a superline, it's the stupidity of the person using it and they haven't adjusted their technique for it. It's no difference if a person is a superline user and then switches to a mono and keeps loosing fish due to the lack of hook penetration caused by an improper hook set with the mono. I've been using superlines since the days of Kelvar and original Spiderwire and have never had any rods explode or break when using it. All it takes is the simple awareness of their equipment and using it accordingly.
  6. Stabil will not improve the performance. Only cooler weather and/or non-ethenol fuel will.
  7. The Thermocell is useless with any air movement. I have one and using it while bass fishing in a boat is like having no repellant at all.
  8. Where is the hull flotatation going to be installed?
  9. Reverse the pitch of one of the props so it spins the opposite way. Just twist the prop with your fingers. It makes more of a splash that way.
  10. I personally like the lever actions. I have a couple of Winchester 9722. I can mix or match the shorts, longs, and long rifle loads. I also have a couple of SA but they are boring to shoot.
  11. Instead of being a bank beater, turn around the present your lures away from the bank.
  12. If you are using a fluorocarbon leader why are you bothered by the size of it? Will 20# affect the "deep jigging" presentation? Will you be using a jig or a tube? I use 20# fluorocarbon in super clear water especially when fishing deep. The larger size fluorocarbon or nylon lines have less stretch than the smaller sizes.
  13. Any Tx rigged creature bait.
  14. I used to catch the most with a single colorado 1/4 oz spinnerbait and a Tx rigged ribbon tail worm. I think the usual depth was about 10'. Every time I have fished there, it was very dingy to muddy.
  15. john, I hooked that fish about 4-5 years ago.
  16. skunked_agein, you can be sure that illegal power loading occurs when the law states it is illegal to do so. It's really that simple. It was passed into law for the reasons junebugmn stated. I've been to several bodies of water around the country that have that rule posted at specific ramps and bodles of water. It's usually not an issue on man made lakes where the ramps were created before the lake was formed or lakes with fluctuating water levels that have very long ramps that have lots of concrete in the water at normal pool. Wisconsin has mostly natural lakes/rivers without the possibliy ot creating long underwater hard surfaces without great expense. It is an expense to repair the damage. The washed out area caused by that practice is called a "blow hole". It is a good fish holding area where they occur.
  17. hookingem, I've had the record hooked three times. I just haven't been lucky enough to get that one back out of the trees after having it close and on the surface only to have it dive back into submerged laydowns. Lawdog, PM sent
  18. hookingem, I'm not as successful at landing the really large ones like some others are. I hook several in the 12#-16# class every year, even getting some within a rod's length of the boat, and haven't completed the task. My largest one landed there is 10 pounds and 4 ounces 27"
  19. For the two days I fished this week, Wednesday I averaged 3.45 bass per hour for 12 3/4 hours, and Friday on another body of water I averaged 12.16 bass per hour for 12 hours. Both were good days.
  20. I still have some of both. I preferred the Augertail with the FS-454 already applied in the package rather the later version with the little pack of FS-454 that needed to be applied.
  21. It is quite common post spawn with any presentation. They are not picky eaters when they are recovering from the spawn. Removing the hook barb is the best solution.
  22. I saw several of the dead bass today. I was told that the rapid warming of the water was the culprit. It didn't hurt the catching though (well except the dead ones wouldn't bite, LOL)
  23. The bullets I have are in a red box stating Federal "High Power" and no 712. I bought two bricks of them many yeara ago and still have just over 1 brick left. I'm not a paper puncher, I prefer my targets to bleed. I may shoot a clip full occasionally at a target to verify zero.
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