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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. If you are prone to bending trolling motor shafts, the Minn Kota should be your choice.
  2. Do you mean Bowlers Mill Lake? Yes, PM sent
  3. Yes, get the higher pound test Samurai. The Samurai is rated close to it's actual breaking strength unlike the other superlines that have an underated strength on the label.
  4. Just do a Google search for the specific bait. If it is listed on the web, you will find it. Google is your friend.
  5. The "Father of Sturcture Fishing", Buck Perry, didn't have sonar to find bottom contours. His lures did that for him.
  6. I agree also, If you like fishing more than battery charging, Optimas won't be your choice.
  7. Tail down for dropping presentations and tail up for horizontal presentations.
  8. If the boat is a bass boat, usually the left and right side of the bilge area is covered floatation and is more than 6" higher than the boat bottom (where the bilge pump is) and a flat surface unlike the exterior of the hull which is probably slanted in the same area. The gas tank is fastened to that floatation You can check that by measuring from the deck to the surface you want to mount the battery holders and then measure from the deck level to that distance on the outside of the transom to see if the bottom of the inside is the same as the bottom of the outside. You shouldn't put the batteries on the actual bilge/keel/bottom where the bilge pump and drain hole is. The weight of them will crack the thin fiberglass when passing over wakes and waves.
  9. I agree with Raul. My favorite version was when they came treated with FS-454. The later version had the small pack of FS-454 that had to be self applied. Black Grape is color I use/used the most
  10. Sandy River Res. and Briery Creek Lake have shore fishing opportunities with Briery having more shore areas available. If you want to catch a bunch and take some home to help with the fishery management, try Hunting Run Res. Not much shore opportunities but there are jon boats and electric motors for rent there.
  11. Central Virginia No difference in size or numbers
  12. The way I understand the term as used in the large lowland lakes is the drop off into the main river channel from an adjacent shallower area. Ledges on a highland lake are the steps in the submerged rock cliffs.
  13. It's the same presentation that can be used with a swimming frog (Horny Toad, etc) The lure shape is not as important as the presentation.
  14. For bass fishing, you only need to learn two knots--uni-knot and Palomar. The uni-knot can be used for all applications except the hook for a drop-shot rig, that is where the Palomar knot comes in.
  15. Radio Shack has the same spade fuses and covered sockets. I just installed another one yesterday.
  16. Check the Mitchell series of reels for possible interchangeable parts.
  17. Yes, both of those screen shots were at Hunting Run last year. I'm going there tomorrow and will save some screen shots if the thermocline has developed with enough intensity to see it. I saved a thermocline shot at Briery a couple of weeks ago but only at the level it was as I was developing a pattern.
  18. Here is another one with the sensitivity turned down some to get a more precise level of the thermocline. You can copy one of the pictures and use a photo software to change the color to gray scale to see what it would look like on your 320.
  19. endless, are you fishing waters that will develope a thermocline? The Fishmark 320 I used to have would show a thermocline with just the automatic sensitivity setting. I never had to adjust the sensitivity for it. Actually to get a positive identy of a thermocline you need to check the water temp at the level the units indicates there may be one. There is plankton in the water that will look like a thermocline on a LRC display this time of year. If you are on the water all day, that return will change depths unlike the actual thermocline which will be at a constant depth. I don't have a Lowrance screen shot of a thermocline, but this is a Humminbird color display of one last summer:
  20. There are three marinas on Rt. 208 after crossing the Rt. 208 bridge from Rt. 522. Two of them are beside each other at the bridge (Anna Point is one--can't remember the other) and the other (Sturgeon Creek Marina) is about a mile farther. If you want a little quieter access, stay on Rt. 522 past the 208 intersection (about 3 miles) to Christopher Run Campground
  21. It matters the most--never. It matters the least---always.
  22. Yes, I had some of the Carbotex line. I received it as a sample to test. It is stiffer than even any fluorocarbon line I have ever used. Yes it is smooth, but is like fishing with wire. It doesn't qualify as a filler for my reels. I trashed it.
  23. For baitscasting, I use 14#, 17#, and 20# XPS with the 20# being the most frequently used size.
  24. Knight Tube Worm Bagley Diving Killer B-1 Mann's Augertail Worm Bass Buster Scorpion Spinnerbait Heddon Tadpolly Rebel Wee R Rebel Humpack Bill Lewis Rat-L-Trap Zoom Finesse Worm Zoom 4" Curlytail Worm
  25. Put a little more effort into pushing the thumb bar release and see if that corrects it. It may not be disengaging completely like you are doing it now.
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