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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. slonezp, the "flexing" is what makes the riveted hull leak since it enlarges the rivet holes or wears down the rivets themslves. The "dealer" that inferred a welded hull is not as good as a riveted hull is an IDIOT. Yes both of those companies mfg riveted hull boats and welded hull boats. The riveted ones are the CHEAPER ones. That does not infer durability, only mfg cost in less material strength and assembly method.
  2. You may get on plane with the 5HP depending on the total weight, but no way with the 2.5. I would guess 3-4 mph with the 2.5 hp and 10 mph with the 5 hp. I used to run a Merc.2.2 on a 10' jon boat and it was just a little faster than one of former 4 hp rated Minn Kota electric motors "back in the day".
  3. There are no "bad" braids some are better than others. My #1 choice is Daiwa Samurai or Daiwa Saltiga-same make-up, different colors.
  4. Lake Fork, Texas. Several boat rental places in the area, mostly aluminum boats due to the timber. I highly recommend a guide for at least one day to learn navigation around the lake. Lake Fork Marina/ Motel/Campground is where I stay most times there.
  5. Lake Fork, Texas. Several boat rental places in the area, mostly aluminum boats due to the timber. I highly recommend a guide for at least one day to learn navigation around the lake. Lake Fork Marina/ Motel/Campground is where I stay most times there.
  6. Lake Fork, Texas. Several boat rental places in the area, mostly aluminum boats due to the timber. I highly recommend a guide for at least one day to learn navigation around the lake. Lake Fork Marina/ Motel/Campground is where I stay most times there.
  7. To learn about what, how, and why, visit the web sites that are dedicated to that technology. Every question that you may have probably has been discussed since that technology has been in use more than 5 years.
  8. I use only superline on the couple dozen spinning reels and several spincasting reels I have. I use the limpest lines on spinning and the stiffer lines on spincasting.
  9. A frog color Jitterbug around 1950.
  10. OH-, been-there-done-that. The latex gloves make your hands sweat (can't breathe) and that will make them feel COLDER if you are in near or freezing temps.
  11. November 21, was the last day it was open. The first Sat in March it will be reopened.
  12. It hasn't changed the amount of fish I catch, but it has reduced amount of water I put a lure into to catch that amount. Since I can see where they are, I spend more time fishing for those fish than just random casting, hoping to bring my presentation by one. Also since I see fish away from under the boat, I can fish for those than haven't been spooked by going over them with the boat.
  13. With two Power Poles or Talons, it makes the boat look like a giant grasshopper.
  14. With two Power Poles or Talons, it makes the boat look like a giant grasshopper.
  15. With two Power Poles or Talons, it makes the boat look like a giant grasshopper.
  16. Bassn Blvd, your statement "I would also like for what I'm seeing on the screen to be real time and not something I passed over 10 yards back." is contrary to what LCR sonar units are about. Sonar units are not video cameras and monitors. The only real time display you will ever see with a LCR unit is the first column of vertical pixels on the right side of the display. EVERYTHING to the left of that column of pixels is HISTORY. The age of that displayed history depends on how far you have traveled and what the screen scroll speed setting is. Some units have RTS as a side bar on the sonar view and some have a mock flasher view, but if you need to be familar with how to interpret those types of displays. The only other way to not have history on the display is to not move and not have anything in the water column moving.
  17. I know guys that treat their trailer bunks with silicone spray to lessen the boat-frozen-to-trailer occurrence when fishing in the winter. The amont of "chemicals" used for those applications is zero in comparison to what your outboard puts in the water.
  18. Me neither- I copied the URL from the website address: Try one of these, the second one is where I got the link from. http://www.thehulltruth.com/archive/t-317662.html http://www../bass-fishing-forum/index.php?topic=82007.0 Edited: I entered the second link again and tested it, BUT when I re-read my post, this site had shortened the link and it won't work without the complete URL. There are missing letters between the .. after www I'll send you the complete link via PM
  19. A guy in South Africa is testing the DS unit and posted this:
  20. BigEbass, obviously you have lot more to learn with that technology. YES, I can check directly in front of the boat and every compass degree with SI on the trolling motor. I do it all the time. I check 360 degrees all around the boat while I am fishing. All it takes is to turn the trolling motor at slow steady pace and watch the display. Simple, easy, and effective. It woks so well, that I will be putting a 1198c SI HD on my trolling motor when it gets shipped. The bigger screen will be easier to see while standing than the 798ci SI that I use now and switch between the console and bow. Have you heard of Doug Vahrenberg, pro angler on the Humminbird Pro Staff? You may want to check out his preference for SI location on his boat on some of the Side Imaging forums. Down Scan-only units are being marketed by Lowrance, so evidently they think it will replace 2D. I don't agree with that but it's here for the 2011 models.
  21. Never heard of them, but after looking at the advertizement and cost, my first thought was an ole saying "a fool and his money will soon part".
  22. I use a 20# fluoro leader. I tried the 25#> and the knot kept hanging in the tip guide (uni-uni). My purpose of the fluoro leader is to make the braid sink for weightless presentations-no other reason. I use 8# mono equivelent diameter superlines (30#-40#).
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