You didn't understand what I ment by "sight fishing". I watch the Side Imaging display and fish for the fish I see displayed. If they are 100' away from the boat in 30' of water, I see them and cast to where they are.
If I am in 5' or less of water that is dingy to muddy, and the fish are 50' from the boat, I see them displayed and cast to where they are.
That is why I used " "
With the Lowrance Down Scan unit, Raymarine Dragonfly, Humminbird Down Imaging units, or whatever Garmin calls their new similar model, you only see what is under the boat about in the same coverage area as the 2D sonar.
Only the Lowance Structure Scan and Humminbird Side Imaging has the type of "to the sides" coverage with the picture-like images.
I personally don't use Down Imaging for other than getting comparison images for sonar discussions like this.
The coverage is just too limited. For the inexperienced sonar user, Down Imaging/Down Scan/ DownView, etc. does help interpret what the 2D sonar is showing.