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The Bassman

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Everything posted by The Bassman

  1. Sure you can. The cap will be black if that doesn't matter.
  2. That was a big selling point for me. When I picked it up it fit like an old shoe. Take a lot of stress off your wrist. Skeletal seats feel like fishing with a dowel rod.
  3. My experience with mono is that any given diameter is going to be similar in tensile strength between brands. Japanese lines display actual tensile strength while US lines can actually be much higher than stated. Variations among brands is limited to abrasion resistance and memory. Shop diameter not stated strength.
  4. I have two Pro Guide spinning rods that feel at least as good as my Shimano Zodias. They've been durable workhorses and cost under $40.00.
  5. Just got home from working. Cold watermelon on the back porch, then a grilled tenderloin. Life is good! God bless America!
  6. Seems backwards to have the spool and cast control knob green.
  7. Point well made. Every used reel I've ever bought has been tightened to death. I barely use the tension knob, maybe just a touch in wind.
  8. All your questions are answered previously. The red Stradic cap doesn't fit.
  9. I thought I answered your questions. Yes, I ordered the knobs from Shimano. Part BNT 4240 works best for left hand reeling. Knob cap is only available in black from Shimano. It's in the same parts list as the knobs. Mine are silver from another handle. You can get aftermarket caps from Tackle Trap, Hedgehog Studio, and others.
  10. Original cap is completely different. Simplest thing to do is to call Tackle Trap (256-281-6160). Look at their site first and decide if you want red or gunmetal caps ( they're under Hedgehog Studio tab). They're listed as Daiwa but I'm pretty sure they fit. You'll have to order the knobs as a pair from them. (Just get another reel LOL). Or, just keep it simple and get the EVA knob from Shimano. I really think you'll like the feel of the septon knob, though.
  11. They're contoured left (BNT 4240) and right (BNT 4220). You also need a knob cap. They only come in black but Tackle Trap has colors. Japanese sites have all kinds of neat stuff (for a price). Also, don't forget there's a copper shim under the bearing in your stock knob. Move it over to the new one.
  12. I fish two CI4 Stradics and love everything about them except the EVA knob. I replaced mine with left hand septon PGII knobs. The difference is like night and day. Part is listed under Chronarch 201 E. Cost is only 3 bucks.
  13. I've always pinched barbs on trebles but didn't think to on singles. Used your tip this morning during some great wacky action. It kept me out of trouble several times and fish stayed buttoned just fine. Also, started fishing Mepps plain lately. Smallmouth hit them just fine. Come to think of it the dressed ones don't look any different in the water than when I pick up slop. Thanks so much for your input.
  14. My dad instilled in me my love for fishing, not the lure chucking bass chasing that I do now but live bait line watching for cats and carp. The best part was the stop on the way home for a hamburger seasoned with sweet black nightcrawler dirt from my fingers. (Dad wasn't too strict about sending me to wash my hands).
  15. One has to be a Seinfeld aficionado to appreciate my screen name. It concerns an episode where Kramer got a proctologist's novelty license plate by accident. Drop the B on Bassman.
  16. I've developed a habit of using my index finger to feather the line during the cast and close the bail in one smooth motion. A slight lift of the rod tip at the same time and no problems. I keep my spool as full as possible as it really helps with distance.
  17. Swimmin' Fluke Jr. is one of my handful of go to smallmouth baits. Have introduced a couple of friends to creek fishing with it. Just rig it on a 1/16 or 1/8 head and straight retrieve. They will come.
  18. Welcome from another central IN angler. Unless I'm missing something you're in a bit of a dead zone for such opportunities. Boone's pond has never produced well for me but I haven't been there for years. Southwestern quarter of the state is fertile ground for small craft. Here around Indy I try to make friends with my painting customers and fish their retention lakes. Fishing can be excellent. I also love to wade creeks. Kayaks seem to be gaining more favor over mini bass boats these days for small waters. I kind of like the idea of sitting up on a swivel seat myself if given the choice.
  19. I really miss the pre 1990's when it was so easy to find 6' and under rods. They work better for me, too as my fishing is done on foot around small waters and streams.
  20. You're turning through a shorter radius. That causes the circumference to be less distance. It doesn't change the retrieve ratio but allows one to achieve faster retrieve albeit at the expense of torque. *Accidentally quoted myself, but simply put, greater RPM is achieved with a shorter lever.
  21. Actually a shorter handle will create a faster retrieve by virtue of its faster rotation (more turns per minute). No connection with IPT. That doesn't change.
  22. That concept from the late 80's was meant to give the angler both an adjusted and locked down drag. It was actually quite cumbersome to use. Best bet is just to get your tension where you want it and don't try to incorporate both. The touchy adjustment is probably due to the drag washers being shot. Carbontex washers might be available from Smooothdrag (no typo).
  23. Check to make sure you didn't put the pinion yoke back upside down. The ramps should fit like a puzzle. Edit: The video showed it. I was too lazy to watch. My bad.
  24. A recent article in Fishing Facts showed the Trilene knot to be as strong as any in mono and adequate for braid. That's good news for me as I find it very easy to tie. Not sure I'd trust it on slick lines like Gliss and NanoFil but I don't use them any more. Safe bet with braid is to add a couple more turns. It seems to be slip free even with 8 strands.
  25. You know if you didn't hold 'em all so close they could all be 4 pounders.
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