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The Bassman

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Everything posted by The Bassman

  1. It's a wonderful country we live in where we can focus on such things, and by the way it matters to me. LOL
  2. Ald BFS wouldn't serve your needs as well. Also, first gen model was a bit touchier than '16 model. Low line capacity and 8:1 retrieve would be very limiting with moving baits. Casitas is a good workhorse reel. I owned two of them. It's certainly not high end but very practical.
  3. I'm kind of the outlier here in that I only use 5 up and down. Have had no slippage using light braids. It also makes a very compact knot.
  4. Curado 70 would be perfect for flipping and punching. Braid would be preferred because of line capacity. A lot of guys ned with b/c but I feel that spinning optimizes the technique.
  5. I'd just stay with the 71HG. 50's are going for way too much $$ and in truth they're no better. But that's another discussion.
  6. A revo tightens counterclockwise?
  7. E-Bay's real good about refunds. most sellers are more than glad to help you.
  8. It looks like you barely turned the drag star. Turn it several times. I think that's all that's wrong.
  9. Isn't Ned rigging just a 21st century name for what we knew as Charlie Brewer do nothing technique 30 years ago. Enlighten me, Team 9.
  10. Big snapping turtle while frogging. Thought I had my PB but couldn't understand why he didn't jump.
  11. My most convincing topwater strike recently was a big snapping turtle on a Lunkerhunt popping frog!
  12. Shimano seems to have discontinued D series parts. The closest handle is from a 300E. It may be a little longer ( a good thing?). Call 877-577-0600 Mon. Part # is BNT 3984. It's 32.00 plus 6.00. Cheaper than aftermarket and will look perfect. Just an afterthought; 300E handle is more silver than chrome and has gold highlights. Don't know how important that is to you. Hope this helps.
  13. I've got a 6'4" 2 piece Zodias that I got this spring. For whatever the reason I prefer my cheap Cabelas ML rod. The Zodias is great. Comes with a bag, too. I'll sell it for a good price. I'm in central IN. PM me if you're interested.
  14. What a beautiful job! I'm assuming the crappie is still alive, too.
  15. I'd stick with a good castable mono like Trilene XL or Stren if I wasn't using braid (which I would recommend).
  16. Not sure of the size but I just loosen the rotor nut so it comes forward to let me access the gear box. the AR clutch shouldn't need any attention if it's working properly. Two tips: The rotor nut is reverse threaded so go opposite and watch out for the white plastic bail trip on the bottom between the rotor and gear box. It falls out.
  17. Was just settling into a lively evening of frogging in a local retention pond. Caught three 2.5-3 lbrs. in just twenty minutes when I thought I hooked a season PB. After a lot of effort to keep his head from getting too deep in the slop I was greeted with about a 15 lb. snapping turtle! Really had no choice but to break him off and came back with a perfectly good Lunkerhunt popping frog minus the hook. Hope the turtle can shake it.
  18. You know you've got it mastered when feathering the line and closing the bail is one smooth motion with the index finger. Occasionally the bail isn't oriented just right for that but most of the time it is.
  19. Not metal ones. Sorry
  20. I cringe every time a big single hook from a buzzbait and such comes out through a nostril or worse, an eye socket. For all my love of the sport this is one aspect I dread. A little off topic but the pic brought it to mind.
  21. They're both great and yes everything is in Japanese. I get a kick out of the Japanese newspaper they pack with. Sometimes they send little extras like candy.
  22. I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread at first but quickly became disappointed with it. Have actually been quite impressed with the Kastking stuff I learned about on here. The Mega 8 is as good as some 8 carriers costing much more and it's quiet. Just wish it came in green. I have trouble seeing the black and the chartreuse is a concern because I don't tend to use leaders.
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