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The Bassman

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Everything posted by The Bassman

  1. I've caught lots of bass by casting onto skim ice then pulling the lure (usually a ned or finesse blade bait) off the edge. For me, upper thirties ambient is about as cold as I care to deal with, especially if there's any wind.
  2. Been giving it my best shot before the weather turns. I've been trying to crack 6 lb. after a banner season with several 6's and even a 7 last year. Really can't complain, though with many above 4 like this one today. Have had a blast the past couple of months with a 1/4 oz. Booyah One Knocker. I catch some of my biggest bass well into Dec. if the weather lets me. This year's gonna be different though with knee replacement surgery in two weeks. Highly unlikely I'll get any fishing in until after New Year so this will be the first time in several years that I won't be able to brag about twelve months of bass. Been a heckuva season this year as far as numbers and average size, though.
  3. Yes, as @Woody B mentioned, but adults can get chicken pox. Growing up in the 60's my generation pretty much all caught it. No big deal, just bumps and itching. Got to stay home from school. There's a vaccine for it now so would probably be good to be proactive.
  4. Don't confuse this with the Covid vaccine. I'm very glad I got mine a few years ago. Shingles comes from dormant chickenpox virus in your spinal cord. Age increases the risk. If it manifests itself on your face it can blind you.
  5. For the benefit of guys who might not recognize the brand they're US made and exceedingly light. I have the smaller 6'3" winn grip model and it's a feather and beast at the same time. Comparable to rods costing twice as much. Brand is well known at the tournament level.
  6. I've done it with my Tat LT and Fuegos. For me it takes a bit of tinkering with shims and even identical bushings. I'm kinda OCD about tolerances, though.
  7. We've alternated between wet and dry this tear. It's very dry now which actually benefits farmers with good harvest weather and lack of drying costs. We're supposed to start moistening up with the prospect of a La Nina winter. Yes, climate change is real but I see it as cyclical.
  8. You know it's too windy when your lipless crankbait starts skipping across the top of the water from your line bowing, and that's on a three acre pond.
  9. Welcome. Fellow Hoosier here.
  10. The 1/8th oz version has caught a lot of fish for me, even a channel cat.
  11. The early pattern I see in this thread is what I've learned about myself: The lure I have the most confidence in is the one I'm devoting the most effort on. I've had several favorites over time. They've all been great assuming they were used in the right circumstances. I have to be careful not to get "married" to any single lure or technique.
  12. Forgot that they were in fact related (croaker family). A spot on the tail might gain it more respect, though.
  13. Nothing like that thump or better yet when they chase it to the bank. I had one do that today but I yanked it away from him reflexively. Couldn't follow up because my line got tangled in the hooks as the bass stayed there for a couple of seconds looking for the bait. Reminded me of our cats.
  14. I use to eat a big bowl of oatmeal every morning. Couldn't understand why I was a gas factory. Switched to an egg casserole that my wife fixes for me once a week and voila, no more gas. Newer thinking is moving away from grains and more towards meat and eggs. Opposite of what we were always lead to believe. Just not supposed to side it with toast and hash browns so that's no fun.
  15. Booyah One Knocker has been my go to lately. I take spells with various baits. Right now burning a lipless on a breezy day is a blast. This one was probably just shy of 3 lb. Caught fourteen in about an hour and a half this afternoon. Our temps are up and down right now. We're supposed to get chilly again after frontal passage. Wish fall was year 'round. Still wanting a 6 or better before I'm rehabbing a new left knee end of next month. 5.8 has been my best this year.
  16. If the almanac is right they should be half tan and half black, pretty mild to start then look out after new year.
  17. You can tell winter's coming 'cause they're puttin' on the lipstick. The wife and I have to go to a niece's wedding this afternoon and I resigned myself to knowing that this would be the first day in several months that I didn't get out. Saw a brief hour and a half window, though and hit a close by pond. Managed five this size on my One Knocker after giving up on a jerkbait.
  18. Daiwa has a US model Fuego 2500 with a 5.3:1 that's under 100.00 and pretty easy to source. I've got one and it's pretty darn close to my Vanfords.
  19. I've come to prefer sub 6:1 reels. For me there is a noticeable difference in start up inertia and cranking effort. Also, I really don't notice any retrieve rate disadvantage as I'm fishing.
  20. Agreed. I do it just with trebles and yes I lose fish but gain peace of mind. Smaller fish do pose the biggest hazard but I find that at least half the time they come loose just by letting them touch the ground and flip around.
  21. It usually takes me a couple of tries before I'm sure the threads are lined up right. Any resistance when you hand tighten means trouble. Glad you didn't strip the driveshaft threads. I did that once while servicing my friends' left hand reel. To quote Homer Simpson, "Doh!"
  22. I own both and have wondered the same thing. The 150 isn't any heavier either. Both have the same features, too. They both cast great and have great ergos. Two more brake tabs on the 150 also. The 150 has a 6:1 option that the 70 doesn't unless you go with the JDM Scorpion which has the heavier non MGL spool.
  23. I tend to do so most of the time with the exception of cold months when vegetation is minimal. The Shimano Zodias and 13 Omens I fish are exceptionally light so other than giving up a little casting distance with the lightest of baits I don't feel handicapped.
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